Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Some wrestlers seem to get a lot of hate on this board and among smark fans in general. Of course some of these are pretty obvious, but still, can anyone LOGICALLY explain how come you don't like.... Goldberg Batista Buff Bagwell 3-Minute Warning Test Kevin Nash Big Show Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BifEverchad Report post Posted March 19, 2003 HOSSamania runnin' wild, with Buff Daddy dancing all over them! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg - he hurt Brett Hart is the common reason Batista - have yet to see a good match from him, all the matches seem too short. Buff Bagwell - for F'N up the Invasion and being a general dumass 3-Minute Warning - fat bastards who hurt people Test - I liked him as an UnAmerican but now he is boring Kevin Nash - can't walk, drinks Coors, don't like his hair Big Show - No problem here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg-Two moves, can't wrestle, egomaniac. Batista-No real beef. Buff Bagwell-Same. 3-Minute Warning-I like them. Test-Gets shoved down our throats and never gets over (although I think he could get over with the proper booking) Kevin Nash-I'm indifferent to Nash. Big Show-I like Show. The only real problem I've had with him was that he got an ME push after being buried in the lower midcard for about a year and a half. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ViciousFish Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg- A 2 move wrestler who is greedy as all hell, lazy, injury prone and he retired my favorite wrestler of all time Batista- I actually like Batista, he is totally intense and besides he has some cool tattoos Buff Bagwell- From everything I've ever read he's a whiny pussy. Although he did get punked out by the Hurricane which makes him slightly cooler by association. But he still got his mommy to phone WWE and complain that he wasn't treated as good as Big Show and other such 'main eventers' 3-Minute Warning- They seem OK for big fat guys, and Rosey or is it Jamal can get some decent distance off the ropes. Test- I think Test is great. Not as a wrestler because he's not really that good but as a comedy act watching him wrestle and act. Kevin Nash- I have never liked Kevin Nash. I think he's egotistical, only has like 2 moves, and he's too injury prone to actually develop a following. I mean he hurt himself without wrestling, healed came back to a HUUUUGE NWO push and tore a quad in his first match. Real main event material. Big Show- I think the Big Show, while physically impressive is just not a good wrestler. He's out of shape at least for a wrestler and has a very limited move list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mad Dog Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg - I really don't mind him that much. I don't think he's the answer for the WWF though because he's a star of the past. I do think he's really smart for waiting till the WWF is in it's current shape and then sticking it to them for as much money as he can get. Batista - A lot of reasons I don't like him: 1. He's generic 2. For a guy his size he has a very weak and basic offense 3. Is being pushed against the fans will Buff Bagwell - Such a talented wrestler that suffers from being lazy. 3-Minute Warning Apathetic Test - If you've watched him since 99 you can just see the moveset shrink and his ability to work a match go to hell. They waited till he was unwatchable to push him. Kevin Nash - I don't really mind him. He should avoid singles matches but he's passable in a tag team situation with decent workers and proper motivation. Big Show - Weight has killed him. He used to be able to do a lot of high flying stuff in WCW and it's sad to see him barely able to move these days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg- Arrogant piece of shit. Doesn't respect the business or anyone/thing in it. Batista- I don't hate him, but I hate power wrestlers in general. I have to be able to connect with the characters, or the person in order to like them. Batista is 6'9" 300+ pounds. I am 5'10" 185 pounds. No connection there. Batista is an "animal". I am not. Buff Bagwell- Never liked him. His attitude both from the sheets, and from my personal experience meeting him soured me. 3-Minute Warning- I liked them when they first entered, I kind of liked them before they got the call up. But now, they are on "cruise control", and they were never really good enough to be on cruise control. Rico needs to get the fuck out of there. I'd send him back to Smackdown. Test- Ugh. Boring, no mike skills, horrid to watch. Kevin Nash- Ugh x 2. Worst drawing WWF champion ever, least amount of talent, his subpar mike skills are what carries him, which is sad because he's overrated on the mike anyway. Horrible, horrible worker. Big Show- I don't hate him as much as Nash, but I find him incredibly boring and switch the channel whenever he comes on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Batista - Just seems to be a muscle freak to me. My reason for hating him is because he seems too stiff in the ring. 3-Minute Warning - Too fat, too green. Didn't they injure one of the "lesbians" and Patterson? Kevin Nash - Way too injury prone, slow, and talentless. During the entire nWo run, he did what, a match and a half? Big Show - I have nothing against the guy personally, but his in-ring work is really shitty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted March 19, 2003 All of them bore me and make me dislike the product. Isn't that reason enough to hate them? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Some wrestlers seem to get a lot of hate on this board and among smark fans in general. Of course some of these are pretty obvious, but still, can anyone LOGICALLY explain how come you don't like.... Goldberg - 2-move blunder who put on shitty matches 98% of the time, is a prima donna asshole, injured Bret Hart, and is the ultra boring "monster" who squashes people. Squash matches are boring. Batista - Roid monkey whose move set is: clothesline, spine buster, clothesline, powerslam, did I mention clothesline? He's also a boring monster who mostly does squashes. Buff Bagwell -- X-Pac on roids, only not as good in the ring: faggy poses, annoying promos, and he's absolutely horrible in the ring these days. Then of course there's the "momma's boy" thing... 3-Minute Warning -- They're fat, ugly, shitty in the ring, sloppy, stiff, and boring. Can't cut a promo worth shit, either. Plus Rico is wasted managing these fat fucks. Test -- No charisma, doesn't put any effort into his matches, gets pushed anyway. Only pushed for his "look." Kevin Nash -- One of the laziest man in wrestling. No desire or passion for the business, a politicking bastard who helped cultivate the monster known as HHH. Demands a high salary for Vince despite sucking in the ring, never drawing worth shit, and won't even play a decent heel when he's supposed to. Did I mention he's horribly injury prone? Big Show -- Boring matches, disgusting to look at, his promos are repetitive as hell, and he's going to be around for at least SIX MORE YEARS!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest snuffbox Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg - Lot of charisma, not the worst worker, didnt intentionally maim Bret. But he thinks WAY to highly of himself, and thats a big problem Batista - I dont have any prob with him except I can think more deserving of the push he got Buff Bagwell -Pisspoor worker, black hole of heat, cant keep his head out of his ass 3-Minute Warning - I find them fairly entertaining, but quite sloppy Test - No beef with him, but again theres others that could use the push(es) Kevin Nash - Lazy, poor worker, promos are nothing but the wink-winks, excuse maker, atrocious booking, injury prone, etc etc Big Show - Waste of talent. At this point, its just pathetic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg - Arrogant piece of shit, and just plain sloppy in the ring. He could have been something if not for ego. Batista - I don't hate him, he just doesn't do anything for me. He doesn't have the charisma of a Brock Lesnar or Big Show. Buff Bagwell - Goldberg without the name value. 3-Minute Warning - Don't really care about them one way or another. Test - The worst actor in WWE, and he doesn't have the in-ring skills to counter it. He sucks, but what really angers me is his endless pushes despite not drawing a dime in his life. Kevin Nash - He almost tanked the WWF once, killed WCW, and ushered in the horrible 2002. Has no respect for the business, and has done more damage to it than any other wrestler in history. Big Show - I don't hate him. He isn't the most talented individual, but I can enjoy his matches when he is booked properly. He has really been shafted by the bookers throughout his WWF career, with dozens of face/heel turns. He just needs direction, which he seems to be getting now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Batista - Will get a push that someone more deserving won't based purely on size...and not on things like talent of popularity Buff Bagwell- He sucks 3-Minute Warning - They suck Test - gets too many chances to get over. Fails. Get's more chances. Lather, rinse, repeat for the last 4 years. Kevin Nash - sucks Big Show - I don't hate Big Show unless he's getting title runs. Goldberg - The three Un's. Untalented, UnMotivated and Unwilling to even try to improve. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KingOfOldSchool Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg - Arrogant prick who has no respect for the business. Has had ONE good match during his win streak. Is not as important to wrestling as he thinks he is... now if only everyone else (read: Vince) would get off his cock and stop giving into this fucker's demands. Batista - Clothesline. Clothesline. Spinebuster. Clothesline. Powerbomb. Throw a bunch of punches in there. Match over. Boring. Buff Bagwell - I once didn't mind him. But he then turned into, as someone else said, Goldberg without the name recognition. 3 Minute Warning - Eh, they're alright with me, they can move well enough. Jamal at the very least. Sloppy though. Test - Indifferent. Only thing that really cheeses me off about him though is that he keeps getting pushed time after time, with no result. Just give up on him already. Kevin Nash - Slow. Old. Injured very easily. Coasted throughout a majority of his career. Got to where he is through politicking. Had a hand in killing WCW. Big Show - I liked him as Giant. But then he got lazy and fat. Really never deserved any of his title reigns (in WCW or WWF/E). Fairly entertaining at times though, especially these past few months, so I've grown to indifferent towards him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 19, 2003 3-Minute Warning -- They're fat, ugly, shitty in the ring, sloppy, stiff, and boring. Can't cut a promo worth shit, either. Plus Rico is wasted managing these fat fucks. Have they even had the opportunity to cut a promo? I can't recall them saying anything beyond their A-Train-like YAAAH!s in the ring. And as far as being stiff -- they injured a 100-pound female indy wresler, an 80-year old female retired wrestler, and a 50-year male old retired wrestler. Is it SOMEWHAT possible that it wasn't 3MW's fault? