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rising up out of the back seat-nuh

Kurt = Work?

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I was just wondering if anyone else is getting a little suspicious by the Kurt Angle situation?

Although i don't doubt his injury is legit, that article saying he's risking paralysis or perhaps maybe even life itself seems, well, worked.

Do you honestly believe that if one of vinces charges was in any major risk of ruining his life, he'd let it become public knowledge.

I can't help feeling that kurt'll be back next year, and the only thing to come out of all this is the smarks will have paid out for wrestlemania in case something serious happens.

I know this is paranoid, but i'm a brit and loaded up on caffiene :D



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Guest The Tino Standard

While I won't go as far as to say I think this whole thing is an elaborate work, I don't doubt for a second that they might be embellishing things just a little bit. I mean, there's taking a calculated risk and toughing out an injury for the biggest match of the year and then there's just plain stupid by risking PARALYSIS OR DEATH just for the sake of one match.


Sorry, but I don't think there's any way in hell Angle would be getting in the ring if PARALYSIS OR DEATH was a risk as a result of his neck problem. No way.


And by the way, he might not exactly be lying in saying that he's taking such extreme risks, just giving a misrepresentation of the truth. I think ANY wrestler is taking those kinds of risks because you could get hurt in a serious way if you or your opponent blows a move.

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Guest Brian

I'm thinking they're just embellishing the thing, as when stuff starts to leak to the real press then something is generally up. That's what the carny in me is saying.

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Guest Retro Rob

They probably are embellishing it to increase interest in WrestleMania. Think about it, whether it's WrestleMania or not, everyone wants to see what may be Kurt Angle's last match.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

There's no doubt in my mind he's injured. But I think they're making it worse than it is. I also think they never planned to take him out of WM. Once they realized we all knew they went for the big INTERNET WORK~!

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Guest Deebo

It's not a work. They went into Smackdown this week not expecting Angle to wrestle at WM, then when he changed his mind at the last second they changed the result of the Main Event, which is why it was so fucking stupid. YES, the WWE does very stupid things, but they wouldn't put the Wrestlemania main event on free TV like that with a fucked up finish if it was a work.

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Guest Trivia247

well what seems to be interesting about it, is that Lesnar didnt really go easy with Angle during his cage match with Heyman. He was tossing him all over the place. And angle wasn't holding anything back either looking cautious or conservative.

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Guest creativename

I have little doubt that Kurt Angle would, indeed, risk permanent injury and even paralysis to Main Event Wrestlemania (if indeed this is gonna be the Main--which I think it will, if they're afraid it may be Kurt's last match).


You have to remember that professional athletes can be insane about this kind of stuff. Just look that the NHL--if they can perform, then there's very little chance of them missing a Stanley Cup playoff game. Same thing for the NFL. And these are both very physical sports. It seems that the more physical the sport, and the greater the risk of injury, the more likely the players are to take that risk.


Why do they do this? Perhaps they want to impress others, gain respect, or perhaps they need to look tough for themselves. In any case, it's something programmed into them since childhood. "Play through the pain." Yes, many times players will understand that it's not worth the risk; but there are many athletes who simply don't give a f*ck what the risks are, they play anyway. Is it stupid? Of course. But's that just the way many athletes are, and Kurt appears to be the same way. I wouldn't be surprised at all if everything that we're hearing is entirely accurate.

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