DrVenkman PhD 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Bob Ryder seems to have deleted his column that bashed the WWF for having Miss Kitty expose her breasts at Armageddon 99, despite the fact other columns from that time period are available. In what I'm sure is a big coincidence, this comes the day after TNA featured nudity. http://www.1wrestling.com/columns/frombob/...?articleid=3242 - where the column used to be http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%22Bob+R....aol.com&rnum=1 - where it sill is. - Steve Gray Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edotherocket Report post Posted March 13, 2003 So busted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest swan Report post Posted March 13, 2003 That needs to be posted on 1W message board. LOL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edotherocket Report post Posted March 13, 2003 "And I would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling Smarks!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dames 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 It wouldn't be the first time he's contradicted himself. I still remember after WCW died, he wrote an article apologizing to everyone he bashed because he was purposely shilling seeing as he was an employee of WCW. That pretty much killed all of the credibility he had left. Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoSelfWorth Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I still remember the time he shouted proud and loud on 1popups.con his big 'exclusive' just before the Invasion, that Bret Hart had signed with the WWF, and was going to lead the Invasion. This of course was total crap, as he would have known. He still posted this obvious lie, and never retracted it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrVenkman PhD 0 Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I remember he later fixed the Bret Hart thing to have a question mark on it. Really funny. -- I'm the new guy! Read my stuff! Steve Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nikowwf Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I may have to send Happy Bob and Dave an email. Its been so long since I've gotten any nasty emails from them. niko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Hey, he wrote a article abot the newest incident- or is it just my imagination? NOTES FROM BOB by Bob Ryder 3/13/2002 PUPPYGATE Coming after a month of defections of major advertisers over content concerns....Vince Russo thumbed his nose at his critics and went so far across the line, when he allowed a woman to intentionally expose her breasts on a PPV broadcast, that even his staunchest supporters must be wondering exactly what his motives are. There had been reports that something like this almost happened several months ago, and that the NWA had intended to have one of their females accidentally expose their breasts on PPV....but after running it past horrified sponsors, the NWA backed off those plans. This time, it was no accident. In the middle of a heated confrontation between "Holly Wood" and Ms. Lollipop, Ms. Lollipop's breasts were exposed to the public as "Holly Wood" ripped Ms. Lollipop's top off of her chest. What on earth could Vince Russo and Jerry Jarrett be thinking? There were children sitting at ringside in the audience. There were children watching at home. Forget the nonsensical argument that parents are responsible for what their children watch....no parent could have fathomed that Vince Russo would allow something like that to happen. Even after all the suggestive and vulgar things the NWA has done in the past, no parent had any way of expecting that the NWA would allow blatant nudity on one of their programs. It was an unbelievably arrogant and unforgivable thing for the NWA to do, and parents should be outraged. This isn't about NWA vs the WWE. It's not about TNA vs RAW. This is about the outrageous actions of a man who doesn't care who he offends, or what he does as long as it attracts attention to his product.Vince Russo refuses to accept responsibility for any of the criticism that has been leveled against him, and seems only concerned about ratings. Reaction on the internet has been largely positive to the PPV, and there has been an especially good response to the main event between Raven and A.J. Styles. It's a shame that the show will be remembered by many parents as the night the NWA made it impossible for them to allow their children to watch another NWA:TNA PPV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nikowwf Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Yeah, but thats on the NWA site. Its not on 1wrestling. Where's his indignant column at 1wrestling? That's more like a shill for Russo doing anything...its as if i wrote HOW COULD HHH DO THOSE HORRIBLE THINGS TO BOOKER T? WHO'S GOING TO STOP HIM? niko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoSelfWorth Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Hey, he wrote a article abot the newest incident- or is it just my imagination? NOTES FROM BOB by Bob Ryder 3/13/2002 PUPPYGATE Coming after a month of defections of major advertisers over content concerns....Vince Russo thumbed his nose at his critics and went so far across the line, when he allowed a woman to intentionally expose her breasts on a PPV broadcast, that even his staunchest supporters must be wondering exactly what his motives are. There had been reports that something like this almost happened several months ago, and that the NWA had intended to have one of their females accidentally expose their breasts on PPV....but after running it past horrified sponsors, the NWA backed off those plans. This time, it was no accident. In the middle of a heated confrontation between "Holly Wood" and Ms. Lollipop, Ms. Lollipop's breasts were exposed to the public as "Holly Wood" ripped Ms. Lollipop's top off of her chest. What on earth could Vince Russo and Jerry Jarrett be thinking? There were children sitting at ringside in the audience. There were children watching at home. Forget the nonsensical argument that parents are responsible for what their children watch....no parent could have fathomed that Vince Russo would allow something like that to happen. Even after all the suggestive and vulgar things the NWA has done in the past, no parent had any way of expecting that the NWA would allow blatant nudity on one of their programs. It was an unbelievably arrogant and unforgivable thing for the NWA to do, and parents should be outraged. This isn't about NWA vs the WWE. It's not about TNA vs RAW. This is about the outrageous actions of a man who doesn't care who he offends, or what he does as long as it attracts attention to his product.Vince Russo refuses to accept responsibility for any of the criticism that has been leveled against him, and seems only concerned about ratings. Reaction on the internet has been largely positive to the PPV, and there has been an especially good response to the main event between Raven and A.J. Styles. It's a shame that the show will be remembered by many parents as the night the NWA made it impossible for them to allow their children to watch another NWA:TNA PPV. That article is the exact same one he wrote about the WWF/Miss Kitty deal. Just swap WWF for NWA:TNA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted March 13, 2003 I still remember the time he shouted proud and loud on 1popups.con his big 'exclusive' just before the Invasion, that Bret Hart had signed with the WWF, and was going to lead the Invasion. This of course was total crap, as he would have known. He still posted this obvious lie, and never retracted it. Bret Hart has since confirmed that WWE did indeed contact him to do just this. It wasn't a total load of bullshit after all. His mistake regarding this was more so taking just "talks" as "it's going to happen", but he wasn't totally wrong about it. I really don't pay attention to Bob Ryder anymore, I will agree that he's just insane. I still like Dave Scherer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Wait, TNA is so desperate now that they have went to nudity ALREADY? God, WWE didn't do that for a long time, heh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nikowwf Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Its the kind of thing that sounds cool, but makes you feel like a moron if anyone sees you watching it. WIFE: That woman is naked. Are you watching porn? ME: No, thats NWA/TNA. WIFE: Um, ok...sure (rolls eyes) niko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Its the kind of thing that sounds cool, but makes you feel like a moron if anyone sees you watching it. WIFE: That woman is naked. Are you watching porn? ME: No, thats NWA/TNA. WIFE: Um, ok...sure (rolls eyes) niko Not to mention that I almost am afraid to watch Pro. Wrestling PERIOD around any of my family members. It makes me fucking sick that I'm forced to have my hand on the remote just in the case of them pulling shit like this. If people want boobs, they'll watch boobs. I'm starting to wonder where people will go when they want Pro. Wrestling. Maybe the porn industry will start thinking the exact oposite of the Pro. Wrestling industry, and will start hotshotting solid old school Pro. Wrestling matches out of nowhere BAH GAWD!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 13, 2003 Bob Ryder... that guy is still considered a reputable internet writer? I'm shocked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites