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rising up out of the back seat-nuh

Tenacious Z

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I don't think it's a case of Vinnie planning to actually use him. I think it's a case of Vinnie locking him in before anybody else can really use him.

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Guest Downhome

Just wait and watch him eventually get with Goldust, and then maybe Kane.

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Guest Johnny Blaze

I'm inclined to agree. Vince probably sees him as just another side show spot monkey. He'll be treated like any other smaller guy Vince signs; he'll job to hosses on heat or velocity. Now, if he was a one legged HOSS, he might have a chance to get a push.


As a side note, I really don't see what the big deal is with this guy. OK, he wrestles with one leg, which is extremely impressive, but all I've seen him do is land a few neat spots on the TNA shows. Hell, the guys who won TE 3 can do that. I sincerely doubt that he'd be a good WRESTLER. I'm sure he can land a few crazy spots, and that's nice, but I'd rather have someone who can actually wrestle full matches get a spot and not just someone who can perform in spotfests. We already have guys like Rey Rey, Shannon Moore, Hurricane, etc. who can do what he can already, WWE doesn't need another jobber for heat.

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Guest Brian

I think Vince just signed him as a hearty "fuck you, and welcome to the wrestling business" to TNA, and intend to se him for nothing more than a novelty act like Crash Holly or Spike Dudley in the past.

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Guest Human Fly

They'll bring him in, give him a few wins, and he'll get crazy over. Then the WWF will bury him because it wasn't in their plans to move him up the card.

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