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Guest humongous2002

Will RVD finally get to feud with Kane?

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Guest humongous2002

I just don't get it anymore, practically everybody on RAW has an angle going on, Jericho has an angle with HBK, Austin has one with the Rock, HHH has one with Book and even those stale Dudleys have one with Morley and Storm, but RVD who is either the #1 babyface or #2 (depending on which state he is on)has been stuck in these senseless feud with Kane since the end of last year,first w/o any reason they become a team, then all of a sudden at the last minute they get a tag title shot but b/c of Kane being blinded by his mask they loose the tag title match.Supposedly they break up after the match but then the following night they are still back together w/o any explanation,and last Monday night they are still together even though RVD got pinned b/c Kane wasn't there for him. Where are the bookers are going with this and how come they don't give us any reason to care about this feud or there is only one guy booking RAW by himself?This half-ass writing is what's killing the ratings for RAW, i know this angle will lead to RVD feuding with Kane @ Mania but when is this going to take place a week b4 Mania? And who will play the heel Rob or the red retard?

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Guest Youth N Asia

RVD got too over for his own good. Now he opens RAWs and wrestles Heats...doesn't look like he has anything for Mania.

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Guest Anglesault

We WANT RVD to feud with Kane at Mania?


Eh, why the hell not. It did wonders for Kurt. Okay then. Well, Raven...Smoke and Ashes? Yeah, A Kane match at Mania sucks.


With the possible exceptions of TripleTaker, no one has come out fo the feud better, and no one has come out of the feud equal to where they were before.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

That match is gonna suck, regardless. RVD can't carry Kane like Angle did.

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Guest jester

Hey, did they give Big Poppa Chump a feud for Wrestlemania? Or has the Scott Steiner Experience been officially declared a failure?

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Guest Trivia247
We WANT RVD to feud with Kane at Mania?


Eh, why the hell not. It did wonders for Kurt. Okay then. Well, Raven...Smoke and Ashes? Yeah, A Kane match at Mania sucks.


With the possible exceptions of TripleTaker, no one has come out fo the feud better, and no one has come out of the feud equal to where they were before.

Now I think the Kane Big show and Raven WM Hardcore match was at least...um Entertaining.... not gonna appear on the best of the workrate vids the Smarks would put together, but hell Kane wouldn't be on it anyway. The match was entertaining some points funny.


RVD and Kane been dubbed the "Unlikey Tag team" At leasts that what JR says every five minutes at every Raw during their tag matches. I can certainly conjure up more unliking teaming than those two. RVD and Kane probably won't split before WM might even get RVD and Kane vs the Commonwealth for the Tag belts again at WM with some gimmick that prevents Regal and Storm to wiggle out. (If Regal is healthy enough that is) Point is we probably won't get that teased Break up and feud till after WM around Backlash time maybe.


Its hard to Feud with a Kane because Kane's character.


and who would be heel?

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Kane has to be the heel.

RVD as a heel does not work for the simple fact that the fans will always cheer him.


Plus, he's the smaller of the two and it makes more sense for him to be the underdog babyface against the big monster heel.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm starting to think that we won't see RVD at Mania.


It's obvious that the Dudleys are going to get the tag shot...and I don't see Kane or RVD turning on each other anymore...so fuck.

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Guest AndrewTS
I'm starting to think that we won't see RVD at Mania.


It's obvious that the Dudleys are going to get the tag shot...and I don't see Kane or RVD turning on each other anymore...so fuck.

It's possible they might have a four corners tag match of some sort. It seems they rarely have a straight tag match much anymore at Mania.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I guess...but they are already having a 3 way for the SD! tag titles on the show. Another one would be overkill.

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Guest AndrewTS
I guess...but they are already having a 3 way for the SD! tag titles on the show. Another one would be overkill.

Yeah, but that never stopped WWE before...and knowing them, they'll stupidly book one with a garbage stip (TLC, table, something like that).

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Guest Brian

They should just do a number one contender's match next RAW and finally just set-up RVD vs. Kane. It's almost like they're holding out on it purposely so as not to get RVD at Mania.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Raw's actually fairly loaded for Mania matches what with Austin/Rock, HHH/Book, Jericho/HBK, Womens title and whatever tag match they do, Seeing as I think they'll keep it to an even spread of matches for both shows I can't see them getting on unless they fit into the tag somewhere

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Guest Steviekick
Hey, did they give Big Poppa Chump a feud for Wrestlemania? Or has the Scott Steiner Experience been officially declared a failure?

I think that they have pretty much decided to move on from the Scott Steiner debacle. His major contribution this week on Raw was laughing at Steve Austin's joke and being interrupted when Austin had someone more important to talk to.


For now it seems like RVD, Kane, and Steiner pretty much have Wrestlemania off.


Too bad they don't have the World anymore.

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Guest Celtic Jobber

They'll probably book RVD VS Steven Richards on the WrestleMania HeAT match.

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Guest Steviekick

Even still, RVD belongs on Wrestlemania. He is one of the most over guys on the roster and should be on the card.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I still think they want to turn RVD heel...which is super dumb.


If that happens next week pencil that match in for Mania. I just hope they wouldn't turn one of their most popular performers heel and then immediatly job him to a hoss with little to no upside.


But that's pretty much exactly what they'd do.

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Guest Just call me Dan

My God RVD on Smackdown would be great. Jericho is getting direction, Booker is being taken care of, hell they are giving Hurricane considerable time. RVD just needs to make the jump.

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If Orton & Batista weren't hurt, I thought that we might have seen an RVD & Kane vs Orton & Batista match at Wrestlemania. But instead if we do get RVD vs Kane, why not make it a hell in the cell?

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Guest AndrewTS
Hey, did they give Big Poppa Chump a feud for Wrestlemania? Or has the Scott Steiner Experience been officially declared a failure?

Considering the extent of Steiner's Raw involvement for the past weeks have been:


Standing on the apron for a tag match.

Getting tossed in a Battle Royale.

Getting pinned by the #1 Contender

(...and this last Raw: )

Standing backstage and talking to Stone Cold in a pointless cameo.


I would conclude, yes.


We said Steiner wouldn't do much. We said he'd be a failure. We said he had injuries and during his late run in WCW.


Did they listen? NOOOO!!


An RVD-Kane fued probably is just attempt # 1189 to make Kane a bankable main eventer, and will fail like the 1188 before it. BUT, RVD will probably lose that fued, to try to devalue him further.

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Guest humongous2002
That match is gonna suck, regardless. RVD can't carry Kane like Angle did.

If it is a hardcore match Rvd wil be capable to carry Kane in a match.But i truly agree with some people about trading Rob to SD since it will be a win/win situation, Rob needs to keep the fuck away from HHH and SD needs a new babyface to replace Edge on the main event scene.

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How about


RVD, Kane, Hurricane, Steiner


Christian and 3MW

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