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At last night's NWA-TNA PPV, Vince Russo was performing his normal duties backstage in the creative and production departments. He has let some people know that he prefers not to be a on-air talent, though Jeff Jarrett is trying to convince Russo to return to that role as Jarrett considers Russo to be the NWA-TNA's strongest heel character at the moment.



There is word going around that the NWA-TNA might postpone Raven's NWA title match against Jeff Jarrett that he won after he defeated A.J. Styles on the PPV last night. The match could be held off for a few weeks, possibly to create more buildup between Raven & Jarrett.



For another week in a row, J.J. Dillon was not backstage at the NWA-TNA PPV.



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Guest Space_Cowboy
There is word going around that the NWA-TNA might postpone Raven's NWA title match against Jeff Jarrett that he won after he defeated A.J. Styles on the PPV last night. The match could be held off for a few weeks, possibly to create more buildup between Raven & Jarrett.

More buildup? I's been over 2 months since Raven came in and they still haven't even had one match yet, if they wait a few more weeks it'll have been a quarter of a year they've been feuding with no match.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

I like JJ and I love Raven but there's no way a match between these two will be any good. That's why they're waiting.


And Fuck J.J. Dillon... er um... Fuck Goldberg? :ph34r:

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

:::: marks for the Starscream avatar ::::


On the topic at hand, it's about damn time Russo stayed off-air. It's not exactly a GOOD thing when your number one heel is a scrawny jackass who's killed off a national promotion due to his silly garbage angles.

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he also rebuilt a promotion with those silly angles lets not forget.


and JJ, if russo wants to stay off tv, let him. stop kissing his ass to bring him on tv. fire eric watts and the rest of those goons instead.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I'm guessing Raven will win the title and that is why they will build it up more. Then D'lo can feud with Raven since he was guaranteed a title shot.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Really think they'd remember the guaranteed D'Lo shot after a few MORE weeks of build? Quite frankly, I think they're building for a few more weeks so people can remember the first feud they had.


Then again, maybe I'm just being grumpy because Styles STILL isn't getting the title anytime soon, according to this.

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Guest El Satanico

Maybe they'll come to an agreement that will result in Russo being on camera less.


I never really found Russo's TNA character to be that bad. However the problem is that he's just on tv way too much. I think the Russo character would be fine if his on air time was kept to a minimum. They'd be better off to let the S.E.X wrestlers play out the angles more often instead of Russo always playing ring master whenever they come out.


Keep Russo limited to one segment at most per show and he wouldn't be as bad.

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Guest kane3212321

I watched my first show this week and they REALLY need to cut down on the talking and poor talent. Most of the matches were a burden to sit through and the first 25 minutes was long and boring.

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Guest Bloodice

I like the buildup of raven/jarrett with the Styles factor involved. Not to mention you have Erik Watts attacking Jarrett and Killings back it really makes this an interesting angle to see where all of this is going to go.


Now the one question that has been sticking out in my mind is for the last month Sonny Siaki has been wrestling on Xplosion doing the dark matches that are taped for it. Why has he been on that and not wrestling on the ppv itself?

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Guest j.o.b. squad

siaki has been on xplosion becose they want some star power on that show so they have decent ratings and more stations buy the rites for the show so it can be in more markets


also siaki has been too busy with his ace in the whole promos to wrestle on the show


at least i think that is why they have been doing that

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Guest Mad Dog

They really need to start cutting lose some dead weight now that they've brought in some bigger name guys.

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yea like the S.O.L's. the fucking suck! dames, in your next diatribe or whatever its called, but that in big bold letters please so that they get the message.

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