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Guest BoboBrazil

Smackdown Rating Drops Big

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Guest BoboBrazil

This week's edition of Smackdown did just a 3.0 broadcast rating, with a five share, down from last week's 3.3. Considering that they pushed the show as "WrestleMania comes early", the number is a major disappointment.



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Its probably because absolutely ZERO people other than internet fans watching Angle's injury status, thought it was going to happen.


Didnt they already pull this trick a few weeks ago? They knew the WM main wasn't going to happen.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Oh My! Does this mean the Audience is finally catching on to "Bait & Switch?"

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Guest bob_barron

Didn't a lot of people miss a lot of the show thanks to W?


It was also preempted in places

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Guest Kingpk
Didn't a lot of people miss a lot of the show thanks to W?


It was also preempted in places

That was last week, Bob.

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Guest swan

It was pre-empted here. Big 10 torney here. It's championship week. Same reason Raw was down, too many kick ass college tourney games to watch.

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Guest bob_barron
Didn't a lot of people miss a lot of the show thanks to W?


It was also preempted in places

That was last week, Bob.

I meant they missed last week's show so maybe they didnt know to tune in for Brock v. Angle

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Guest Mad Dog

No one in their right mind believed that the match was going to happen.


I mean the WWF has been all about screwing the fans out of what they promised.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Ouch. Hopefully this will mean an end to the constant bait and switching, though I actually did not mind how this match went. I mark for Eric Angle as it is.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I really hope they look at the rating and assume it was because of the bait-and-switch stuff. Usually they forget the logical reasons for low ratings (pre-empting in lots of markets in this case), maybe this time it will benefit us.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Ouch. Hopefully this will mean an end to the constant bait and switching, though I actually did not mind how this match went. I mark for Eric Angle as it is.

Watching the match, Brock seemed lost or almost as if someone forgot what to do. He kept looking around like he was waiting for Kurt or Eric or Team Angle to do something.


Was it that he was trying to keep Benjamin and Haas from coming in or did someone miss a cue?

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I am not surprised.


The previous 2 years Smackdown also took a big hit during Championship week.


For example take a look at 2001. This is total viewers


03/01 -7.34 million

03/08(Championship week)-6.01 million

03/15-7.33 million

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Guest El Satanico

Brock's "confusion" when he didn't go for the pin was most likely suppose to be him realizing something was up.


However I did notice that it seemed like he had to do it for too long. When the cameras turned to show Team Angle there were still close to the entrance so maybe Team Angle were late on coming out.

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Guest Will Scarlet
Was it that he was trying to keep Benjamin and Haas from coming in or did someone miss a cue?


That's what I am guessing. Someone probably missed their cue. I just liked because I enjoy Eric Angle appearances.

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Guest wwF1587

this wont end the bait and switching... since it was pre empted in alot of areas they will just assume thats why.. we fans dont know what we want so the bait and switching will continue

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Guest El Satanico

No he was doing it while Eric Angle was laying in the ring ready to be pinned. "Kurt" didn't disappear until Brock started yelling at Team Angle who was at ring side.


So most likely his look of "confusion" was meant as a look of "what the fuck is going on" and Team Angle were late making Brock do it longer than he was suppose to.

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Guest humongous2002

The fact that Brock is not a draw and Heyman is not booking anymore are the reasons why SD is tanking in the ratings.

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Guest AndrewTS
The fact that Brock is not a draw and Heyman is not booking anymore are the reasons why SD is tanking in the ratings.

Hmm....likely, and BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!--in that order.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

They fucking taped a bait-and-switch! We KNEW it wasn't going to happen!


They are retarded.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
The fact that Brock is not a draw and Heyman is not booking anymore are the reasons why SD is tanking in the ratings.

Pray tell me exactly where Heyman's demotion is apparent in this week's Smackdown. I asked this in the spoiler thread, and of course it was no-sold. I really want to know.


BTW, I thought pre-emptions didn't factor into the ratings as they get scaled accordingly, but I may be wrong on that.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The fact that Brock is not a draw and Heyman is not booking anymore are the reasons why SD is tanking in the ratings.

Neither is Angle, by that reckoning.


I think it has a BIT more to do with the fact that they promised a WWE Title match and delievered us a clusterfuck, and told us about it two early.

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Guest Brian

Brock was getting support in the ratings at one point, I haven't looked at the numbers afterwards but the breakdowns were looking strong for him, with ratings peaking for his segments and falling afterward.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

When was this point?


(i.e. Can you go look it up? I'm really curious.)

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Guest AndrewTS

I know I may sound like AS here, but almost all of Brock's matches have been squashes. Angle hasn't really ever looked any stronger than one of Goldberg's usual fodder back in WCW against Lesnar. Where's the intrigue?

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
The fact that Brock is not a draw and Heyman is not booking anymore are the reasons why SD is tanking in the ratings.

:puts target on chest:


I've talked to a lot of marks and - they're going to the PPV at the sports bars.....to see brock, they talk about how strong brock is, how big he is....how he's a bad ass, how he's cool...


but they never talk about angle.......or UT except to say 1992 taker was bad ass....


I think Angle isn't the draw here....and put 2 heatless rookies with him ...



well i'll just take flames now

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