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Guest swan

dawn Marie Topless

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Guest AndrewTS

She was wearing pasties. Not bad to be sure, but it's a little further than they went when Sable had the fingerpaint on her breasts.

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Guest swan
Real, but she has tape over her nipples.

Hmmm, so there is.


Just had to rain on my parade, LOL.

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Guest JMA
Real, but she has tape over her nipples.

Eh, nipples or no nipples it's still good.

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Guest Downhome

Am I the only one who feels this type of shit has no place on Pro. Wrestling TV? It's fine for them to pose nude in magazine or whatnot, but on the Pro. Wrestling programs and at the shows themselves?


I just don't understand it.


I fucking love seeing it, obviously, I just don't feel it show be on the shows and at the shows, that's all. I'd love a magazine dedicated just to the women who want to pose nude, but this is just a cheap ass way to get ratings, it makes me sick done like this, it's so amaturish.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

Do you think that this inspired TNA to go all the way last night with Lollipop?

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Guest JMA
Am I the only one who feels this type of shit has no place on Pro. Wrestling TV? It's fine for them to pose nude in magazine or whatnot, but on the Pro. Wrestling programs and at the shows themselves?


I just don't understand it.

Sex sells.

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Guest AndrewTS
Do you think that this inspired TNA to go all the way last night with Lollipop?


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Guest Downhome
Am I the only one who feels this type of shit has no place on Pro. Wrestling TV? It's fine for them to pose nude in magazine or whatnot, but on the Pro. Wrestling programs and at the shows themselves?


I just don't understand it.

Sex sells.

Solid booking and angles sells much more in Pro. Wrestling, and I don't see them trying that little trick out.


This does nothing for them, and regardless, it doesn't BELONG on Pro. Wrestling shows.

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Guest dpac
Am I the only one who feels this type of shit has no place on Pro. Wrestling TV? It's fine for them to pose nude in magazine or whatnot, but on the Pro. Wrestling programs and at the shows themselves?


I just don't understand it.


I fucking love seeing it, obviously, I just don't feel it show be on the shows and at the shows, that's all. I'd love a magazine dedicated just to the women who want to pose nude, but this is just a cheap ass way to get ratings, it makes me sick done like this, it's so amaturish.

I think it made total sense with the direction they are going with Ohaire. For me it is hitting two birds with one stone, we get a topless Dawn, and the Ohaire gimmick lives on.

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Guest Blue Bacchus
Am I the only one who feels this type of shit has no place on Pro. Wrestling TV?

No you're not, I'm right there with ya.


Im kinda shocked that this happens on SD! rather than RAW. I wonder what UPN thinks of this... I think it's a little too far for broadcast tv, cable tv would be better suited.

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Guest The Tino Standard

(Looks at picture, then channels Ric Flair)


She's allllllll the way live!

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Guest Downhome

It doesn't belong on a Pro. Wrestling show, and that's that. I could think of a million better ways to get someone over than this. Doing something like this is just one of those cheap "outs" that people use to get what they want across, and usually there are tons of ways to do it better, as in this case.


I just don't understand how anyone could uphold this if you are a Pro. Wrestling fan, unless you are just insanely horny and are blinded by "oh mah gawd, BOOBIES!!!!!!!". As I said, this is just amaturish by WWE, and in my eyes it shows their beind so desperate.


In addition, it sure as hell isn't smart for their company. After all they've went through, they do NOT need to give people an excuse to come after them, this just shows once again how WWE has not idea what they are doing. It's obvious why they did this by the way. They just want people to think that anything could happen on the GGW PPV, and that's all. I don't even agree with WWE's being involved in that, as many of you know.


WWE is very unstable right now, and they do NOT need something like this. They need to start focusing on the core aspect of what WWE is, that being their Pro. Wrestling company and aspects. The storylines, angles, characters, getting people over, and all of the other stuff that truly helps further a wrestling company.


As I said before, maybe the porn industry will start thinking the exact oposite of the Pro. Wrestling industry, and will start hotshotting solid old school Pro. Wrestling matches out of nowhere BAH GAWD!!!!!!!

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Guest Downhome
Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

on SD, she's shown from behind, so there is no "nudity" shown on UPN




Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

That is still no excuse for doing it at the event. If I was there with my kid, I would be very ill at WWE for doing something like that. Do they give warnings of nudity at their shows? It just doesn't belong in Pro. Wrestling.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I don't really mind it, I just don't like when they try and get people to watch because of it instead of the actual wrestling action.

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Guest Downhome
Hey Downhome....use the new spoiler tags! That's what they're there for.



I'm lost, how the hell do you do that?

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Guest treble charged

I've never understood why fans could really be offended by breasts in wrestling. I mean, if I'm watching Friends and Jennifer Aniston's boobs popped out, I wouldn't come on the internet and write about how that didn't need to be there.

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Guest Downhome
I've never understood why fans could really be offended by breasts in wrestling. I mean, if I'm watching Friends and Jennifer Aniston's boobs popped out, I wouldn't come on the internet and write about how that didn't need to be there.

An accident is one thing, on live TV, but scripting it into a show like this is something else.

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Guest JMA

Eh, I could care less if people are offended by it. Damn Puritan influence. Anyways, I hope kids do see this. A little nudity won't hurt them.

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Guest Human Fly
I've never understood why fans could really be offended by breasts in wrestling. I mean, if I'm watching Friends and Jennifer Aniston's boobs popped out, I wouldn't come on the internet and write about how that didn't need to be there.

Because for some reason Pro Wrestling is held to a higher standard than other forms of entertainment. We have half of the board up in arms right now about HHH making slightly racial comments. That happens on TV and in movies all the time. How often do you hear about an angle where someone get's seriously injured as being tasteless. How is that different then movies or TV? It's not yet Wrestling is supposed to be operating on some higher moral plane.

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Guest Nobody in Particular

I watched the sattelite feed of the show last night and I can tell you...


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Dawn is in fact shown from the front. The ropes are just strategically placed to cover any goodness.

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Guest treble charged

Another thing I don't understand is how people, anywhere, get so offended by breasts. I mean, you can have some huge disgusting fat guy go out there without a shirt on and it's nothing, but if a woman who technically has a smaller chest were to have no shirt on, there would be a huge uproar.


Makes no sense to me.

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Guest treble charged

What morals? They're just boobs. Do you plan on never seeing any in your life?


I could understand if people were offended by a lewd sex act, or somethingl ike that, but people just need to lighten up.

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Guest Human Fly

If you go to Europe or Japan they have boobs on commercials and game shows. I don't know how Canada is when it comes to boobs, but the United States is one of the only countries where boobs are considered a big deal.

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