Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted March 21, 2003 NWA-TNA WEEK 36!! - Hacksaw Jim Duggan opens the show up with an interview on the war and leads a pledge of allegiance to the flag. - Your Hosts as always, are Mike Tenay & Don West. - Glen Gilberti calls out D'lo Brown, because the heel calls out the face, and all that. Gilberti brings up the glass ceiling in WWE, but their is none in NWA-TNA. Gilberti tries turning D'lo against Jarrett, because D'lo has a guaranteed title shot, and Jarrett is siding with him. Jeff Jarrett comes out now, and said Vince Mcmahon called for D'lo Brown, for him to come back to WWE to make him a star. He cleared out the head of SEX, Vince Russo, and now it appears he has to clear out the ass. D'lo has mixed thoughts. D'lo wants to know where his title shot is. The Second generation rejects attack Jarrett and D'lo makes the save. SEX do a beat down on Jarrett, while the next generation take out Brown. Dream comes out and elbows everyone. SEX takes over on Rhodes now and its chaos. Americas Most Wanted come out to help Jarrett and company, but the tide isn't turned for long. The Truth returns! Double drop-kick t the Harris Brothers!!! Tradition clears the ring of SEX and drives off the New Generation! Awesome segment. - Raven cuts a promo from some dismal area, which is the ring with no lights on, with several tables, a ladder, and garbage cans. He beats on the cans with a Singapore cane while cutting on A. J. Styles keeping him from his destiny. - NWA Tag Team Championship Match: Triple X © Vs. Disciples of the New Church: Representing Triple X this week is...Low Ki and Elix Skipper, as they jump the challengers to start. Triple X are cleared out quick, while Christopher Daniels is taken out too. Slash with a sunset over the top rope onto Triple X! Brian Lee with a plancha!!! Slash whips Skipper into the barricade, and Lee does the same to Low Ki. Slash runs up the steps and comes down with a clothesline on skipper! Slash chokes him with a cable cord now while Lee continues working over Low Ki. Finally, they get back in the ring, and Lee with a side slam on Ki. Stun gun by Lee and he throws Ki outside. Slash with a slam on Skipper in the ring, but Daniels causes Slash to get nailed by a flying kick to the back of the head by Ki. Side Slam by Skipper on Slash, followed by a modified leg drop off the top rope. Snapmare by Low Ki and a kick to the back for two. Triple X rubs their boots across Slash's face several times. Skipper with a top rope Snapmare and leg drop. Back breaker-knee drop combination by Triple X and Low Ki covers for two. Slash with an elbow, but he eats boot, but catches Ki with a Liger Bomb!!! Or Something along those lines, but WOW! Lee gets the hot tag and cleans house of everyone. Double clothesline to Triple X followed by a Death Valley Driver to Skipper for two! Big Slam on Low Ki, and Slash goes up top. Low Ki puts Lee in a dragon sleeper until there is a referee bump. Tombstone piledriver ... prevented with a tag title belt shot by Daniels!!! Skipper in, and he gets nailed with a clothesline. the Snake Eyes by Slash on Ki!!! No referee, Skipper drops Slash across the titles for two. MALICE STOPS THE COUNT!! Big Boot to Skipper!!! Powerbomb to Daniels!!! Powerbomb to Skipper!!! Chokeslam to Low Ki!!! Malice shoves down the referee and a Chokeslam!!!!! No Bell sounds so I estimate Triple X win by DQ at 9:00 mark. *** Awesome match!!!! - Mike Tenay talks with Erik Watts. Watts sucks, I know it, you know it. Nuff Said. BORING. - Interrogation with Konnan!!! Question: Jerry Lynn? Answer: Punk Ass Bitch Question: Tracy Mcrady or Kobe Bryant? Answer: Kobe's a ball hog. Tracy. Question: Eric Bischoff? Answer: Punk ass bitch Question: Retro Jerseys or Phubu Gear? Answer: Retro Question: Max Moon Answer: ...the best Question: Eminem or 50 cent Answer: Eminem Question: Mil Mascaras or el Santo? Answer: El Santo Question: Jennifer Lopez or Christina Aguliera Answer: threesome talk Question: Rey Misterio, Jr.? Answer: In league by himself Question: