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Guest Slapnuts00

The One and Only NWA-TNA Thread

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Guest geniusMoment

Only a smark would complain about nude titties. Half the movies on In Demand with a tv 14 rating feature nudity, its not that big of a deal.

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Guest J*ingus

Christ, the ONE week I'm not there, Pops goes and struts her stuff. Figures. And I missed Damien too, goddammit.

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Guest nWoScorpion

TNA wont get in trouble for this. It was probably cleared because it wasnt like a 1 second shot. Also, has anyone realized its been rated TV 14, yet has TONs of foul language and sometimes disugsting sexual remarks? If WWF can get away the GUN ANGLE in 1996 (of all yearS), i think TNA will get away with a pair of breasts shown on a PPV. Repeat, a PPV.

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Guest Pegasus Kid

I don't think the tits on PPV is the problem. Meltzer hit on this in his report and I'm inclined to agree; don't market your product to children (who you can see in the front row for Pete's sake) and then turn around with nudity. It's STUPID! How many of those seats in the "standing room only Asylum" will be empty next week with the families that won't go back because parents don't want their children exposed to that kind of material? The company gained nothing and will lose a lot more in the long run. Stupid move...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...it is Tennessee. Those kids have probable been married off already.

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Guest Blue Bacchus
Crowd is going apeshit, didn't expect that at all

Man I was there live ringside man, That place EXPLODED! I'm still a little hoarse from chanting tonight.


Well...it is Tennessee. Those kids have probable been married off already.


You're quite right... no one parent left after the tits popped out... nice but faaaaake tits ::drools::


anyone know where i can download D-Lo's video promo cuz i laughed my ass off seeing that.


Under a Tyrannical Dictator... lol.

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Guest Blue Bacchus
Only a smark would complain about nude titties.  Half the movies on In Demand with a tv 14 rating feature nudity, its not that big of a deal.

I don't think nudity like that belongs in wrestling, but i'm not complaining either.

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How many of those seats in the "standing room only Asylum" will be empty next week with the families that won't go back because parents don't want their children exposed to that kind of material?


I'm sure those fans that they're turning away will fill in for those seats.

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First of all, if they are okay with the violence, blood, sexual comments, and strong language... I doubt a one time nudity spot will effect anyone from not coming back. Hell... in between every match they show crotch shots of the girls dancing...

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Guest ryankeast

Was Damien in the first match the Damien who used to wrestle in WCW???

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Guest eirejmcmahon




(image taken from NWATNA's photo gallery for last night's show)

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Guest Pegasus Kid
How many of those seats in the "standing room only Asylum" will be empty next week with the families that won't go back because parents don't want their children exposed to that kind of material?


I'm sure those fans that they're turning away will fill in for those seats.

I could be wrong but from what I understand TNA has what you would call a "strong walk up." Basically they sell like 75% of the building and then paper the rest because they can never tell if they're going to sell out with the advance. Then they end up having to turn people away. So in the end (and this is only one scenario) your advance is going to shrink under the situation with disgruntled parents I mentioned earlier, which results in more papering and the same walk up crowd being turned away. So they still lose money either way.

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Guest J*ingus

No, they never sell anything close to 75% of the building. They sell the ringside floor seats, but the vast majority of the rest are freebies. They just give out SO many freebies that there are people turned away every week.

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Guest eirejmcmahon
No, they never sell anything close to 75% of the building.

Yeah, note that Borash never uses the word "sell out" in his From The Inside column.

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