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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Kurt Angle admits he is risking his life

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Guest Anglesault
. I'm pretty sure Vince really likes the guy.


Then it's been a year long opposite day. Somehow making him a huge laughing stock, a constant underdog even when he is champ, a bumbling moron who does nothing right and every other idiot move they've done in the last year is a push.

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Guest wildpegasus

I'll explain it. Angle's a bad guy. Lesnar's a good guy. Plus Lesnar is big.

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Guest Anglesault
I'll explain it. Angle's a bad guy. Lesnar's a good guy.

That explains nothing.


Plus Lesnar is big.


That explains everything.

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Guest AndrewTS
. I'm pretty sure Vince really likes the guy.


Then it's been a year long opposite day. Somehow making him a huge laughing stock, a constant underdog even when he is champ, a bumbling moron who does nothing right and every other idiot move they've done in the last year is a push.

Well, I've heard Vince loved his goofy midcard character. So that explains a lot, too.

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Guest Brian

Vince views Angle as a star already. He thinks that he can use him to put over people, and make them look good. He sees him as a viable player who's already established, and doesn't get hurt by any of these programs. He's just missing the fact that Angle could be a bigger star and trying to create something for him.

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Guest Anglesault
Vince views Angle as a star already. He thinks that he can use him to put over people, and make them look good. He sees him as a viable player who's already established, and doesn't get hurt by any of these programs. He's just missing the fact that Angle could be a bigger star and trying to create something for him.

That makes (WWF) sense.

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Guest Brian

I figure it's the exact reason. Vince thinks that Angle is a star, a three-time WWE champ, who's won the belt as a face and a heel. That's the gauge right there: face and heel. He seems to pull out good matches that are totally WWE style, has an amateur background for legitimacy, and has won every belt. Vince figures he's already a made star.

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Guest Anglesault

How can Vince honestly look at the other main eventers and then look at Angle and say he was equal to them?

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Guest Brian

Me personally, I don't know how he can look at anyone outside of Trips, or maybe Brock, and say that. I guess he just thinks that he can take the shots like Rock could at times and stay up.

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Guest EternallyLazy
No I don't. I hate when the WWF goes out of their way to make Angle look bad (99 % of the time)

If Vince hates Angle as much as you think he does... he would be wrestling Funaki on Velocity or he wouldn't be with the company at all.

Then you explain it.

Because Angle has and always will be known for his "sneaky heel" persona. He's not a badass heel that beats the living shit out of everyone. Personally, I would like it to be that way, but he's been playing the devious sneaky villain for so long that I've accepted it. He gets his ass kicked all the time because that's his role. He pulls off victories by barely escaping death (Ric Flair 101) and although he is booked to look rather foolish during the Lesnar feud, it's not like this method of booking is anything new.


Why do I believe you're wrong when you think WWE hates Angle...? Two very important reasons


He's the SD world champion


He's gone from wrestling Kane in the midcard at last years WrestleMania to wrestling Brock Lesnar in the likely main event at this years WrestleMania


Has it been a perfect run? No, it has not. I just can't honestly see how you couldlook at those two reasons and argue sanely that Vince McMahon just thinks Angle is completely worthless and isn't worth anyone's time...

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Guest Anglesault
He's the SD world champion


He's gone from wrestling Kane in the midcard at last years WrestleMania to wrestling Brock Lesnar in the likely main event at this years WrestleMania

I just can't honestly see how you couldlook at those two reasons and argue sanely that Vince McMahon just thinks Angle is completely worthless and isn't worth anyone's time...


I can answer that with one word. A name, actually. I'm sure you know what it is.

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Guest Trivia247

So this is alll Some Vast Conspiracy To Force a Broken Necked Angle to Wrestle in Wrestlemania and Possibly Paralyze or Die vs Brock Lesnar Just too get Brock over Because he is Da HOSS!


Oki doki

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Guest Anglesault
So this is alll Some Vast Conspiracy To Force a Broken Necked Angle to Wrestle in Wrestlemania and Possibly Paralyze or Die vs Brock Lesnar Just too get Brock over Because he is Da HOSS!


Oki doki

No, it's Kurt Angle bing an idiot.

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Guest Trivia247
So this is alll Some Vast Conspiracy To Force a Broken Necked Angle to Wrestle in Wrestlemania and Possibly Paralyze or Die vs Brock Lesnar Just too get Brock over Because he is Da HOSS!


Oki doki

No, it's Kurt Angle bing an idiot.

Well if you mean because of Kurt Risking his career and Life just to go out with a Bang at Wrestlemania.. then your right.

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