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Guest Steve J. Rogers

TV shows that end with deaths of major characters

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Since there is alot of speculation (not here, but more Buffyverse specific sites) about wheither or not Buffy Summers will survive the finale of her show.


Also I heard a rumor that Dawson's Creek will end

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with Joey and Pacey sprinkling Dawson's ashes into the creek (hence the name, Dawson's Creek) I don't know anything about when the scene happens (present day or how far in the future) but thats what I've heard


My opinion is that it can be a great way to tie up a series, especially if that character (or characters in some cases) was the heart and soul of the show. Kind of gives the show an ending, like life, it all comes to an end. Of course there are good "Life continues" finales as well which either breaks up the cast, or just leaves the air as life is going on as normal.


Starting to think of some good shows that ended with deaths of characters, lets see...



I always figured thats how the show would end, but not in the way it did. I could see that last scene, but more of Gabreille writing down the last of "The Xena Scrolls" while talking with the spirit of Xena


-Star Trek Deep Space Nine

I can buy Ben Sisko losing his life after one more saving of the Prophets and Bajor and moving on to a new plane of existance, just seemed a little odd when it happened. Its like the opening of the TNG episode "Tapestry" when Q tells Picard that he is dead, kind of a "What the hell?" reaction from Sisko pretty much summed up my thoughts when I saw it.


-Babylon 5

John Sheridan's fate had been foretold during the same season that the episode was filmed during. It'd seemed a bit rushed, the whole episode and leaves more questions than answers as the season finale for season 4 IMO actually makes a better series finale.


-Blake's 7, The Young Ones, Blackaddar 1, 2, (note in 3 only Hugh Laurie's Regient character is killed off in the finale) 4

Never seen Blake's or TYO but I have seen the Blackaddars, but I gather these are one of the few shows to kill of the entire cast of characters in their finales. Guess it says something about Brittish TV writers I don't know. Would it fly in America? Don't know if any American show ever killed off an entire cast (I'd suppose the Sopranos may test that therory) but I'd suppose that it'd be too upsetting for some portions of the viewing audiences, especially those who always hold out hope for a cheezy, smaltzy, and corny "reunion movie"


Hmmm, for some reason thats all I've seem to know offhand.



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Guest areacode212

I always figured thats how the show would end, but not in the way it did. I could see that last scene, but more of Gabreille writing down the last of "The Xena Scrolls" while talking with the spirit of Xena

By the time the last season rolled around, I had ceased to care about Xena (I really only watched the show for Callisto), but I heard that all the fans were up in arms about how that ended. It's pretty understandable, too. Should you really end a show on such a stark, utterly downbeat note? Maybe at the very end, they could have shown Xena & Gabby together again in modern times (like in those "reincarnation" episodes). Corny, yes, but much less harsh.


-Star Trek Deep Space Nine

I can buy Ben Sisko losing his life after one more saving of the Prophets and Bajor and moving on to a new plane of existance, just seemed a little odd when it happened. Its like the opening of the TNG episode "Tapestry" when Q tells Picard that he is dead, kind of a "What the hell?" reaction from Sisko pretty much summed up my thoughts when I saw it.


I loved this show, but I always thought "What You Leave Behind" was a weak ending for DS9. Ignoring the way the war was resolved, I think Sisko should have gone out in a greater blaze of glory. I mean, 7 long years of being the Emissary, and it all led up to...pushing Gul Dukat over a cliff? Color me underwhelmed. Also, they kind of wimped out at the end by leaving open the possibility of a return to Earth. They should've just come out and said that he's moved on to a new existence and there's no going back. It's not like there's ever going to be a DS9 movie.


I'm also mad that they made Worf an Enterprise officer again in Nemesis, but that's a rant for another day.

Edited by areacode212

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<Since there is alot of speculation (not here, but more Buffyverse specific sites) about wheither or not Buffy Summers will survive the finale of her show.>


Buffy will survive for two reasons:


1. Killing Buffy has become a cliche on the show


2. It's been heavily rumored that SMG has said that she'd be willing to reprise the Buffy role if the Buffy franchise did what the Star Trek franchises did and go straight to full-legnth feature format


<-Star Trek Deep Space Nine

I can buy Ben Sisko losing his life after one more saving of the Prophets and Bajor and moving on to a new plane of existance, just seemed a little odd when it happened. Its like the opening of the TNG episode "Tapestry" when Q tells Picard that he is dead, kind of a "What the hell?" reaction from Sisko pretty much summed up my thoughts when I saw it.>


Actually DS9 doesn't end with Sisko dying. While the original script for the finale does reveal that he did indeed die, the writers changed the ending at the last minute so that Sisko is instead teleported at the last minute to the alien dimension of the Wormhole Aliens/The Prophets and that when they finish teaching Ben stuff about their species and culture that they were going to return him to DS9 alive and well to be with his family.....


<-Babylon 5

John Sheridan's fate had been foretold during the same season that the episode was filmed during. It'd seemed a bit rushed, the whole episode and leaves more questions than answers as the season finale for season 4 IMO actually makes a better series finale.>


If you believe the rumors, Babylon 5 was originally supposed to have ended with the revelation that Jeffrey Sinclair was Valen via time travel. This was abandoned quickly and from Season 2 onward the main crux for the show's ending was going to be Sheridan's inevitable death.


It should also be noted that "Deconstruction of Falling Stars" (the season 4 finale) was written at a pivotal moment in the B5 franchise history: It was written and filmed right after they finished taping SiL and were told that their syndication company wasn't picking up the fifth season but right before TNT came in and picked up season 5. JMS wanted to keep SiL from being aired in syndication so long as there was a chance to get someone to back a fifth season of the show and DoFS was written as a replacement season finale that would also double as a series finale in case season five never happened.


Because of this, Sleeping in Light was for a time considered a "Lost Episode" do to JMS keeping it off of the airwaves until the proper time....

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Guest Retro Rob

I like a finale with closure because once the show is over, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Lame reason, eh?

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Guest J*ingus

Best finale of all time: Mike, Tom, and Crow get back to earth, and then promptly sit down on a couch and start watching movies. Now THAT'S funny (and horrifying in an existential sense).


Hasn't Buffy died on like three separate occassions already? It really cheapens a superhero, and all the surrounding characters, when huge events like that are routine affairs that are quickly easily gotten over (see Comics, Marvel).

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

She's died two times...and I never had a probelm with it.


The first time she drowned and was dead for a minute or so. Which was fine because the prophecies said she would...and I thought it was nice that they at least delivered on that.


The second time was built up for a year and was the perfect ending to season 5...and then her coping with her ressurection embodied all of season 6. It was a nice shake up IMO.


But no...she won't die again.

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Guest Flyboy
Also I heard a rumor that Dawson's Creek will end
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

with Joey and Pacey sprinkling Dawson's ashes into the creek (hence the name, Dawson's Creek) I don't know anything about when the scene happens (present day or how far in the future) but thats what I've heard

About Dawson's Creek...

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

How do they plan to kill Dawson off? Or is he already dead? :bonk:

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Guest red_file

Buffy also died in "The Wish," though that was an alternate universe, so it's debatable whether or not that counts. As said, it's a tad passe to kill her at this point.


I suppose I have nothing againt a t.v. show ending with a death of a major character, but my knee-jerk reaction is to consider it a copout. Usually it seems as though the writers have backed their creation into a corner and the only way to end it is to kill said creation off. Buffy will be interesting, as it seems the only way that her story could end would be with her dying. A way that avoids that would be more interesting and satisfying, I think.


I remember reading somewhere the the original end to the Dragonball Z series was supposed to have Goku and Frieza kill each other on that alien planet (Namek?). I thought it was an interesting idea. Goku evolves to a mythical state to destroy the most powerful evil in the universe and in doing so sacrifices his own life. It would've been a good end. And if it fits like that I can understand the death of a major character.


Perhaps I'm just fond of thinking of what happens to the characters after a finale.

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Guest Anorak

Blackadder 4 worked brilliantly because it confronted the dreaded inevitability of the characters fate with a real sense of pathos.


One example I really didn't think worked was Victor Meldrew's death in 'One Foot In The Grave'. It felt a really uneven and protracted scenario with his wife catching up with the woman who ran him over and it really didn't work on any level IMO. The show always thrived on the contrast between the mundane and the surreal but I think a more low key tone mixed in with a touch of that humor would have worked better.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Buffy also died in "The Wish," though that was an alternate universe, so it's debatable whether or not that counts. As said, it's a tad passe to kill her at this point.

No one counts that...nor they should. If you wanted to be technical then THAT was the first time she died, since it's the other world and all.

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Guest starvenger

Kinda sorta on topic, but David Banner died in the last Hulk telemovie - imaginatively titled "The Death of the Incredible Hulk"...

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Not to steer this into another Buffy thread, but I thought the end of Season 5 would have been a great way to end the show....I would have been perfectly fine if there was no Season 6 afterwards. The long "previously", the WB montage at the end...very fitting for a series finale.



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Guest nl5xsk1
-Blake's 7, The Young Ones, Blackaddar 1, 2, (note in 3 only Hugh Laurie's Regient character is killed off in the finale) 4

Never seen Blake's or TYO but I have seen the Blackaddars, but I gather these are one of the few shows to kill of the entire cast of characters in their finales.

SEE THE YOUNG ONES! It's literally one of the funniest shows ever made, in my opinion. Certainly worth checking out.


(nl5xsk1 climbs off his soapbox)

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Guest SP-1

I agree that Sisko's death was more in the range of, "What the hell?" than great drama. It just lacks impact. The resolution to the war had kind of a markout moment when the Cardies switched sides but . . . overall the finale just lacks some of the greatness that the series as a whole had culminated once the war kicked in.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I remember reading somewhere the the original end to the Dragonball Z series was supposed to have Goku and Frieza kill each other on that alien planet (Namek?).  I thought it was an interesting idea.  Goku evolves to a mythical state to destroy the most powerful evil in the universe and in doing so sacrifices his own life.  It would've been a good end.  And if it fits like that I can understand the death of a major character.

Yeah, that was the original ending for DBZ until the producers were told to make more seasons to get more money(an idea that worked obviously enough). Personally, I wish they could have wrapped up Goku's era of DBZ that way since we probably could have been spared the torture that was the Android/Cell Saga.



Cowboy Bebop ended with the death of a main character(and a damn good fight, too).



I read somewhere that Married With Children was supposed to end with all of the Bundys dying, which would have sucked ass.

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Guest red_file
Buffy also died in "The Wish," though that was an alternate universe, so it's debatable whether or not that counts.  As said, it's a tad passe to kill her at this point.

No one counts that...nor they should. If you wanted to be technical then THAT was the first time she died, since it's the other world and all.

I think it counts insofar as it's another example of "blowing up the Enterprise." The writers get the drama the surrounds the death of their protagonist (as they did in "Prophecy Girl" and "The Gift") without having to really deal with the messy baggage of said death (likewise). It blunts the effectiveness if the writers wanted to use her death for real.



Cowboy Bebop ended with the death of a main character(and a damn good fight, too).


I had forgotten about that. Probably the only way the show could've ended, actually. Very nice.

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