A.J Styles or Raven? Answer: He calls Ravens Clockwork Orange House of Fun "Pee-wees Orange Play House" and tells Styles to toss his salad and peel his potatoes. Question: luchadores won-loss record vs. x-divison? Answer: (goes on a rant in Spanish to end) - Konnan & Juventud Guererra Vs. Jerry Lynn & Jason Cross: Juvi and Lynn start off with a little slap of respect. Juvi takes over on a knuckle lock and turns it into a headlock, which is reversed, and both men exchange armbars. Juvi flips over the back of Lynn, and Lynn snapmares him, they leap frog each other and they trade arm drags, and miss double drop-kicks, and go to fight stance. Hot start as usual. Lockup and Juvi hammers Lynn in the corner. Tilt o' Whirl by Lynn blocked, and Juvi rolls up Lynn for 2, and they trade more pinning combos. Lynn bridges out of a pin and backslides Juvi over, who nails a crescent kick. Second rope Cross Body by Lynn followed by a back breaker for two, and follows up with a rear chin lock. Cross in with a spinning heel kick for two. Both men trade chops and Cross with a brain buster for two. Cross to the top rope and he misses a corkscrew moonsault. Sunset flip is reversed by Juvi and he nails a drop-kick to the face. Konnan finally tags in, and drop-kicks Cross in the face as well. He gets in his face and stomps him down. Konnan chokes Cross in the second rope while Juvi nails the 619 off camera. Missile Drop-kick by Juvi and Konnan tags him back in. Cross avoids a corner rush and drop toe holds Juvi into the bottom turnbuckle. Lynn in and he takes down both men. Drop-kick by Juvi misses and nails Konnan. Sunset flip over Konnans shoulders by Juvi gets two on Lynn! Cross in the ring now and he is back dropped over the top rope onto Lynn. Missile Drop-kick by Cross on Konnan, and he nails the Crossfire! Juvi breaks the count at two! Juvi to the top now and he BOTCHED the 450 by sitting on Cross' chest! That only gets two as well. Cradle Piledriver is blocked and Konnan rolling clotheslines Lynn, then does some kind of a X-factor for two. Lynn tries sunset flipping Konnan in the corner, but he blocks and covers, with the help of the ropes, for the win at 9:27!! Match was there, and wasn't as bad as several people have said, so I'll go *1/2 on this one. Still Disappointing. - Video Package of Trinity & Kid Kash over the past few weeks, as Trinity continues taking bumps for him to help him win. - Kid Kash & Amazing Red cut THE worst promo I've seen to date on each other, basically using porno level acting and generally bad chemistry. Red wants a three way with Kash & Trinity. And by three way I mean Triple Threat Match, not the OTHER kind. - Mike Sanders & Glen Gilberti Vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Moondog Spot: Mike Sanders died his hair jet black, which looks totally weird on him, since it's new. Duggan gets jumped before his partner arrives. I just realized Athena is at ringside. Sanders & Gilberti pummel Duggan like a bitch on the outside, and do the same inside. In the crowd we see MOONDOG SPOT, with a BIG pot belly, come in the ring, and Gilberti gets pissed off and storms to the locker room, leaving Sanders on his own. Moondog hammers on Sanders and the characters of past double clothesline him. Moondog Spot nails him with his bone and does some dancing, and Duggan drops the knee for the win at 1:55. DUD What did Sanders do to be jobbed out to everyone? If memory is right, I think he's only pinned one person. Jonah. Hey, I still like how they blend together older guys for now and then appearances, never guys, and the X-Division. - Goldylocks is with the New Church, and they promise a new member next week, for an eight man tag against The Harris Brothers and 2 members of xXx. They storm off to their locker room. - NWA-TNA X-Division Championship Match: Kid Kash © Vs. Amazing Red Vs. Trinity: Trinity is not that good looking, but she has a nice ass, so that makes up for it I guess, especially since she's wearing short tights tonight. None of these three get a decent pop, meaning they are shoving this feud into the ground. Red & Kash counter each other a lot until Kash lifts Red over his shoulders who then proceeds to drop-kick Trinity Square in the face knocking her out of the ring for a while. Red with an elbow drop off the top rope for two. He hammers on Kash but is caught with a slam face first for two. Kash with the walls of jericho on Red and slams him hard on his back for two. Kash eats boot in the corner and Red with a standing star press for two. Kash is whipped into Trinity and she's down again, and Red with an enziguri for two. Front face enziguri by Kash and he nails a modified Van Daminator, although it looks pretty crappy, because he does a flip making it look like he went all the way, but didn't. Swinging neck breaker and modified fisherman buster gets two. Red posts Kash on the top turnbuckle, and in returned is low blowed. Kash goes for a powerbomb, but its reversed with a hurricanrana! Red sells it like he's been shot in the ass. Trinity kicks Red off the top rope and nails the top rope hurricanrana (Lita move) BEAUTIFULLY!!! Tornado DDT by Trinity! Head scissors take over. She goes to the top rope, but Kash in the meantime with a rolling German suplex to Red for the win at 5:56. ** Match was decent, and Trinity was kept out of the ring for most of the match. - Backstage Dusty Rhodes enters a locker room that has D'lo Brown arguing with Jeff Jarrett. That is all. - Video Package of the Next Generation/Jarrett, D'lo, Rhodes match. Better left unsaid I do believe. - Jeff Jarrett, D'lo Brown, Dusty Rhodes Vs. Eric Watts, Brian Lawler, David Flair: The only good workers in the match that are better then average are Brown & Jarrett, so that makes me a little nervous cause they are teaming. I need one of those D'lo "Are You Down?" shirts. Brown starts with Lawler and goes to a side headlock. Shoulder block and atomic drop by D'lo, and an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Slam, and D'lo with the leg drop, but not before Lawler sits up thinking he's smart. Armbar by Brown, and Lawler unloads on him. SPINEBUSTER by Brown, and a Sky High on Lawler. Flair in and he gets hip tossed several times and Brown with an armbar and leg lariat, followed by a flap jack. Eric Watts gets the tag, NOO!!!! Brown with a drop toe hold and works the knee. Boot and some kind of choke slam by Watts. The Next Generation work over Brown in the corner for a while. Stall Suplex by Flair gets two and he grabs a front face lock, then tags in Lawler. Brown eats boot and a clothesline and Lawler bites his hand. Watts in and Brown comes back with some rights but gets suplexed across the top rope for two. Whip onto the boots of Flair & Lawler and Lawler comes back in the ring. Headbutt to the GROIN gets two and this match is getting dull, ESPECIALLY since the losers are in control. Brown with the catatonic (Chris Harris finisher) on Lawler beautifully, and Jarrett FINALLY tags in, taking out all three men and an enziguri to Flair. Drop-kick to Lawler and the mounted punches. Watts eats bionic elbows from Rhodes and they both toss him out of the ring. Lawler is pulled out of the ring by Brown, and Jarrett nails the STROKE on David Flair for the win at 8:24. * Boring match but decent overall. The Truth celebrates with the winners, but POWERBOMBs JARRETT!!!! WOOO!! The True Conviction connects, but Jarrett botches. Watts and company work over Rhodes then drag Jarrett to the parking lot, where they tie a rope around him and threaten to drive off with him like that, but opt not to. PLEASE FIRE ERIC WATTS. And Ron Killings turning heel works for me. - In the back, The New Church and SEX brawl, with the S.E.X members getting the advantage of course, being a 7 on 3 fight. I wonder who the mystery partner is. My guess is Vampire Warrior cause his character would fit in perfectly. - Sonny Siaki is with Holly Wood, and its Adults only time. Athena come sin and she and Holly have a cat fight, which she wins. Siaki wants some TITTIES, and doesn't care who's it is. He prefers Wood though (ha) because Athena has floppy