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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Jeremy Borash

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

From the Inside with Jeremy Borash


I would rank our show last Wednesday as my second favorite show in our history. There wasn't a bad segment on the show. Everything clicked, and I've never felt better about the effort put fourth by our roster. It was a definite homerun.


TNA broke both our attendance and live gate receipts record this past Wednesday night. Our advance for next week has already broke last week's record breaking advance as well.


The Styles/Raven match ended in a double pin, with neither man getting the win. This sets up an interesting scenario for this Wednesday night.


Chris Divine from the tag team Divine Storm wrestled and incredible match that will air on Xplosion this weekend against Sonny Siaki. I think Storm would be great addition to the X-Division as a singles wrestler.


I thought D'Lo's segment during the show was one of our most memorable segments ever. He truly spoke from the heart, and did it in a very classy way. We grabbed a bite to eat after the show and he told me he was genuinely touched by the reaction the fans gave him. I had no idea how much he needed to hear that reaction after what he has been through. It is no secret that he is a hell of a worker, has a great head on his shoulders, has a great attitude, loves this business, and has something to prove. He is the kind of performer perfectly suited for TNA.


Some real brilliance has been shown on the net by several writers questioning why we would present an athlete like D'Lo Brown the way we did, when it was just a few short weeks ago he wasn't shown in a real favorable way on WWE programming. Does it make us look minor league? No, I think it makes them look like a company has no idea how to utilize people who have tremendous talent. Stop for a minute and think about that. Talent and charisma is something you can't take away from an athlete. You can bury, put your thumb on, hold down, and job out any person you wish, but you can't take away their talent or charisma. Would we have been better off presenting him in the same way he was in the land of the glass ceiling? Yeah, real smart. Come to think of it, we probably would have been better off treating Ron Killings and Raven the same way, too. Rememer... this business is a work, real talent is not.


Gang, this business is all about opportunity. Lynn... Raven... Killings... Siaki... Styles... America's Most Wanted... I could go on. As a company ... it is our obligation to provide opportunity to our talent, and it is up to them to take the ball and run with it. If there is no opportunity to climb the ladder, why bother trying?


This Wednesday night, D'Lo will join Jeff Jarrett and Dusty Rhodes in a six-man tag main event against NWA's Next Generation or Watts, Flair, and Lawler.


Jeff Jarrett and I will be at the NASCAR race next weekend at the Bristol Motor Speedway. Expect several huge announcements from TNA regarding our involvement with NASCAR.


Trinity was knocked out for a while following the incredible dives performed during the X-Division match this last Wednesday. She was shaken up, but was ok after the show. I found the interaction between Trinity and Red certainly compelling. I wonder where that will lead...


It was great to see Hacksaw Jim Duggan again last Wednesday night. Our "you never know who is going to show up" approach has been very effective. Hacksaw is one of wrestling's true good guys ... and without fail, always gets a huge pop.


From the "I'm starting to sound like a broken record" department, TNA will have another surprise for this Wednesday night.


Jonny Storm impressed everyone as expected, and will be returning to TNA in April. As it turned out Storm and Jeff Jarrett have known each other for years when Jeff used to tour England, with Storm being a huge fan of Jarrett and Scott Hall. Storm was brought in on my high recommendations, with Jarrett having no idea his pal "Jonathan" from England had gone on to be such an incredible wrestler. You can imagine the his surprise when the Essex native arrived at the building. Storm will be back on TNA in April.


Does anyone realize the dichotomy that lies in being taken to task for showing a brief shot of a woman's breasts by the same people who praised the bloodiest, most violent match in TNA history, last week's Raven vs. Sandman? I am not a parent, but if that is the issue we're talking about here, we can now be proud of the fact we live in a society that is much more tolerant of bloody violence than a woman's breasts.


Attention fans in NYC, Time Warner now airs TNA Xplosion on Channel 94 at 8pm on Tuesday nights. If you live in Brooklyn, Manhattan, or Queens, you can now see Xplosion every week! This has been a HUGE addition to our expansion of the Xplosion show.


While I often take certain writers to task, in the interest of fairness, I would like to point out three different pieces I read this week that I thought were dead on. Jason Powell wrote a very objective piece on why TNA is ready to go to national television in a recent edition of the Torch. If it were up to me, I would love to be head to head on Monday nights. Will that happen? Hey, at this point anything is possible. Most "experts" didn't even think we'd be around this long. We have the renegade sprit and an industry that is behind us. It would certainly be fun.


T.K. Kirkham at www.1wrestling.com reviewed the show, and gave an opinion that was pretty much dead on with what I thought of the show.


Joe Somar over at www.411wrestling.com wrote a great piece about Wednesday night, and talked about my facial expressions during the girl's segment. I was told the heavy influence Bobby Heenan had on my childhood is starting to come out in my adult life. I will do the right thing and seek therapy immediately.


Noted author Dan Crockett wrote a great piece on Wednesday's show over at www.TNAREVOLUTION.com. Dan is a very talented writer (he's written several books, his latest, "The Cornstalk Man" is now taking orders on barnesandnoble.com and will be released in June) and his column is a must read.


