Guest Downhome Report post Posted March 18, 2003 I can't believe some people liked it as much as they did either, it was just like every other week only with a hotter crowd. I hate Rocky's current character, and not in a good way. I hate it in a "he's pissing me the fuck off the way he's acting" kind of way. Then we have Austin who simply acts as if his soul isn't in this anymore, the man just seems to be missing something, he just doesn't seem in it like he seemingly should be. There were positives, more so than usual, but overall it was just the same ol' stuff we've been dealt for the past good while now, and it's getting old quickly. I LOVED the Dudleyz turning heel though, I can honestly say I was shocked, I didn't expect that at all. That really gave me hope for the rest of the show, but there wasn't all that much more too it for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Mack v. Hurricane sucked, Rico v. Maven was 'eh' but I thought all the other matches were pretty decent and Goldust dragged a watchable match out of Triple H. Look what words you are using 'eh' 'pretty decent' 'watchable'... A far cry from 'kicked ass' Test/BPP v. Chris-tain was better then I thought it would be and I really enjoyed the ending sequence. I liked the effort, but it needed better (quicker) execution for it to fully live up to the booking. The WWE can book tag matches really well, which is why the WWE Tag Div (or lack thereof) is really disappointing because they could make MUCH better use of it. The montage with Fred Durst selling Wrestlemania was a nice tough 1)The song sucks. It's not "epic" at all. And that's what an event like WM needs. 2)It's Fred Durst and it's 2003. and I really enjoyed the HBK montage- and I HATE HBK so that's saying something. I didn't because it seemed like they were making something out of nothing (hmm, they WERE making something out of nothing). I could see them making a big deal out of Hogan at WM - because he was integral to it - but HBK? Yeah, he did the ladder and the iron man match - but they didn't get into that at all - thus rendering it pointless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 The Rocks character is good... but not good for the Rock. It's like he is running fast but down a different track. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted March 18, 2003 The Rocks character is good... but not good for the Rock. It's like he is running fast but down a different track. I suppose I can agree with you there, it just doesn't set well with me for HIM. I want him to be the Rocky we saw in the Nation damnit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 18, 2003 The show as a whole kicked ass. At the end of the show I felt like I had actually seen a very good RAW. The thing with the Dudleyz came out nowhere and I really want to see where they go with it. I enjoyed both tag matches. Test/BPP v. Chris-tain really picked up during the 'katie bar the door pier-4 brawl' part. I'm also glad they didn't have HBK run in and do his usual. I haven't heard all of the Fred Durst song but I agree it's a step below My Way and I liked how they acted like it was something special for him to play at WM. They were making something out of nothing considering his Wrestlemania record was 3-6. Most of the newer fans don't know anything about him so you might as well act like the guy is something special ar Wrestlemania to add to the importance of Jericho v. HBK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Yes, I wish to have my face rubbed in feces because I am entertained by Shane McMahon. Hey, I just said 'play'... I am less of a wrestling fan because I like John Cena. Yep. I didn't become a wrestling fan for 'the workrate'. It isn't what brought me into wrestling, and I'm sure it isn't what brought 98% of the people on this board into it. Workrate just is another term for effort. I can't see how you would be against hard work in a match. Before many got the internet, I'm sure it wasn't a big deal whatsoever. But now everyone is conscious of it. Why can't people just relax, and enjoy it for what it is. Its wrestling, not fricking figure skating where every move is thoroughly examined than graded when its finished. Because if people 'enjoy it for what it is' then it still would suck. If it's "entertainment" and not entertaining or "sport" and it's devoid of any elements that make up a sport, then it's not living up to its own standard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 The show as a whole kicked ass. At the end of the show I felt like I had actually seen a very good RAW. The thing with the Dudleyz came out nowhere and I really want to see where they go with it. The Dudley turn I enjoyed, but I would rather have them not so outspoken with their "we did it but we hate doing it" line. Because it sends the fans two different messages and they just get confused. It would have been much better, IMO, if it was understated but still understood that they did it to get their jobs back. Still, the turn itself was good and the crowd sure as hell hated it. I enjoyed both tag matches. Test/BPP v. Chris-tain really picked up during the 'katie bar the door pier-4 brawl' part. I'm also glad they didn't have HBK run in and do his usual. Yes, but again, it didn't really flow as well as it could have. The wrestlers didn't do the finish justice. I haven't heard all of the Fred Durst song but I agree it's a step below My Way and I liked how they acted like it was something special for him to play at WM. The thing is - how special is it? What has Durst done for me lately? They were making something out of nothing considering his Wrestlemania record was 3-6. Most of the newer fans don't know anything about him so you might as well act like the guy is something special ar Wrestlemania to add to the importance of Jericho v. HBK Here's the thing: Why are they fighting? Jericho wants to end HBKs legacy - why? Why does HBK want to wrestle - because it's wrestlemania and he has a history? C'mon. There are ways you can make it work - they just haven't done it. They could have focused on him being in the 'first' ladder match. The first Ironman match. They could have focused on the fact that his last match with the WWE was at WM and how he left on a sour note. They could have had Jericho say he wanted to be like HBK but now he doesn't but they didn't say WHY. Motivation: a good thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted March 18, 2003 I am less of a wrestling fan because I like John Cena. Yep. That answers demonstrates how pig-headed you are towards wrestling. Unfortunetly, I am just as much of a wrestling fan as you. And I like Steiner and Cena. Ain't that 'bout a bitch. Frown on me from your elitist pedastal if you must, I still rule. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted March 18, 2003 You can't rule. You like Steiner and Cena, neither of whom rule. If you like shitty wrestling then your appreciation for good wrestling as a whole is nonexistent. And yes, it is unfortunate that you are a wrestling fan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 C'mon Bankster, you asked for that answer and I gave you want you wanted. Now you can get upon YOUR pedastal and frown on me for being a 'bitter wrestling elitist.' Why must you call me names? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Blackston Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Different strokes for different folks, people. Attacking someone for liking John Cena and Scott Steiner is like attacking someone for liking Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho, which is like attacking someone for liking HHH and Kevin Nash (not that there's anything wrong with that). This flame war is beyond silly, and questioning someone's "quality" of a wrestling fan is downright asinine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted March 18, 2003 I like Cena, Hogan, and Goldberg, does that now mean my every opinion doesn't matter? I still have a piece of me from the 80's and early 90's which survived my maturity from a basic mark, and I'm proud of it damnit, lol. I do understand that guys like Hogan, Flair, etc... should be on their way out though. I'm a smark, with the heart of a mark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Oh hush. It's hardly a flame war. A total of 5 lines have been said on this issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Different strokes for different folks, people. Attacking someone for liking John Cena and Scott Steiner is like attacking someone for liking Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho, which is like attacking someone for liking HHH and Kevin Nash (not that there's anything wrong with that). This flame war is beyond silly, and questioning someone's "quality" of a wrestling fan is downright asinine. Who the fuck attacks somebody for liking Chris Benoit? Answer: A really fucking stupid person. Benoit rules. Don't question, just accept. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Well that and the smarks who are anti smarks...of course it makes no sense Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Yeah, I don't get that. This is the smartmarks forum, I believe it has been well established that we like to bitch and overanalyze things. If you don't like it, then why don't you just leave... Oh wait... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted March 18, 2003 I think the women's match might have been the best match on RAW for about the 8th straight week(sanz last week due to it not even being a match) It would help if the crowd was into it more. This crowd was a hotter than usual crowd for the show, but more quiet than usual for the women's match. Even when they hit their spots, there was little to NO crowd reaction. It was actually booked smart with Jazz walking out. Maybe they set up Kane/RVD vs. Dudleys for WM. Well I guess if they manage to get RVD onto WM somehow, I can't complain. Although the fact that his ring time is reduced in half due to Kane, is really bothering me more every week. Raw wasn't SHIT as usual, but to say it was great would be a stretch. Triple H wasn't his normal HORRIBLE self. Maybe he has realized that with Rock/Austin back, he is gonna be upstaged on the mic every week, so he decided to get more down to business, however it is likely Austin & Rock might not be around much longer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ManKinnd Report post Posted March 18, 2003 See, Ravishing Rick, you can't do that. You CAN say a wrestler is terrible due to the extreme subjectiveness of the statement. You CAN'T, however, attack someone's standards when only comparing them to yours. Different standards does not mean lower. Are you the wrestling God? Are all the "good-great" wrestlers on a list in your home? Are all others "flagged" so when you hear that someone likes one of them, you can dismiss them as a fan of the sport? The thought that different=worse is the same mindset used to establish slavery and the Nazi regime. With that I'll end, before going on into a huge rant. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Are you attacking my standards on what makes a wrestling fan right now? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rising up out of the back seat-nuh 0 Report post Posted March 18, 2003 BACK THE SHANE O'MAC!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ManKinnd Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Are you attacking my standards on what makes a wrestling fan right now? Ugh. Don't get technical with me. It's OBVIOUS what makes a wrestling fan. Do they enjoy seeing any form of professional wrestling, be it hardcore, high-flying, power, puro, WWE style, whatever. There are many types of professional wrestling as I'm sure you know. If someone likes watching it, they're a fan. What the hell do you think makes a baseball or hockey fan? They friggin like watching it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Hey, just because I have different standards doesn't mean they're lower. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ManKinnd Report post Posted March 18, 2003 By DEFINITION, a wrestling fan is someone who likes watching it, just like with any sport, sitcom, ANYTHING. How can you say different? I see what you're trying to do, but I don't think it's working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted March 18, 2003 You can't rule. You like Steiner and Cena, neither of whom rule. If you like shitty wrestling then your appreciation for good wrestling as a whole is nonexistent. And yes, it is unfortunate that you are a wrestling fan. But I am the same as you - a wrestling fan. Oh shucks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BRUCE Report post Posted March 18, 2003 The show was great and Lawler's coments were just selling an angle. Personally I laughed my ass off several times during the HHH/Goldust promo. Good Stuff! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 I believe wrestling fans only watch to criticize the product. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BRUCE Report post Posted March 18, 2003 I believe wrestling fans only watch to criticize the product. No, that's the defenition of a SmartMark! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Goodear Report post Posted March 18, 2003 Jesus Christ, get off your high horses. "Oh you like John Cena.. you can't be a real fan!" Like people need your validation of who they enjoy watching. Not that this validation has anything behind it anyway... "Benoit rules because he rules" ... oh yeah tons of deep thought there. Whoo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 18, 2003 I'd like to point out how this debacle started: Shane McMahon is a good entertainer, what else can we ask for? Some people find playing around in their feces to be good entertainment. Just thought I'd point that out. What else can we ask for? I dunno, you seem satisfied with John Cena wrestling so obviously your standards are low. Me, I'd like something good. There is such a thing as bad taste, you know? There are reasons for having an opinion, the better the reasons, the better the opinion. The high horse here is people saying "You can't say that". "You can't say that people have low standards." Well guess what? Low Standards suck. Low Standards doesn't do anything other than making yourself conform to a crappy product just so you can be 'entertained'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Plushy Al Logan Report post Posted March 18, 2003 The King was actually funny, weel for one joke: "Look he is a superhero, he bent the chair!" -Refering to the Hurricane being smashed with the chair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites