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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Move over RVD I have a new favorite!


This guy is sitting right in the middle of a huge story that he doesn't even understand.


1. He's a hoss...and therefore deserves a push /WWE logic


2. He's SO bad that it's funny...


3. And he's a danger to himself and others.


From the house show...MAIN EVENT:


"(9) The Undertaker & Nathan Jones defeated the Big Show & A-Train. Oh God, this is going to be a Wrestlemania match? Nathan just isn't ready yet. He is entirely to green and tentative in the ring. Taker will have a hard time making this WM a good one. The match itself was solid, and the sight of the seven foot Big Show giving the almost seven foot Nathan a vertical suplex was one to behold. Taker was way over with the crowd, and that kept them in the match. Prior to the end of the match, Nathan attempted to clothesline himself and the Big Show out of the ring, and did so, but when Nathan went to the floor somehow his head and neck got caught under the bottom rope and whiplashed him hard. I seriously thought the guy had just broke his neck, his body was stretched in that. The end came when Taker caught Albert in the chokeslam for the pin."



This guy is TOO entertaining. When he's not hurting people like Mattitude and JJ he's retaping missed spots on SD! and almost killing himself at house shows!


Best. Entertainer. Ever.


Nathan Jones for WWE Champion in 03! Join me!

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Guest Sakura

What will his finisher be? He needs something he can't botch. I guess that rules out a clothesline and a kick then?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I personally cannot wait for Hitler's wet dream matchup: Lesnar vs. Jones.


WWE should promote Jones as the 7' klutz ("You'll never know when his next fuckup will be!"). It'll certainly increase house show business.

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Guest Anglesault

Sad thing: Taker is the best worker in this match.



As for a finisher that Jones can't fuck up, a CHOP~!

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Guest fazzle

Well, he's not the first person to do that. Vince did it once too when Chyna threw him out of the ring, during the Raw where there was a DX vs. Corporation rumble for the #30 spot in the 99 RR.


It scares me that I actually remember that.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He can fuck up a chop. He doesn't know how to pull anything and that's how he ended up potatoing JJ.

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Guest Banky

I'd rather see Steiner get pushed over Benoit, Angle, Jericho, and Lesnar - simply to see everyone get worked up. It would amuse me more than anything. The only thing more amusing to me is starting a cyber feud between DEAN and John Cena.

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Guest Flyboy
What about a sleeper then? Anyone can do a sleeper.

Can't steal Triple H's submission move.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Given this guys track record in the ring...I wouldn't let him put his arms around MY neck.


His official finisher shall be the...


Foot stomp!


Sure it will sting...but it's better than the alternatives.

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Guest Sakura

Yeah but he could accidently stomp on someone's neck and kill them.



What about some old school moves? Bodyslam? Atomic Drop? DDT? Those seem easy.

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Guest Nevermortal

He could do the fingerpoke of doom.


Complete with Hogan vignettes on how to properly hit it.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

As long as he's tagging with Taker he doesn't need a finisher, he just has to stand on the apron growling while Taker applies a shitty Triangle Choke or whatever.

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Guest AndrewTS

His finisher at the SD taping dark match was a gutwrench slam of some sort.


It looks pretty hard to fuck up...but I'm sure he can do it.

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Guest AndrewTS
I wish he was on RAW so he could fight HHH & Steiner.

Yeah, but you need Jackie Gayda in there somewhere.

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Guest WukenBloodstar

Why the hell did they hire this goof? I guess I'm not the only person who laughs at Nathan Jones losing in Pride..

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Guest AndrewTS
Why the hell did they hire this goof?

I think we all know why.

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but of course it's because--HE'S A HOSS, BAH GAWD!!

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Guest Sakura
Why the hell did they hire this goof?

I think we all know why.

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but of course it's because--HE'S A HOSS, BAH GAWD!!



Didn't Ross himself push to get Jones hired?

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Guest Flyboy
Why the hell did they hire this goof?

I think we all know why.

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but of course it's because--HE'S A HOSS, BAH GAWD!!

I thought the answer was he was involved in a threesome with Hunter & Steph.

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Guest Anglesault

I would never let him put his arms around my neck OR hold me upside down for a body slam. A DDT is out of the question. Arm bar?

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Guest The Hamburglar

Yet another reason why Jones is king:


Smackdown last week, Taker comes across Jones in his dressing room apparently having a wank. Taker - "Eerrrrrrrr...What are you doing?

Jones - "I'm just sitting here, having a wank. I got used to the dark in prison."

Taker - "Riiiiiight."


Paraphrased perhaps, but this stuff is gold.

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Guest Anglesault
Why the hell did they hire this goof?

I think we all know why.

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but of course it's because--HE'S A HOSS, BAH GAWD!!

I thouht he was screwing Shane. Hey, it worked for Test

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Guest AndrewTS
Why the hell did they hire this goof?

I think we all know why.

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but of course it's because--HE'S A HOSS, BAH GAWD!!

I thouht he was screwing Shane. Hey, it worked for Test

Naw--we don't know that. Maybe he's just whoring out Stacy to Shane?

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