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Guest papacita

Yoko Vs Austin...

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Guest papacita

Does anyone remember the Austin/Yokozuna Free For All match from SummerSlam 96 where Yoko's about to give Austin the Banzai but the top rope snaps? Does anyone know whether or not that was a planned spot, or did the ropes really snap on him?

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Guest Stunt Granny

I think that was Yokozuna's last match with the WWF. What a way to go out, eh?

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Guest bravesfan
I think that was Yokozuna's last match with the WWF. What a way to go out, eh?


Yokozuna did show up at the Survivor Series of that year, probably weighing in at a legit 600 pounds (assumed by most to be about 800+).





I'm 99% certain that the rope breaking was indeed intended to happen; Austin quickly rolled Yoko up as soon as he fell down (without as much as a "WTF?" expression or hesitant reaction, had the incident been accidental).

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Guest Si82
I think that was Yokozuna's last match with the WWF. What a way to go out, eh?


I'm 99% certain that the rope breaking was indeed intended to happen; Austin quickly rolled Yoko up as soon as he fell down (without as much as a "WTF?" expression or hesitant reaction, had the incident been accidental).

Yeah, I'd have to agree.


He just rolled him up pretty quickly after the rope broke, so it certainly looked like a planned spot.


That and they repeated the clip of it on WWF Superstars as well.

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Guest Aero

Speaking of Summerslam 96, how would everyone rate that as a show? I just bought a brand-new version off of Ebay.

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Guest Si82
Speaking of Summerslam 96, how would everyone rate that as a show? I just bought a brand-new version off of Ebay.

It ain't too great I'm afraid.


I did like the Undertaker/Mankind boiler-room brawl.


Sadly, my tape cut out before the main event between Michaels and Vader and I've never seen it. :(

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It was Vince's way of saying 'Yoko, you're too fat.' Basically it was supposed to embarass Yoko, probably to the point of him leaving, as Vince has tried unsuccessfuly with Mark Henry recently.


As for Summerslam, I like it. HBK and Vader's matchw as a bit of a let down with all the restarts. The Boiler Room Brawl is one of my favourite gimmick matches, cause it has the historic feel to it. Plus it was funny when they had the camera cut out a couple of times, and the fans boo the hell out of them till it comes back. The end of it is typical surreal Taker stuff. Other than that it's pretty much Ok.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

that was definfately suppost to happen. I don't think that there would have been any other way for an up and coming Austin to beat an established former World Champion in Yoko. Not that Yoko was the best worker ever but it would not be believable for him to lose any other way.

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