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Guest cynicalprofit

Who do you think should have the raw title

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I had the idea grow on me months ago that the title match should be RVD vs. Booker T. Jericho was going off on his HBK tangent and HHH sucks and is always injured...so I liked the idea of RVD vs. Booker for a title on the biggest show of the year. Of course...I like to think of making new stars and putting them over on a big stage.


But that's just me.


Since RVD can't play a heel, and Brock was obviously going to win the title on the other show...


I would have face RVD head into Mania and lose it to heel Booker T.

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If done and promoed right I would have liked to see RVD v Booker as a big face v face thing, but it would have taken some really solid buildup (which I would have began subtly back during the Elimination Chamber), and they would have be treated on air as stars the level of like austin or whatever (even if they weren't. You have to treat them as a star on the show in the storyline before you can expect the fans to believe them as such, not the other way around). Then build it up in Austin/Rock fashion after Rumble or maybe nwo time.

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Guest snuffbox

I would have booked Jericho as champion with RVD chasing him. I, of course, would have spent the year prior building them up, not a prolonged burial. RVD goes over big at WM in face tradition.


HHH vs somebody, possibly Booker in a grudgematch.


Austin vs Rock


3 big matches from RAW.

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Guest Steviekick

A Jericho/RVD World Title Feud would rock....


Here's to seeing it next year :cheers:

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Guest AndrewTS

Jericho would make a kickass heel champ, IF BOOKED correctly...


Booker can be a main event face easy if he can stick to using the Spinneroonie as only a celebration thing rather than STUPIDLY DOING IT IN THE MATCH--unless he does the spin-up-into-a-sidekick move (which could be the kippup for the NEW MILLENIUM).


Either him or RVD would suffice well.

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Guest Angle-plex

Heel Triple H is fine with the belt going on, as long as he loses it. I would prefer him to lose it to someone other than Booker T, but I guess you can't have everything.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Chris Jericho. If he was given half the push that HHH is being given heading in to last years Wrestlemania Jericho would be the most over man in the company right now (execpt maybe The Rock). The man chasing him should be RVD or Booker T.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Booker can be a main event face easy if he can stick to using the Spinneroonie as only a celebration thing rather than STUPIDLY DOING IT IN THE MATCH

Hey, if we can have the Worm and the People's Elbow, what's wrong with the Spinaroonie.

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Guest Aero

I'd have HHH, because despite the racism involved in this current angle, I still want to see HHH vs. Booker T. The way I see it, if HHH didn't have the title going in, we'd probably be stuck with yet another HHH-HBK match anyway...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I wouldn't want HHH in the title match as either the champ or challenger.


He'd either be winning the belt high on the card or losing it somewhere lost in the middle.


Neither of which holds much interest to me.


There's also the fact that he's spent half the year on the DL.

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I don't mind Triple K being the heel champ @ Mania as long as he jobs to RVD in a streetfight match, Booker is damaged goods by now and there's no chance in hell that Crips will job to him, especially at Wrestlemania.

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Guest AndrewTS
Booker can be a main event face easy if he can stick to using the Spinneroonie as only a celebration thing rather than STUPIDLY DOING IT IN THE MATCH

Hey, if we can have the Worm and the People's Elbow, what's wrong with the Spinaroonie.

It's not an attack. It's a lengthy invitation to smack Booker while he's doing it. The spinneroonie-sidekick would at least have a purpose.

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