Had an interesting conversation with an unnamed TNA talent who has started to fake injuries when boarding Southwest airline planes, because they let you onto the plane early, ahead of the cattle call they do to board their planes. Mike Tenay shared a great Bobby Heenan story about how he used to walk to the airline counter with a limp, say he had a bad leg, get past the check-in counter, and then proceed to immediately hop, skip, and dance down the jetway to board the plane.


My TIVO has been out of commission for the last two weeks getting an upgrade, so I have been forced to watch television live for the first time since I bought TIVO almost two years ago at the recommendation of Billy Kidman. TIVO has gotten me used to being able to watch television commercial free and on-demand. What a concept! With the video on-demand systems being set up by the cable industry, commercial television as we know it may very well change completely. The industry is trending towards menu select on-deamnd PPV programming. HBO is jumping on board with Sopranos and Sex and the City being offered on PPV as well. While it is in its very early stages, early consumer feedback has been very favorable. Wow, commercial free menu select pay-per-view programming! What a concept! Looks like we may have been ahead of our time.


Konnan and Jerry Lynn will face each other in a tag team match this Wednesday night, both have not revealed who their partners will be.


I get alot of emails regarding the coverage of this article, and specifically from wrestling website webmasters who would like to reprint this article in its entirety. Until further notice, this column may be re-posted in its entirety with complete permission from NWA TNA. All we ask is that the article include a link to www.nwatna.com. We know how hard many of you work on your websites, and your passion for this business is shared by all of us at NWA TNA.


While on the topic of NWATNA.com - make sure and check out Bob Ryder's "Notes from Backstage" which comes out every Wednesday, as well as Mike Tenay's "Ask the Professor" which is also a great, informative read.


The city of Nashville is up in arms over recent comments made by Natalie of the Dixie Chicks towards her fellow Texan President George W. Bush, saying she was ashamed to be from the same state. Nashville radio stations refused to play their music yesterday, and a protest took place outside of Sony Records just down the road from the TNA offices in Nashville. If Saddam Hussein is still looking for human shields, I'll pay for her transportation.


Have a great weekend and we will see you back Wednesday night!


Jeremy Borash


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I'm not looking forward to the main event next week. The tag team with Lynn and Konnan should be interesting as long as their partners are good and Konnan holds up with them.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first time that he's sounded JUST LIKE a carbon-copy of JR. I mean, the elements were there before, but the defense of the product against the internet made me forget who I was reading for a moment.

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Guest Zack Malibu
I'm not looking forward to the main event next week. The tag team with Lynn and Konnan should be interesting as long as their partners are good and Konnan holds up with them.

Meltzer said online in today's update that it's Lynn/London vs. Juvi/Konnan. Should be the best match on the show.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
It's too bad we can't have Bush, Cheny, and Ashcroft as human shields...

What the hell?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yeah, if you're a primarily Southern (CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN CAPITAL OF THE PLANET) musical act, don't get political right now. It will only do you harm.

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Guest bob_barron
Joe Somar over at www.411wrestling.com wrote a great piece about Wednesday night, and talked about my facial expressions during the girl's segment. I was told the heavy influence Bobby Heenan had on my childhood is starting to come out in my adult life. I will do the right thing and seek therapy immediately.


Get with the times Borash- it's 411mania now! FEEL THE MANIA!~

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Guest JMA
Yeah, if you're a primarily Southern (CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN CAPITAL OF THE PLANET) musical act, don't get political right now. It will only do you harm.

There are still quite a bit of southern Democrats here... in the south. I, of course, live in Alabama. Anyways, I don't listen to the Dixie Chicks. That's all I got.



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Guest eirejmcmahon
:( He doesn't love me anymore.



Maybe you should take a leaf out of the NWATNA live fella's book.


"Everything's great".

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Guest eirejmcmahon
The city of Nashville is up in arms over recent comments made by Natalie of the Dixie Chicks towards her fellow Texan President George W. Bush, saying she was ashamed to be from the same state. Nashville radio stations refused to play their music yesterday, and a protest took place outside of Sony Records just down the road from the TNA offices in Nashville. If Saddam Hussein is still looking for human shields, I'll pay for her transportation.

Wow, what a classy thing to say.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
The city of Nashville is up in arms over recent comments made by Natalie of the Dixie Chicks towards her fellow Texan President George W. Bush, saying she was ashamed to be from the same state.  Nashville radio stations refused to play their music yesterday, and a protest took place outside of Sony Records just down the road from the TNA offices in Nashville.  If Saddam Hussein is still looking for human shields, I'll pay for her transportation.

Wow, what a classy thing to say.

Yeah, I just noticed this. Wish death upon them for disagreeing with the president? If TNA ever hopes to get out of its Southern mould of sorts and one day be able to tour nationally or something, they really need to get their people to stop saying things like this. Another good idea would be to stop talking about the stuff "my daddy" or "your daddy" did. You know, just little things.

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