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Guest TheGame2705

I just got my first dose of TNA

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Guest TheGame2705
I think if you DON'T like the product at all than this board is not for you.  If you are complaining about ONE week I understand, but coming here to tell people it sucks period is just lame.



I'm sorry but haven't I seen you in the WWE folder saying it sucks? Take your advice and stay out then.

yes, when i am really upset with the NWA product i do complain, but usually in the WWE folder in response to a troll in THAT folder. You happen to be trolling here however....



Disagreeing Opinion=Trolling?

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Guest Space_Cowboy

At least his first dose of TNA wasn't Cheex vs Frank Parker, that match would give anyone a good reason to dislike NWA:TNA.

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I'd like to know where exactly I said OMG DIE TNA~!

Nowhere...but lest we forget such 'classic' anti NWA:TNA quotes as 'I'd rather pay $10 to get kicked in the balls.'


RIGHT THERE! Ya, that's where you said you hated TNA on one match. So TNA isn't for you...that's cool. That's the trouble though, some people won't give it a chance. Some people see the low budget, the small arena(which they go to for a reason), the old ECW wrestlers and immediatly hate it. Why? Personal taste. Not everyone liked ECW, cause it was small budget, small arena and had the spotfests quite often.


I for one though would rather have TNA get a T.V deal, go head to head with the WWE and hopefully get Vince to writing a GOOD product again. Vince needs a little competition from somewhere, TNA is the best bet.


But if ya don't like it, why not just stay outta the folder?

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Guest TheGame2705

I was coming in to present my opinion. Maybe I'll check it out again and might like it. I however DID like ECW.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1
At least his first dose of TNA wasn't Cheex vs Frank Parker, that match would give anyone a good reason to dislike NWA:TNA.

That is what I got for my first dose of TNA, but I decided to give it another go this week and I was really impressed. This week in Aus they showed us the first ever X-division match between Stlyles, Lynn, Low-ki and Pychosis and it absolutly blew away anything I've seen on Raw in the last year. So it looks like I'm a TNA fan now, as we no longer get Smackdown down under and this is the only quality wrestling I can get. Unless of course Cheex makes another appearance that is.

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Guest nikowwf

If i misinterpeted what you said im sorry, but to me topics about TNA REALLY SUCKS in the tna folder seem a bit counterproductive....



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That is what I got for my first dose of TNA, but I decided to give it another go this week and I was really impressed. This week in Aus they showed us the first ever X-division match between Stlyles, Lynn, Low-ki and Pychosis and it absolutly blew away anything I've seen on Raw in the last year. So it looks like I'm a TNA fan now, as we no longer get Smackdown down under and this is the only quality wrestling I can get. Unless of course Cheex makes another appearance that is.


So they show TNA each week (but just the old shows) in Australia and just one live show once a month? Or how does it work?

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Guest Space_Cowboy
So they show TNA each week (but just the old shows) in Australia and just one live show once a month? Or how does it work?

Right now we get one show every month (this week's is the next one we can order), and they've just started showing the old TNA shows here as well, showing 1 hour a week, so we get half a show each week is how i think it is at the moment.

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Guest nWoScorpion

I'm pretty sure Duggan won cause he wa s aone shot deal and the crowd loves him. Having him lose in a one time deal is kinda stupid.

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