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Guest edge-o-matic

WrestleMania 3rd Degree

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Guest edge-o-matic

Preview from WWE.com..


Your questions will be answered tonight on TNN!



Mr. McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H will be on hand for "WrestleMania 3rd Degree - Live!" -- airing tonight at 9 p.m./8 CT on The New TNN. Questions fans have been dying to ask for two decades will be answered!


I never heard about this until I went to the site. Is it on tonight or was it last night?

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Guest wwF1587

its tonight.. i dont know if i will be watching though.. doesnt sound all that interesting

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Guest Steviekick

I'm stuck in tonight to finish my senior thesis, so I'll watch that when Malcom goes to commercial

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Guest Will Scarlet

Sounds like it will be pretty crappy. Hopefully, it will be better than the Raw 10th Anniversary was.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'll watch it if


1) I'm not watching anything better

2) I remember to


If both of those hold then I'll give it a look see

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Guest candie45

Okay, that was weird. As soon as I clicked on this thread the 3rd degree commercial came on in my brother's room. :huh:


Anyway, I'll watch tonight if I remember.

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Guest edge-o-matic
Sounds like it will be pretty crappy. Hopefully, it will be better than the Raw 10th Anniversary was.

It wouldn't be hard. ;)

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Guest Youth N Asia
Sounds like it will be pretty crappy.  Hopefully, it will be better than the Raw 10th Anniversary was.

It wouldn't be hard. ;)

60 minutes of Albert and Nathan Jones playing patty cake would be more entertaining then the Raw 10th Anniversary show.

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Guest edge-o-matic
60 minutes of Albert and Nathan Jones playing patty cake would be more entertaining then the Raw 10th Anniversary show.

What.. are you saying that that wouldn't be entertaining?

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Guest HartFan86
Should it be combined with the Heat thread, or have it's own seperate thread?

I doubt it needs its own thread...it will probably have 2 pages, max.

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Guest TheHulkster

WOL comes back tonight, so WM 3rd degree is getting taped. It could be interesting, then again, it might suck. I'll check it out anyway.

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Guest LatinoHeat
I'm stuck in tonight to finish my senior thesis, so I'll watch that when Malcom goes to commercial


FOX is playing 'Jurassic Park: Lost World' from 7-10.


Normal schedule is resumed next week.

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Guest Retro Rob
60 minutes of Albert and Nathan Jones playing patty cake would be more entertaining then the Raw 10th Anniversary show.

That would be funny to see.

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Guest BifEverchad
WOL comes back tonight, so WM 3rd degree is getting taped. It could be interesting, then again, it might suck. I'll check it out anyway.

whats the url for WOL?

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