Guest teke184 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Anyone else remember the last time Trips got a ton of heat? Answer- It was the night before Summerslam when he and The Rock had a match that ended in a schmoz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Super Pissed Smark Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Yeah, it looks like Rock specifically waited until the last moment to make his feelings known. Looking for a confrontation, perhaps? Either that or the WWE took a week to get back to him on who was winning at WM, or they figured they could talk him into it anyway, or maybe Rock just assumed Booker was going over, y'know, since the Klan generally doesn't come out on top in TV shows these days. Any way you slice it, someone finally called Triple-H out. How can Vince keep ignoring this now? I know, I know, he can and he will. And it occurs to me, doesn't this make Austin look rather weak backstage? He didn't show up for the RAW where he was supposed to job to Lesnar and have the match changed, he just took off. Another gauntlet thrown down in the race to out-WCW WCW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted March 13, 2003 You know what blows though is that Jericho is going to get so screwed because of this, I can see it now. Once Rock leaves, Jericho's friend in a high place is gone and HHH will be looking for some fodder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest teke184 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Jericho's already in a place important to Trips right now... putting over all of the RAW title challengers each month so that people think they have a shot at beating Trips. Just call the man Johny Rodz already because he's a JTTS until further notice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Super Pissed Smark Report post Posted March 13, 2003 What can Triple-H really do to Jericho that he hasn't already done? Pin him a few hundred more times? Make him job to Cena? Make him clean up dog shit? This is a time for celebration, don't bring me down worrying about Jericho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Jericho could still job to the new, muscle bound Steph. They already set the precedent with DDP and Sara. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Beingz0wningj00 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I don't even care anymore. I just change the channel when HHH is on. It's good that the Rock stood up though. That's probably why Austin left, he may have refused to job to Lesnar when the man was unproven. but let's face it, Lesnar like everyone else would have become Hunter's whipping boy. In fact the only ones who haven't are Undertaker, Austin and the Rock... In no coincidence, all who have been stars in the WWF longer and made more cash then he ever will. I'm happy, HHH's time is coming to an end. Noone gives a damn about Maven anyway. He can go squash the lower card all he wants. It's irrelevant. Vince will realize it sooner or later. He's not that big of a dumbass... he just avoids the inevitable. And can anyone here honestly say they are not proud that someone FINALLY stuck up to HHH, even if it may hurt Booker up till WM. It's not like he hasn't been screwed before. This is probably the only way to help him, because maybe they will realize that Hunter is a selfish son of a bitch. Then after the PPV he can go do something enjoyable, or maybe they will do something interesting and transfer him to SD. Lord knows we don't need any top stars on Raw anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smell the ratings!!! Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I'm starting to go with the HHH switching shows theory. Austin: Hates him Rock: Hates him, apparently Goldberg: Hates him RVD: Already buried Kane: Already buried Booker: About to be buried Steiner: Already buried (in record time) Jericho: So who does that leave? Nash: uhhhhh... Bubba: Already buried Christian: Already buried (though not by HHH...hmmmm) Hurricane: .......uh oh. As for Rock, fine. He knows the only reason he's been brought back is to be a job machine, and what's the point if HHH immediatly buries them? Sucks for Booker, but being in this feud is what sucks for Booker. I mean he's black for christ sake, he never had a chance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Johnson1620 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Sucks for Booker, but being in this feud is what sucks for Booker. I mean he's black for christ sake, he never had a chance. See, I told you racism could be funny! He's right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Why are you saying this isn't Rock's business? The moment they made this match and made the stipulation a chance to face HHH at WM it became his business! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I wonder how The Rock feels about the whole racism angle. After all, his father is black. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted March 13, 2003 You guys saying that this is none of Rock's business are referring to a storyline. So since this is backstage stuff and has nothing to do with feuds it's kinda silly to say "it's none of Rock's business". Remember Rock is still a wrestler, he just happens to be part time now. So I'd think that any thing backstage involving him or his name is his business. Sure Rock's not totally in the right here, but sometimes a wrong is needed to correct a larger wrong. If this is what we need in order to open Vince's eyes to HHH, then I'll take it even if Booker T has to be sacrificed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest snuffbox Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Im in total agreement with Rock here. If Im in his shoes I wouldnt help Hunter out either. HHH cant do a damn good thing for the business. Why do anything that might benefit him? Rocks over, and cant be buried by Hunter so hes in a position to stick it to him just a bit. I for one am all for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hogan Made Wrestling Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Anyone who says that this storyline is none of the Rock's business isn't thinking clearly. By putting that "if Rock wins he gets to pick his match" stip on, it suddenly became a big element in the Rock-Austin storyline. They shouldn't have booked this match at all. If Booker T wins, any "rub" that he might get will be wiped out by HHH anyway (Rock is totally correct here), plus now how do they set up the Rock-Austin match? Austin feels sorry for the Rock and so he gives him a shot anyway? The "have a match for stips then lose" plot device is something you do with faces to keep them away from the heel champ as long as possible, not to handicap a heel from challenging a face. If Rock wins, then he's obviously going to pick to fight Austin, which makes HHH, Booker T, and the title look 2nd rate (I doubt HHH would let this result happen, quite frankly). What I feared the most was that somehow we would get Rock vs. HHH for the title at Wrestlemania, which is great under normal circumstances (one heel, one face, both guys at top level) but here would just be HHH stroking his ego by getting the top opponent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I love the Rock Imagine how this scene went backstage ***Scene One*** Patterson: Rocky, you're putting Booker over tonight. Rock: Is Book going over at Mania? Patterson: 'Giggles' Of Course Not! Rock: SCREW THAT! ***Scene Two*** Patterson: Rocky, you're putting Booker over tonight. Rock: Is Book going over at Mania? Patterson: Yes he is Rock: That's sounds great! I'll put Book over. Patterson: Yes, but then the next night on Raw, Triple H is gonna cost Booker the match and the Title against Nash. Rock: FUCK THAT!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted March 13, 2003 As soon as the ref gets bumped at mania, I'm calling it a night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Si82 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 The whole match setup sucked to begin with. I mean what was the point in saying that Rock could choose between facing Austin at Wrestlemania or facing Triple H? The stipulation itself made Booker T look like nothing. It made him look like his win in the battle royal, in which Rock put him over, look like nothing 'cause if Rock wins he can have the shot anyway. It was just another way of Triple H to look great. Well FUCK THAT! I like Booker T, I really do, but he is most likely jobbing to Triple H, probably cleanly too, at Wrestlemania. I've giving up any kind of hope that anyone but Triple H will be made to look like a star. Good for Rock for standing up to Triple H considering the fact that Rock has put him over abouit a million times already. Booker is not going to be made a star and nobody else will so it doesn't matter if Booker wins or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I agree with Rock 100%, even though he is off to make movies and is in the WWE to elevate others, he is not there to please HHH's ego, let's go back a year ago, Jericho was having a heatless title reign even though he beat Austin and Rock on the same night and on 2 separate ppvs, the NWO coming to WWE overshadowed his reign and Vince gave him a heartless push, then all of a sudden he gets the bitch treatment by getting his ass kicked by Crips, who benefitted from this title reign?It wasn't Jericho who was the champion ,or Austin or Rock, Crips come out looking like a million bucks, better than anybody else in the WWF/E.Crips is a broken down man and he will retire soon, but i don't know which is worst HHH the wrestler or HHH the booker? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 13, 2003 No one came out of that reign looking good. Not Steph, not Trips, and definately not Jericho. He may have looked strong, but it did some damage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Good for Rock. The finish to Jericho/HHH is fucking horrible too. Seriously. The match was decent at best, but the finish didn't really have any build. I never finish watching that match really satisfied. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Rock is not a booker or a writer so he shouldn't be allowed to change matches. I still don't see why he couldn't have thought of this last week Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jester Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I still don't see why he couldn't have thought of this last week It should have been axed before it got announced, yes. But I still agree with Rock's reasoning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted March 14, 2003 Well if Vince allows them to veto it then it's not there fault. Vince should've said "No Rock you are not a writer or booker therefore you may not veto this." However he just bent over and took it, like he does for every wrestler who makes him money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoSelfWorth Report post Posted March 14, 2003 We've heard that the locker room rumors of Rock putting the kibosh on his match against Booker due to wanting to spike Hunter aren't true. We've heard that the intent from the beginning was to advertise Rock vs. Booker all week and then switch it to Rock vs. Hurricane the night of the show. Vince wanted a "big match" to draw people in, but always planned to change it. In fact, Hurricane himself knew he was wrestling Rock for days before Raw on Monday.. Credit - Wade Keller. That's right. It was a good old bait and switch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 14, 2003 We've heard that the locker room rumors of Rock putting the kibosh on his match against Booker due to wanting to spike Hunter aren't true. We've heard that the intent from the beginning was to advertise Rock vs. Booker all week and then switch it to Rock vs. Hurricane the night of the show. Vince wanted a "big match" to draw people in, but always planned to change it. In fact, Hurricane himself knew he was wrestling Rock for days before Raw on Monday.. Credit - Wade Keller. That's right. It was a good old bait and switch. I called it. And why again do we all take the dirtsheets as if they were the gospel? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jester Report post Posted March 14, 2003 We've heard that the locker room rumors of Rock putting the kibosh on his match against Booker due to wanting to spike Hunter aren't true. We've heard that the intent from the beginning was to advertise Rock vs. Booker all week and then switch it to Rock vs. Hurricane the night of the show. Vince wanted a "big match" to draw people in, but always planned to change it. In fact, Hurricane himself knew he was wrestling Rock for days before Raw on Monday.. Credit - Wade Keller. That's right. It was a good old bait and switch. Ok, why does Vince think that promising one thing and delivering another excites the fans? I'm going to stroll on into his office and tell him that I have a surefire of making him 100 million dollars. Then the following day I'm going to hand him $1.97. Then I'll inform him that he should find that clever and amusing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest IB2BLACK Report post Posted March 14, 2003 Because HHH was involved. Therefore everyone will be pissed. A story doesn't even have to be true, if HHH is involved. It's true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smell the ratings!!! Report post Posted March 14, 2003 not to be a shit-stirrer, but isn't Keller a dirt sheet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted March 14, 2003 Ok, i don't know who to believe anymore, the only thing i know that i get frustrated when i watch RAW nowadays and i feel that i'm hopelessly waiting for some big changes and new talent being truly elevated, Vince doing the bait and switch on RAW then on SD again is a big insult to all the fans, if by June there are no improvements on RAW or SD then i'm quiting watching this poor excuse of a "male soap opera". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted March 14, 2003 Bait-and-switch has always been the anthem of the lazy, untalented booking team since the dawn of time. I'm not surprised in the slightest if that was the case with Booker/Rock. The fact that they did it again with Lesnar/Angle only makes the evidence that much more supported. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites