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Guest utahprowrestler

Freddy VS Jason

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Guest utahprowrestler

I mean c'mon guys....how excited....deep inside are you to see this movie. I sure am, as to the hoping that Freddy kicks Jason's arse! Unless its Uber-Jason (aka. The new Jason from Jason X). In that case, then Freddy would have a good fight. Post some feedback.


UPW - Utah Pro Wrestler

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Guest El Satanico

After years or rumors that went nowhere I try to contain my excitement. Also i don't want to be overly excited about it because being overly hyped about a movie usually means you won't enjoy it as much.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Has the release date been set?


I know I'm excited. I love horror films. Good, bad and otherwise.


This is like the 80's version of Frankenstein vs. Dracula!

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Guest Youth N Asia

Right now they're talking August 15th for a release date.


They were going to show the trailer with Final Destination 2, but then pushed the movie back and are now showing it with Willard. Meaning not near as many people will see it.


I'll enjoy the movie as long as the Destiny's Child girl dies...I am tired of hip hop and R&B musicians being the heroes in horror movies, it's too predictable.


I still say they should've used Kane Hodder for Jason, since Jason's only advantage is that he's so much bigger then Freddy. Screw job finish though, cause I doubt either franchise will agree to lose.

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Guest wwF1587

im excitted as well but i just have the feeling it wont meet expectations and will be disappointing... oh well i wont set my hopes too high to avoid disappointments...... wait a sec... I will be on vacation in August... FUDGE!... i will find my way to the nearest movie theater somehow though...

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Guest SP-1

I'm SO there. In a way, even if it's awful I'll still love it because I regard Freddy and Jason as creatures of the popcorn movie anyway. If I can sit and make fun of it and laugh and just be nostalgic than I'll be more than satisfied with it.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

all i can say is someone here has a serious hate-on for black entertainers...be it comedians, r&b singers or rappers, they just can do no right by him...you should get that checked out

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"all i can say is someone here has a serious hate-on for black entertainers...be it comedians, r&b singers or rappers, they just can do no right by him...you should get that checked out"


No, just the ones that live in horror movies. I see nothing wrong with that...

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Guest Lethargic

See the interview with Ronny Yu in Rue Morgue? The things in this interview pretty confirm the suckiness of this thing. Here's a few quotes:


"I think of the film more about Freddy than Jason."


"We also have a great TRIPLE ENDING in the film."


"I think of this as the first film in a series, not the 20th. We're kind of forgetting everything that's happened before and starting from scratch while at the same time showing flash backs... like a refresher. Everyone knows who Freddy and Jason are so we wanna make a film for the masses, not the hardcore fans who might remember some detail from a sequel 10 years ago."


So what that tells me is that this is just a Freddy movie with Jason thrown in and I couldn't give a shit about seeing another Freddy movie, that the movie isn't being made for me...it's being made for Destiny Child's fans and that there will be no ending. It'll be left open for sequels. So what's the point? Maybe Vince McMahon will come out and ring the bell during the big fight, that'd be good.

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Guest JMA

Jason never really had a very good backstory. It was full of retcons and revisions. In Friday the 13th part 2 it was revealed that Jason never died. That he had survived by eating plants and animals. The reason he became a killer was because he saw his mother decapitated. Many sequels came out with Jason getting stabbed to death and coming back again. This got to be so common that he was turned into some kind of zombie.


Nightmare on Elm Street was good if you ignore the whole cop-out ending.

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Guest NoCalMike

I am quite the horror-buff, so I will be seeing this film mostly for nostalgia reasons, although it is starring a girl from Destiny's Child, it may make it a harder decision.(nah, I'll still see it). Ihope they do this film right though, and keep it DARK. I don't want it to feel like a SCREAM or a IKWYDLS film, just with Freddy/Jason instead of the Scream guy.

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Guest Lethargic
Jason never really had a very good backstory. It was full of retcons and revisions. In Friday the 13th part 2 it was revealed that Jason never died. That he had survived by eating plants and animals. The reason he became a killer was because he saw his mother decapitated. Many sequels came out with Jason getting stabbed to death and coming back again. This got to be so common that he was turned into some kind of zombie.

I've seen the Friday movies a million times. I don't remember anything in part 2 that explained that at all. I know that's the speculation and the truth and yes he's still alive up until he gets zombiefied in part 6, but I don't remember that ever actually being revealed and explained in the movie. It was just something you had to figure out for yourself in between the lines. Something that most people don't even understand still to this day. Most people think he came back from the dead right then and think that Part 6...well, he came back AGAIN. I think Jason has the best backstory out of any of the big 3 or 4 current horror guys. I don't see any revisions. Up until Jason Goes to Hell, those movies had some of the best continuity of any horror series. I mean look at Halloween. TWO of the movies had continuity. 2 out of 8. Friday the 13th had one movie that didn't follow continuity and the established universe.

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Lethargic, I've got to disagree with you. Halloween 4 kept the same basic storyline from parts 1 & 2, although Jamie Lee's character was written out. 5 was a cop out, 6 just sucks, H20 completely disregards 4-6.



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Guest Lethargic
Lethargic, I've got to disagree with you. Halloween 4 kept the same basic storyline from parts 1 & 2, although Jamie Lee's character was written out. 5 was a cop out, 6 just sucks, H20 completely disregards 4-6.



That's not much of a disagreement when you admit they compeletely disregard 4-6. haha

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Well, you say that only the first 2 carry continuity, when it in fact is the first 4 (not including part 3) Part 6 just takes everything in a whole new direction and H20, well, you know...Laurie Strode forgot she had a daughter.



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Guest JMA
I've seen the Friday movies a million times. I don't remember anything in part 2 that explained that at all. I know that's the speculation and the truth and yes he's still alive up until he gets zombiefied in part 6, but I don't remember that ever actually being revealed and explained in the movie. It was just something you had to figure out for yourself in between the lines. Something that most people don't even understand still to this day.

They do explain it in part two. I think it is when the counselers are sitting around a camp fire. One of them tells the story and mentions that Jason is still alive; that he survived by eating vegetation and animals.

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Guest JMA
Well, you say that only the first 2 carry continuity, when it in fact is the first 4 (not including part 3) Part 6 just takes everything in a whole new direction and H20, well, you know...Laurie Strode forgot she had a daughter.



Yeah. That was really messed up. H20 and Resurrection only accept 1 and 2 as canon.

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Guest Youth N Asia
all i can say is someone here has a serious hate-on for black entertainers...be it comedians, r&b singers or rappers, they just can do no right by him...you should get that checked out

I just think it's too predictable. The last two Halloween movies which completely shit on the original in the first place both had rappers just to draw in younger people (to an R rated movie none the less)...and right fromt he start of the movie you know that the person will not die...


My main problem with horror movies is that none of the good guys give you any kind of reason that you should care for them. I wanted everyone dead in the last two Halloweens, I think it hurts the movie when you can call even before it starts who's going to live. Also bugged me about Jamie Lee doing those, cause they won't kill her.

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Also bugged me about Jamie Lee doing those, cause they won't kill her.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

um....they DID kill her in Resurrection



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
My main problem with horror movies is that none of the good guys give you any kind of reason that you should care for them.

If you don't care about Ash from the Evil Dead movies you are a cold son of a bitch who I want nothing to do with.

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Guest Youth N Asia
My main problem with horror movies is that none of the good guys give you any kind of reason that you should care for them.

If you don't care about Ash from the Evil Dead movies you are a cold son of a bitch who I want nothing to do with.

Easy now...Ash is my hero.


I meant today's horror movies...I can't think of a recient one where I gave a shit if the person lives or dies...I pay for the monsters and whatnot.


And no one in horror movies seems to stay dead anyway.

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Guest utahprowrestler

This is on topic....if any of you are interested to check out a fan poster...come to my site... http://kjbrackish.cjb.net and look at the poster on the main page. ITZ tight!


UPW - Utah Pro Wrestler

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Guest NoCalMike

The Friday the 13th series would have been highly more respected by me if it had ended with Part 4(The Final Chapter) The machete through the head(slow motion style) was killer. Although there were some classic moments later on in the series, part 4 would have been a good place to stop.

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Guest JMA
The Friday the 13th series would have been highly more respected by me if it had ended with Part 4(The Final Chapter) The machete through the head(slow motion style) was killer. Although there were some classic moments later on in the series, part 4 would have been a good place to stop.

Yeah. After that Jason was just some zombie with a hockey mask. I much prefer the original and part two. They were the most realistic. I also think the hockey mask was overused.

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Guest Mole

Watch Mike Myers come out and Kill Jason and Freddy.


I don't know shit about either franchise, so I can't comment.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Watch Mike Myers come out and Kill Jason and Freddy.


I don't know shit about either franchise, so I can't comment.

No way...it'll be Chucky, he's sneakier.

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Guest El Satanico
Watch Mike Myers come out and Kill Jason and Freddy.


I don't know shit about either franchise, so I can't comment.

Why would an Irish midget from Canada attack Jason and Freddy? And they'd rip him apart if he did.



I'm calling a run in by Pinhead and his chains to tear them apart and bring them back to hell.

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