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Guest Youth N Asia

What can they do with Steiner now?

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Guest snuffbox

Shitcan his ass...only thing to do.


Maybe put over a few guys, but the -*s and injury-risks outweigh that.


Hes beyond Superstar Graham at this point.

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Guest NoSelfWorth
What sort of contract did vinnie mac pay him?

If its big money, they'll just keep him on in a big show type of role (ie just there) only worse.

I believe Scott got a downside of around $500,000 per year.


As for what do with him, I would turn him heel, and put him in a team where the other guy can do all the work, and Scott can come in for the odd big move.

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Guest Youth N Asia
What sort  of contract did vinnie mac pay him?

If its big money, they'll just keep him on in a big show type of role (ie just there) only worse.

I believe Scott got a downside of around $500,000 per year.


As for what do with him, I would turn him heel, and put him in a team where the other guy can do all the work, and Scott can come in for the odd big move.

Holy tits! That's a lot for a guy who brings nothing to the show.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

he can team with Christian and they can resurrect Power and Glory.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Why they will do with him what they do with every injury prone wrestler who can't work, isn't over and can't cut a promo. They'll give him the title.

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Guest CED Ordonez
Why they will do with him what they do with every injury prone wrestler who can't work, isn't over and can't cut a promo. They'll give him the title.

Hey, they gave Big Show two title reigns, so I can fathom that logic.

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Guest evilhomer
Hey Rd, my friend and I came up with a great new gimmick for Scott Steiner to turn him heel. See, we noticed how Steiner gets booed constantly although he is playing a face, so we thought, why not film vignettes where Scott Steiner goes out of his way to try and be a face, such as saving puppy dogs, rescuing little children from drowning, and getting a little girl's cat out of a tree by shaking the tree. Obviously the crowd will hate this, so each week, he will try harder and harder to do nice things to get over. When he is challenged to a match backstage, he should point behind the wrestler, say "hey check that out", then run away, saving us all from the horrors of him wrestling. Or if he is involved in a tag match, when he gets tagged in, he just runs backstage and hides behind a box or something. Finally, he just snaps and turns heel at a PPV, and begins wrestling again. His catchphrase could be "I may suck, but at least I don't have to watch myself wrestle".

- credit wrestlecrap.com March7,2003



This sounds like the best idea of them all

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