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Guest Trivia247


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Guest Trivia247

Ok Only Question 7 Remains...


Hint 3 for that.... He came back last year from a long sustain injury.

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Guest Coffey
Ok Only Question 7 Remains...


Hint 3 for that.... He came back last year from a long sustain injury.

You didn't tell me if I was correct on 6 yet...

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Guest Trivia247
Ok Only Question 7 Remains...


Hint 3 for that.... He came back last year from a long sustain injury.

You didn't tell me if I was correct on 6 yet...

Yes your correct was Gail Kim.

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Guest Trivia247

Yes As Pegasus Kid he defeated Villano III For the WWF Lightheavyweight Championship.


Ain't that interesting?

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Guest Trivia247

Ok folks thats My 10 for Tonight/Very Early Morning will be back tomorrow or a few hours from now give or take for another set of 10 Questions in WWF Trivia...


But by all means Ask your own sets of questios :) keep me thread Aliiivveeee

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Guest ViciousFish

I'm fairly certain Virgil held the Million Dollar Belt very very briefly, so that would make 4


Debiase, Dusty Rhodes, Austin and Virgil

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Virgil won the title at Summerslam 1991 from Ted Dibiase.


I can't remember LaFon and Furnas in the Hart Foundation. I can remember them fighting Bulldog and Owen a couple of times, during SS96 and some time after. They may have been though.

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Guest Trivia247

Its time...Its Time Its Time???


Its More Trivia Time.....


Ten more questions


1) At 1993-1995 Name the four men in Mr.Fuji's Final stable in the WWF


2) Who "Retired" For the first time on the 2nd week of Raw after Wrestlemania 14?


3) In the Coliseum Vidoe "Invasions of the Bodyslammers" Who was teaching Kamala how to bowl?


4) name the two tag teams Rick Martel was involved in the WWF in the mid 80's


5) Name the Members of the Freebirds who has worked for the WWF?


6) Which member of the Beverly Brothers was best known in the WCW during its first moments of having a Hardcore division?


7) Was the Original Hart Foundation a Tag team or Stable?


8) Who came out of the Crowd to Save Vader from the Hart Foundation, making his WWF Debut in 1997?


9) Who was Bam Bam Bigalow's Manager at Wrestlemania 4?


10) What was Kato's of the New Orient Express other gimmick In Other promotions?

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1. Yokozuna, Crush, Ludvig Borga, Jim Cornette?

2. Mick Foley

3. Lord Alfred Hayes?

4. Can-Am Connection, Strike Force

5. Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy

6. Mike Enos

7. Stable(Bret,Anvil,Danny Davis,Jimmy hart)

8. Steve Blackman

9. Sir Oliver Humperdink

10. Badd Company?

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Guest Trivia247
1. Yokozuna, Crush, Ludvig Borga, Jim Cornette?

2. Mick Foley

3. Lord Alfred Hayes?

4. Can-Am Connection, Strike Force

5. Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy

6. Mike Enos

7. Stable(Bret,Anvil,Danny Davis,Jimmy hart)

8. Steve Blackman

9. Sir Oliver Humperdink

10. Badd Company?

1) Yes for the threw had forgotten Borga, there is two members left whom were wrestlers, one was masked and was later reintroduced in a better gimmick to the WWF Fans and the other was a Borrowed Wrestler from Japan during agreements with SWS.


2) Yes when he walked away but then came back as Dude Love


3) No But he was there with Kamala and the other Person, whom is a Long time on Air WWF personality since 1987






6) Yes


7) Yes even Greg Valentine was a member before he was traded over to Luscious Johnny V


8) Yes


9) Yes


10) Half right what was his actually name?

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Guest Trivia247
Paul Diamond

Yes your right!



10 down in under 10 minutes.... will have to make up more questions.

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Guest Trivia247

new Ten Questions....


1) Who was Jim Cornette's Heavenly Bodies? the tag team at summerslam 1993


2) Bad News Brown did the same exact action in both Survivor Series 89 and 90 what did he do?


3) When was the first Battle Royal Held at a Survivor Series?


4) Who were the Last WWF Womens Tag team Champions?


5) Who Introduced Taka Michinoku to the WWF?


6) What was Bastion Booger's First gimmick in the WWF?


7) Who did HHH Face in his first PPV match?


8) Who were the Quebeccers Manager?


9) Who faced The Canadian Country at Wm15?


10) Who Held The World championship for the Longest Duration total Days in one Single Stint as Champion (Meaning not total Days in all the total times they won but in a Single Stint as Champion) In the History of the WWE WWF and WWWF total.




I'll be back a lil later to confirm the right answers and do hints for those who get it wrong :))

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Guest areacode212

1) Dr. Tom Pritchard and "Gigolo" Jimmy Del Ray

4) The Glamour Girls

6) Friar Ferguson

8) Johnny Polo

10) Bruno

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Guest Blackston

2. Walk out on his team

5. Yamaguchi-San?

7. Henry Godwin, maybe Duke Drose? Dunno.

9. D'lo and Test

10. Bruno

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Guest Grenouille

1. Tom Pritchard & Jim Del Ray

2. Walk out

3. 2001

4. Glamour Girls

5. Great Sasuke

6. Friar Ferguson

7. Fatu

8. Johnny Polo

9. Test & D'Lo

10. Bruno

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Guest areacode212

5) Vince McMahon? Wasn't there a press conference with the two of them?

7) Bob Holly

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Guest TheHulkster

1) The Doctor of Desire Tom Pritchard and Gigolo Jimmy Del Ray


2) Walked out on his team


3) Battle Royal at the Survivor Series? Must've missed this one


4) The Glamour Girls


5) The Great Sasuke


6) Friar Ferguson


7) Bob Holly


8) Johnny Polo


9) Test & D'lo


10) Bruno Sammartino

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Guest bob_barron
new Ten Questions....


1) Who was Jim Cornette's Heavenly Bodies? the tag team at summerslam 1993


2) Bad News Brown did the same exact action in both Survivor Series 89 and 90 what did he do?


3) When was the first Battle Royal Held at a Survivor Series?


4) Who were the Last WWF Womens Tag team Champions?


5) Who Introduced Taka Michinoku to the WWF?


6) What was Bastion Booger's First gimmick in the WWF?


7) Who did HHH Face in his first PPV match?


8) Who were the Quebeccers Manager?


9) Who faced The Canadian Country at Wm15?


10) Who Held The World championship for the Longest Duration total Days in one Single Stint as Champion (Meaning not total Days in all the total times they won but in a Single Stint as Champion) In the History of the WWE WWF and WWWF total.




I'll be back a lil later to confirm the right answers and do hints for those who get it wrong :))

Bad News Brown didnt wrestle at Survivor Series 90

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Guest Trivia247

Answers areeee


1) Prichard & Del Ray


2) May have been 88 and 89 but yes he did Walk Out.


3) Survivor Series 2001


4) I Believed it was the Jumping Bomb Angels but if you all agree on the Glamour Girls then hell maybe they did.


5) Great Sasuke


6) The Friar


7) I Should have said first WWF PPV which he was Hunter and was Bob Holly


8) Johnny Polo


9) Test & Dlo (Remember when the team got some success they had a Naming contest for the fans to come up with a good name, and they decided to call themselves Canadian Country?)


10) Bruno Sammartino!

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