flajacks. Athena slaps him and he comes back with the Siakolypse now! Athena is dead, and David Young comes out to save her from any more damage. Is Athena's job getting her ass whooped all the time, cause that's all that ever happens to her. And where's Desire? She fired already? Siaki is so much better on the mic then in the ring. - West & Tenay run down next week. Slash, Brian Lee, Malice, ??? Vs. xXx & Harris Brothers, PLUS...Konnan vs. Jerry Lynn one on one! - Awesome video package of the Raven/Styles storyline, which will end with the Ladder Match, which is dubbed "8 Steps to Heaven and Hell". These keep getting better and better every week. - Hardcore Ladder Match; #1 Contenders Match for World Title: A.J Styles Vs. Raven: Raven STILL is healing from his blade job from the Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match with Sandman several weeks back, and is wearing a big ass bandage. I'm not sure who the face is here, but I like both of them, so I'll say Styles. Styles attacks Raven from the back with a trash can lid to start the match. Trash can to the head of Raven several times, and then he throws it at him. He grabs another and covers it over his head, then ENZIGURI'S IT! A.J plants the ladder on the second rope, and springboards Raven across the ladder rungs!! Rolling drop-kick to the face follows up. He drop toe holds Raven face first into a steel chair, then DDT's him on it! Styles sets up the ladder and almost has the contract, but Raven throws a chair in Styles face on target, knocking him off! Can lid to the head and the three stooges bit hits Styles with the ladder three times! Raven hammers Styles in the ribs with the ladder several times, but ends up being CROTCHED ON THE LADDER RUNGS!!! Styles splashes the ladder and brings up the other side into Ravens face! Trash Can lid shot to the face, and its the HANDLE SIDE! Not the flat surface part. Raven is a bloody mess again, and Styles positions the ladder. Hurricanrana off the ladder by Styles! Again he goes up the ladder, but Raven drops him hard across the top rope. STAPLE GUN TO THE HEAD OF STYLES! TWICE!!! THIS IS SICK! Styles sells it to hell and back, and Raven nails him with the trash can lid again! Russian Leg Sweep in to the security railing by Raven! Superkick by Styles, and he lays out Raven on the table outside. He goes upstairs, and Raven pulls the referee onto the table with him, right as Styles nails a guillotine leg drop!!! The referee is out and Raven is bleeding all over the table and concrete floor!!! Styles goes up the ladder, but Glen Gilberti tries shoving over the ladder, but Styles kicks him away! Gilberti grabs him now and powerbombs him through a table on the outside! NO! still out! Raven shoves the referee back in the ring finally, and slowly goes back in. He climbs the ladder uncontested and grabs the contract for the win at 11:10 before passing out from the loss of blood and pain he suffered throughout the match. ***3/4. Awesome match. Not one bit boring here. Raven finally gets his title shot, but I doubt it will be next week or two. Show ends with a shot of Raven holding onto the contract unconscious next to a big blob of blood and the staple gun from earlier. Final Thoughts: Overall, it was an entertaining show. Sure Moondog Spot & Eric Watts killed two matches, but The Truth is back, and Raven is gonna be the next NWA Champion! Thumbs up for this show, and I hope it follows up with a good show next week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dames 0 Report post Posted March 21, 2003 I'm this an email? Did you do this? Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted March 21, 2003 I emailed this to the guy who posts some of my stuff for updates, and i by mistake copied the mailing in the email onto this. DOH! And yes I did this. Although i got information from your review on some moves I didn't know names for (like Chris Harris' finisher for one) and anything I couldn't hear clearly that Konna said from the Interrogation segment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites