Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I agree with that. The match should never have been made if Rock knew the plan for Booker-HHH and knew he would not job. The match shouldnt have been booked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest candie45 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I pretty much agree with the reasoning Rock gave. It would make HHH look like God, he's totally right. I do think that he's doing it for the good of the company, but I'm sure he also has at least a little intention for himself in there too. It's not like he completely brushed Booker off... he did in a way "job" to him in the Battle Royal when he threw him over the top rope without interference. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Seriously, this is what I don't get. The Rock WORKS for Vince McMahon, just like everyone else. He barely shows up to work anyway and SHOULD NOT get special treatment. He gets paid the big bucks and should do as he's told. Simple as that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 You know what...when HHH shows up every day and does whatever he feels like he changed the rules for everyone who can get away with it. If Rock doesn't want to job to someone so be it. At least he has a reason better than "I'm not feeling it". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 13, 2003 You know what...when HHH shows up every day and does whatever he feels like he changed the rules for everyone who can get away with it. If Rock doesn't want to job to someone so be it. At least he has a reason better than "I'm not feeling it". HHH is not like everyone else. He is fucking the boss's daughter, so of course he has more power. The Rock wrestles TWO MONTHS OUT OF THE YEAR. At least HHH is willing to work the whole year and even do house shows. Simply put, the Rock will not be there past April, thus shouldn't really care about his heat. It's not like he'll be wrestling again until January of 2004. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 13, 2003 The Rock can actually say that he makes the company money, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 13, 2003 It's not about heat. It's about Rock not willing to play fodder for Triple H. It's politics nonetheless but it's fighting the same sHHHit we've had to put up with for a while. But he should have done the job once he was booked for the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I don't blame him. Rocky, like many others, is sick of Hunter's shit and doesn't want to do anything that will in some way put Hunter over. Good for Rock, fuck Hunter. He did the right thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 13, 2003 But he should have done the job once he was booked for the match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I don't blame him. Rocky, like many others, is sick of Hunter's shit and doesn't want to do anything that will in some way put Hunter over. Good for Rock, fuck Hunter. He did the right thing. I don't know where you learned logic, but as far as I know two wrongs DO NOT make a right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 13, 2003 But at the same time he's playing the same game as Hunter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 For the last time...THERE IS NO RIGHT. The end result is HHH looks good. If the only thing the Rock can do to make the people in charge understand that this has to change is to refsuse working a TV match with Booker T...I say HELL YES REFUSE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crux Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Well, I get Rock's reasoning...I sure as hell wouldnt want to elevate H's already bloated career. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted March 13, 2003 "I don't know where you learned logic, but as far as I know two wrongs DO NOT make a right. " Well, think about it. He's supposed to job to Booker, which he knows will lead to Booker with credibility jobbing to Hunter, which will further Hunter. So ultimately, the outcome of a Booker/Rock mini-feud will eventually be more "credibility" for Hunter. Would you do the J.O.B.? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I think wanting Booker T to go over Rock shows they have their heart behind his push. I think Rocky should've done the job- why should he care about politics? If the plan is for Rock to finally go over Austin at Wrestlemania, then the job to Booker should not have been a problem. It would have given Booker a good push into Wrestlemania making him look like a real contender, while Rock got any heat back that he loses against Booker when he beats Austin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Considering wrestling is fake, I only have to work two months out of the year and I'm feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin- not HHH- then yes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I think everything would have been righted by the Rock winning, but the match shouldn't have been booked in the first place if they knew this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 The problem I have here is that some people are undre the delusion that this hurts Booker T. It doesn't. What hurts Booker T is running an angle that clearly states black people aren't good enough to win... and he'll probably LOSE the match. Beating Rock or not wrestling him doesn't do a DAMN thing to change ANY of that. It only makes HHH look better in the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Super Pissed Smark Report post Posted March 13, 2003 This is the greatest news in weeks! Judging by how upset Triple-H's fans here are, I can just imagine how Trips himself must feel about this! Oh, the humanity! Now, if Rock's not going to put over guys to set up Trip's glorious victories, who's left that's got any credibility left. Austin? I doubt he came back just to be the set up guy for HHH. Taker? Brock? I don't think Vince would have that. Nash? Oh, my leg! Angle's out for a year, and anybody else has had their credibility destroyed. Of all HHH's options, perhaps staying at home and playing the loving wife is the best one available. :cheers: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Quik Report post Posted March 13, 2003 By the way, I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for a skit where Hunter "accidently" ends up with a hood on his head. But anyway, Rock's logic makes perfect sense. His elevating Booker is really elevating Hunter. If Book does the job after being punked out by Hunter, then whatever crediility he gained from Rock's job is gone, and he's just another inch to the prosthetic dick that is Hunter's career. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Has anyone here acted like a "fan" of his? All were saying is that politicking isn't right, in any situation, and that Rock shouldn't have pulled out at the last minute. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 13, 2003 That's what I said Brian. He should've voiced this opinion before they made the match in the first place Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Well...what if he was told or asked if Booker was winning at Mania when he got to the arena that day? They said "No" and he said "Fuck that". I could see that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Judging by how upset Triple-H's fans here are, I swear, if that was meant towards me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Super Pissed Smark Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Strangely, I don't have any problem with this particular bit of politicking. In fact, it's beautiful. And I think we've answered the question as to what the whole point of HHH destroying Maven and Al Snow like that. Someone had a hissy fit. Did I mention I'm loving this? I bet Jericho is hiding a smile behind the jobbing goatee right now. After Rock's gone I bet we get a one-man midcard annihilation party as revenge! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 13, 2003 The idea was that if Booker beat the Rock on RAW, then Triple H beat Booker at WrestleMania, GOD DAMNIT! Yeah, what a shock, eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I doubt he'd be told day ahead and not have figured it out the moment he was told that he was going to be working against Booker the next week. It was obvious then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest teke184 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 You guys are forgetting one thing.... Rock spent this past Summer turning Brock Lesnar into The Next Big Thing and put him over CLEAN at Summerslam. Remember what happened the next night? He got his ass whipped by Trips AND Undertaker, became the first "Smackdown Champion", and Trips took credit for chasing him off of RAW. Rock has been burned enough times now by Trips over guys he's attempted to elevate that he's unwilling to do it anymore. Considering that Rock IS the WWE's biggest moneymaker (The 4-6 months a year he spends on TV and PPV draw better than the rest AND the WWE gets a percentage of his movie salary and the gross), I think this is a proper way for him to lay down the law with Vince. I mean, what's Vince going to do, FIRE HIM? As much as I hate seeing Booker screwed over, it's frankly better for the fans not to get their hopes up going into the match. Getting burned when you think the guy is actually going to win kills off someone after it happens enough. Look at RVD for God's sakes. That last little mini-feud with HBK killed him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 13, 2003 You think Rock was told about the Race angle HHH and Booker were doing when he agreed to the match? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Unlike HHH, Rocky DOES have some value left in his name. He gets actual heat, without having to hump corpses or throw racist jokes. It's not that improbable that Booker would beat Rocky, then lose to HHH..all so Tripsey gets some heat again. *shrugs* However, I feel that if Book's elevation was legitimate, Rock would have put him over. ..but watching TV the last year, I have a feeling Booker's not going anywhere but down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites