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To TNA wrestlers: TNA...or Japan?

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"NWA:TNA has run into some trouble with long term booking, because several key wrestlers have Japanese conflicts.


With the Japanese dates not known too far in advance, TNA has had to change booking plans for guys like Low Ki and the Amazing Red.


There is talk that TNA might force these wrestlers to either choose TNA over the Japanese tour, or not get a major push in the promotion."


-411mania from Wrestling Observer


I would love to see some of the guys wrestle more frequently and consistently on the show. I just hope that they choose TNA.

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Guest Nevermortal

TNA definitely has a good point.


I just don't know how well this is going to go over with the guys who love to tour through Japan.

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Guest Sandman9000

I'd choose the guaranteed thing (Japan) over the promotion that still doesn't have a solid foundation (TNA).

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Guest j.o.b. squad

it woude be incredibaly stupid of tna to force them to choose. remember most indys pay more than tna.

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well, im glad they are making them choose. many plans have been changed due to red being in japan all of the time. i love red, but im sick of hearing "due to conflicts, red cant be here. so his match vs low ki has been changed and jorge estrada takes his place". for one, it doesn't make sense, and it also fucks up a possible good angle or something. bravo to tna for taking a stand.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
well, im glad they are making them choose. many plans have been changed due to red being in japan all of the time. i love red, but im sick of hearing "due to conflicts, red cant be here. so his match vs low ki has been changed and jorge estrada takes his place". for one, it doesn't make sense, and it also fucks up a possible good angle or something. bravo to tna for taking a stand.

i wonder if you will change your tune when you lose a sizeable portion of the x devision


x devision guys with ties to japan


low ki



jodie fliesch (in 2 weeks)


and i am sure i am forgeting a few

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it woude be incredibaly stupid of tna to force them to choose. remember most indys pay more than tna.


Maybe they can still wrestle in the indies as long as it's in the US or doesn't conflict with TNA. Dunno how much Japan pays though. Like I said, I just hope it doesn't backfire on TNA.


i wonder if you will change your tune when you lose a sizeable portion of the x devision


x devision guys with ties to japan


low ki



jodie fliesch (in 2 weeks)


and i am sure i am forgeting a few


Well, I see XXX like once a month now anyway...

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Guest TheGame2705

Elix Skipper works in Japan? since when? And isn't Daniels contractually obligated to M-Pro?

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Guest j.o.b. squad

IIRC elix skipper is extreme blade in all japan he has been working there for a few months


yeah i thinkl daniels (who is curry man in mpro) does have a long term contract with mpro i also think he worked a few dates recently with all japan

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Guest TheGame2705

Ohhh well I had heard of Extreme Blade plenty of times just though it was someone else.

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they can work indys. its just that they dont make it back to the US in time for the tna shows.


and you may lose the xdivision roster, but then again, you hardly see the good ones anyways since they are in japan all of the time.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

if they want to work for ASPW, NJPW, Zero One, Michinoku Kanagawa Karate Dojo Hakogo, and Osaka Jones Jr. - then fuck them...


I'm personally VERY jazzed about konnan's luchadores doing top rope spine destroying ddt cradle piledriving vertebrakers and no selling them.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

My opinion on this remains unchanged.


If they want to work in Japan...let them go and work around it.


If you want them to stay here all the time you have no choice but to pay them more and guarantee contracts.

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Guest Basswitch

Who cares if they work in Japan too?


So what if a few guys are missing, if TNA needs um that badly then they will sign um to real contracts.


Most wrestlers need the money, since Japanesse indies pay better, and it would be stupid to tell them Pick either TNA or japan. If i were in the position of someone like Low Ki, i would pick Japan. that was i would still have ROH exposiure, and i could work another indy fed in the States.


Sorry if my thoughts are .... all over the place. I'm tired.

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Guest nikowwf

I agree with BPS. let them work in japan and use them when you can...fill out the card with some cool matches. Build around the guys who are there all the time.



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Guest Grenouille

Does anyone know a rough estimate of how much TNA pays? I remember reading from Pure Dynamite that even when he was new to Japan he was making $5,000-$6,000 a tour. I'm sure over the years that has to have increased, if so it would make more sense to work 3 weeks, than to get a night's work for TNA in.

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Guest nikowwf

I think it varies from a few thousand for top top guy (not half the roster making it, like one or two peeps) to in the hundreds for lower guy for a show. Does that sound right?



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Guest j.o.b. squad

the short answer is probably not much. Most of the guys in tna are there for the exposior(sp).


They do a few shows for tna then they can charge the regular indys they work for a lot more then they could before tna exposed them to a larger audience. also you have to remember that tna has yet to get the money from the ppv companies for even their first show

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Here's what I think about the pay:


I remember reading that JArrett gets about a grand a show (although I don't know if that's only when he actually works the one time a month) Hall and Pac and Shamrock made about that much as well.


Guys like Truth, Lynn and Styles make a little more than guys like Low Ki, Daniels and Skipper because they have actual long term (I beleive around 6 months) contracts.


Other guys likely work fokr their indy fee...but get to use the exposure to up the fee they make for working in other indys.


I definitely read somewhere that TNA talent now makes more on the indy circuit because they have built in recognition.

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i look at it like this. they can take the ride and try and make it to the top with tna and possibly be on network tv sometime in a few years maybe, or they can leave and be like the temptations old manager. sit at home one day and see 15,000 fans at a show and say "if only i would have stayed with them"

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Guest El Satanico

Unless TNA can guarantee them long term money they shouldn't be demanding that guys give up making good money overseas.


At this point TNA can't afford to burn bridges with good young talent like Low Ki and Christopher Daniels. If TNA eventually hits the big time they will need these guys.

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Guest subliminal_animal
I'd choose the guaranteed thing (Japan) over the promotion that still doesn't have a solid foundation (TNA).

I would, too, if I didn't not ever want to go to Japan. See, I don't know why these guys just can't work a stretch with TNA, start and payoff an angle or whatever, and then do a scheduled tour. They could work this out in a way that doesn't hurt anybody's dates. Unless the guys can't get their Japan dates too far in advance.


Well, at least Daniels said that he's not gonna go to Japan anymore soon, so TNA can still get him...



x devision guys with ties to japan


low ki



jodie fliesch (in 2 weeks)

When did Fleisch workd for TNA?


IIRC elix skipper is extreme blade in all japan he has been working there for a few months

That name screams "not lame or amateurish-sounding" and "super professional."


they can take the ride and try and make it to the top with tna and possibly be on network tv sometime in a few years maybe, or they can leave and be like the temptations old manager. sit at home one day and see 15,000 fans at a show and say "if only i would have stayed with them"

I don't know anything about old Temptations managers, but that reference was beautiful.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Well, at least Daniels said that he's not gonna go to Japan anymore soon, so TNA can still get him...


Last we heard, Christopher Daniels had been attempting to get a shot at WWE through OVW.


So while he's currently in OVW, he'll only be able to take on local indies. Meaning TNA.


At least I think I worded that right. Someone correct me here.

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Guest Andy
jodie fliesch (in 2 weeks)

Sorry to nitpick, but he spells his name "Jody" - I was talking to him about this last Sunday before he wrestled Juvy Guerrera.


Cheers - A.

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