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Guest Phr33k

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Guest Anglesault
but HHH has only had it for a week by that time.


It would have been an INTENSE week...



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I apologize...I blame Anglesault.


When he isn't here our conversations are better.

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Guest Anglesault

Hey, I'm like HHH! I add no real positves, but I can just claim I'm INTENSE!



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Guest goodhelmet

"I would not even consider the booking team to be that insane, even though Steph is a part of it.

I never for one second believed she would get the straps."


I never believed that the main event of Mania would revolve around a dog. I never believed David Arquette would be a world champ. I never believed that the WWF would buy WCW. Alot of strange shit has happened and Steph winning the title would be the NADIR of wrestling history.


As for the rambling rehashed insults, there is absolutely nothing wrong with making fun of HHH when he is one of the contributing reasons (along with the NWO, devaluing of Angle, Austin etc.) to my decreasing enjoyment of the WWF product. And if insulting him in a mindless fashion on a message board is more enjoyable than watching the a-hole on tv, then so be it.

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Guest teke184

If you add this to all the stuff they did to get him over in 99, it makes you wonder what he has on Vince to get this kind of mega-push.  Pictures of Vince fucking a rottweiler while he's taking it up the ass from a donkey?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I would actually like to reference my rant on HHH's push that hasn't gotten him over from the previous page.


I want everyone to remember that push when Benoit comes back from neck surgery...goes back to the midcard...and people say he shouldn't be elavated because he's not over.


If Benoit got the HHH push...I am confident he would be far more over than HHH is right now.

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Guest Anglesault
If you add this to all the stuff they did to get him over in 99, it makes you wonder what he has on Vince to get this kind of mega-push.  Pictures of Vince fucking a rottweiler while he's taking it up the ass from a donkey?

Have we reverted back to Test? Or are we talking about the MECCA OF INTENSITY?



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Guest Just call me Dan

I assume you are sincere, and I thank you for being humble.

But do you hate anyone else?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Actually Teke...sometimes I forget which McMahon he is fucking.

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Guest teke184

No, I'm referring to Tha Game-uh, as Test probably has pictures of Shane with Steve Blackman and The Big Slow.  THAT's why Test has only gotten a middling push compared to HHH.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I assume you are sincere, and I thank you for being humble.

But do you hate anyone else?"


Hogan, Test, Fatass Dusty, Kevin Nash, Sid,

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Guest Anglesault
No, I'm referring to Tha Game-uh, as Test probably has pictures of Shane with Steve Blackman and The Big Slow.  THAT's why Test has only gotten a middling push compared to HHH.

Well, they are pushing HHH because he is THAT #### INTENSE...and he has conncections, of course.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm hate Nash.  I'm not too fond of Austin right now (even though he was always one of if not my favorite, wrestler).


Rikishi, Test, Godfather come to mind.


But all of them combined (except Austin) don't get as much TV time as HHH takes to walk to the ring.

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Guest Anglesault

I'm just clearing it up, for people who think he's slow because they don't realize he is INTENSE!



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Guest goodhelmet

Sorry dude but Raven isn't fuck!ng the head writer or borrowing Vince's HGH supply. He will be forever stuck in developmental territory ####.

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Guest Some Guy

Raven was bulking up before the SS.  But the skirt needs to go!  Raven can be a upper-md carder IMO, but they won't push him, for some reason.

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Guest goodhelmet

Unfortunately, Raven's like 5'2 and doesn't have the "look" that Vince cares for. That sucks since he was the highlight of so many ECW and WCW shows. And his match against Rhyno at Backlash was the highlight of an extremely boring show (that even included Benoit-Angle).

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Guest Phr33k

And you can get even MORE intensity by signing up for 1Phr33k's Ultra-Keen Intense-O-Rama Members Only Service! Only... okay, enough ripping on Ryder for today. I forgot to add my 2 cents to my own topic.


Anything that gets Steph off TV is A-OK with me. I mean, even I can only stare at her tits for so long before I realise that, cripes, she's NEVER OFF MY GODDAM TV. Even the sexual unrestraints of a 15-year-old kid can't suppress the fact that she's muthafuckin' annoying as ####. Go HHH! Cleanse my wrestling shows!

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Guest evenflowDDT

I wish Raven would get a push too, but I digress... since I kept with my recent trend of falling asleep around 10:30 and missing the main event of RAW, I had no idea of this nonsense with a handicap match, whatever until now.  I'm sure I'm not the first one to remind all of this, but if/when Steph gets pinned she still will NOT go away, just like in Survivor Series... at least Shane was cool enough to sell that whole thing by staying off TV.  I always liked Shane better than Steph anyway, so I kinda wish it were the other way around.  What I really want though, is for Jericho to win back his title, since HHH is the worst face ever.  He needs to go back to being the top heel in the company, since there really isn't one now that Jericho doesn't have the title and thus has no heat/gimmick.

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Guest teke184

EvenflowDDT, you may like Shane but I've gotten tired of him.  I think the last straw was when he gave himself a WWF title shot against Angle the night I went to RAW in October.  Between that and a handicap WCW title match between The Rock and The Dudleyz, it wasn't a great night for wrestling.


OTHO, I got to see Edge rip X-Pac a new one while I was on camera as well as Undertaker nearly killing Test when the Last Ride almost became a Ganso Bomb.

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Hey why doesn't Y2J just kill Stephanie?

That would make Y2J a champion agayne and keep Steph off TV.

And HHH would be what the Big Show was to HHH's title reign: a mere bump in the road. ####, HHH is about as INTENSE and METHODICALLY SLOW as a face as Big Show is..anyday.

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Guest BlackRainbow1025

I think beating Stephanie would possibly get Jericho some pops.  People hate Stephanie enough that Jericho winning would be good.  Of course, I mean the everday fan.  For me, Jericho winning would be great anyway, I don't care who he has to beat.


EDIT:  The point that I stupidly forgot to make was that Jericho can't just pin Stephanie b/c they want him (and need him) to be a big heel.

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Guest muzanisa

If Raven went back to being Jonny Polo would he get a push?

Vince had nothing to do with Raven, but Jonny was his,

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