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Those moves were absolutely 3MWs fault. They gave no protection to the people they were attacking. The kick to the lesbian and the running into Mae Young was completely ridiculous. As for the topic Buff Bagwell - main event attitude without ever doing a damn thing Kevin Nash - I want to see him be entertaining one time within the context of a character as opposed to going out on his own disregarding the angle or character he is supposed to play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 19, 2003 3MW cut a few backstage promos after they debuted--they haven't had them do any since. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheGame2705 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg- Is so damn arrogant and did some pretty good damage to Bret's head Batista- Boring, very boring Buff Bagwell- Overrated in the ring and just seems cunty 3-Minute Warning- I've never actually changed the channel for anyone except them Test- I don't mind him except he's a horrible actor and he's like an icebox as far as heat or lack thereof goes. Kevin Nash- I like him. I honestly have never been annoyed with anything Nash-related. Big Show- I like him too. Always a Big Show fan EXCEPT when he was doing the smoking angle in the nwo in WCW and when he was doing parodies in WWF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Seriously...there isn't a lot of Big Show hate unless he's holding the title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg- Has a huge ego, has no respect for the business, very sloppy, small moveset, ect. Batista- He needs to move faster and work on his pyschology. He would be a lot more acceptable if he did. Buff Bagwell- The guy is lazy and a trouble-maker. He totally pissed away any potential he had. 3-Minute Warning- No real problem with them. Test- He both sucks and blows. Kevin Nash- A cancer to the wrestling business. The Ted McGinley of pro-wrestling. Big Show- Desparately needs to lose weight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Bad Matches. Wow, that was easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JDMattitudeV1 Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg: Thinks he is some kind of legend when all he did was be in the right place at the right time. Has no respect for the business. Batista: I don't hate him, I just have no reason (other than he's a hoss) to give a shit about him. Buff Bagwell: Egotistical shit, very annoying, fucked up the Invasion before it had even started. 3MW: I actually quite liked them until they started wrestling and stopped doing the "3 minute" segments. Kind of like Batista, why should I care about them? Test: Can't work or cut a promo, isn't over and has no charisma, but he's a hoss so he is constantly rammed down our throats. Nash: Lazy, nearly killed the WWF (he might be given a second crack at it though when he returns) and succeeded in killing WCW. Can be entertaining on the mike though. Big Show: Don't really hate him, I just hate it when he gets pushed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Just a question... when has Bagwell EVER been a good worker? I don't ever remember seeing him have a really good match, even in the early 90's before his neck injury Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg- A 2 move wrestler who is greedy as all hell, lazy, injury prone and he retired my favorite wrestler of all time This sentence right here explain the ignorance of the board. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted March 19, 2003 My counter argument to the "Goldberg ended Bret's career" argument, is that Bret had over 20 documented concussions... it was only a matter of time before he got the final one. Bret's time in the ring was numbered, and I seriously doubt he would still be wrestling today even if he had never faced Goldberg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 19, 2003 What have you guys been reading/hearing that makes you say Goldberg has no respect for the business? I'm just curious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted March 19, 2003 I believe Goldberg has been qouted as saying he just got into Wrestling to make some money. While I have no problem with him doing that, it does show he has little to no respect for the business since he's just in it for the money. I believe he's been quoted as saying other things as well, but I can't recall what. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Goldberg - I never liked him from day one. When he came out for his first "win streak" match with Hugh Morrus I laughed and said who's this roided up Steve Austin clone. This was also before i was an actual "card carrying smark". Buff Bagwell - I liked him when he was teaming with Scott Norton in Vicious and Delicious, but other than that I never cared for him. Also I ALWAYS hated his finisher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted March 19, 2003 I believe Goldberg has been qouted as saying he just got into Wrestling to make some money. While I have no problem with him doing that, it does show he has little to no respect for the business since he's just in it for the money. I believe he's been quoted as saying other things as well, but I can't recall what. He also feels he's "above" working with any midcarders or even guys like Angle or Lesnar who aren't long-established stars. Basically he'd only work with Rock and Austin, since he hates HHH. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 19, 2003 Plus he would rather do movies. I recall an interiew with him on E.T. around the time Universal Soldier 2 came out - and he full out said that Wrestling was a platform for his film career. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites