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Guest swan

dawn Marie Topless

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Guest JMA
If you go to Europe or Japan they have boobs on commercials and game shows. I don't know how Canada is when it comes to boobs, but the United States is one of the only countries where boobs are considered a big deal.

One of the reasons I'm moving to Japan.

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Guest treble charged

I'm pretty sure it's legal for women to go topless in Ontario, as long as it's not sexual in anyway.


Of course, I've never seen any hot chicks running around without a shirt on.



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Guest The Electrifyer
If you go to Europe or Japan they have boobs on commercials and game shows. I don't know how Canada is when it comes to boobs, but the United States is one of the only countries where boobs are considered a big deal.

I think after 9:00 PM, nude boobs can be shown on TV in Canada. I remember hearing that somewhere, but I'm not 100% sure.

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Guest areacode212

During my summers home in Montreal as a young lad, I always looked forward to Saturday night, when "Bleu Nuit" would come on. Basically, they would show softcore-ish movies (the Emmanuelle films, Fanny Hill, etc..) on network TV. That rocked hard.

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Guest treble charged

OMG~! BLEU NUIT~!!! Man, that got me through many a lonely night in grade 8.

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Guest areacode212

I took French in high school soley so I could understand what they were saying. Too bad I sucked at it. But thank god for TQS.

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Guest AndrewTS
If you go to Europe or Japan they have boobs on commercials and game shows. I don't know how Canada is when it comes to boobs, but the United States is one of the only countries where boobs are considered a big deal.

One of the reasons I'm moving to Japan.

This isn't an issue of long-established moral standards that an individual rallies against under a pretense of freedom merely for the satisfaction thinly-veiled prurient desires.


It's the fact that WWE is so fucking shitty right now they are trying to boost interest with Dawn Marie's boobs with semi-nudity. It's a shame. Everyone knows that Dawn's ass is her best feature.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
I'm pretty sure it's legal for women to go topless in Ontario, as long as it's not sexual in anyway.


Of course, I've never seen any hot chicks running around without a shirt on.



Yes, it is legal.


You need to go to the beach in the summer more.


As others have said, nudity can be shown after a certain time (I think 9 PM) at night over the air and at any time on cable. This results in a lot of soft porn on Canadian TV, especially in Quebec and on weekends.

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Guest Karnage

I think that nudity shouldn't be on wrestling cause there's a time to be horny and a time not to. Watching wrestling is one of the times not to.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well lets just all thank EVERYONE involved in the WWE, that this took place on Smackdown, and not Raw where we would have to hear about "puppies" for the entire show after Dawn Marie's flash. I am willing to be(will watch tonight) that Cole/Taz moved on from the "flash" incident, whereas you know Lawler would be stuck on it ALL NIGHT LONG. Oh and breasts are really no big deal, it aint gonna scar anyone, yes it is a WRESTLING show, but T&A has ALWAYS had some place in North American wrestling. They do overdo it plenty of times, but until someone besides Vince is in charge, I doubt it will EVER get "toned down"

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Guest jester
As I said before, maybe the porn industry will start thinking the exact oposite of the Pro. Wrestling industry, and will start hotshotting solid old school Pro. Wrestling matches out of nowhere BAH GAWD!!!!!!!


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Sex sells in life, but I'm not convinced it sells in wrestling.


During the Attitude years Austin sold not sex. The fans tuned in for Austin vs. McMahon and DX not the stupid sex storylines.

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Guest Mole

I completly agree with Downhome. This stuff has NO use on wrestling. The whole point of me watching wrestling is to watch wrestling, not tits.


If I wanna see tits, I'll go have sex or look at porno.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

And if you want to see real wrestling, you wouldn't watch WWE.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
And if you want to see real wrestling, you wouldn't watch WWE.

You've got a great point, but..


What about the guys that they have than REALLY can go? I've been tuning in lately not so much for the show itself, but for the handful of people I still mark for. It's almost sad the way they waste people because a few guys are talentless hacks that they REALLY want over, so everybody else is confined to that level.

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