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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Stupid things you wondered about wrestling.......

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Have you ever wondered something stupid about wrestling? Like how something works, or if this has ever happened, or what would the wrestler do if this happens? Anyone ever had any stupid questions they just wanted to ask a wrestler? I can think of a few I've had:


1) Have you ever farted in an opponents face during a match?


2) What would you do if you had a major shit attack during a match? Like you had to go terribley and your stomach was gurgling and you could barely stand?


3) When you're in a first blood match....why don't you just cut the guy with a knife?


Any other stupid questions you've always wanted to ask?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Don't you feel gay when you grab another mans balls when you do a press slam? I mean, that's so gay.


What if you see a really hot lady in the crowd and get wood? What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!


Doesn't it hurt?

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Guest razazteca

why do wrestlers go to the ring soaking wet as if they were in the shower minutes before the match?


Denny's or IHOP?


Whataburger or Jack in the Box?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

LoL, the thing I always found interesting about Hennig and Bret was that they came to the ring with their hair wet, and by the end it looked dry. THAT'S CRAZY~!


Ring Rats... ?


Doncha wanna just hit Vince? You do don't you? But you can't... You just can't.

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Guest edotherocket

Do you wear your ring attire around the house or when you go shopping? (Specifically aimed at Demolition)

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Guest Aero

Back in my mark days obviously...


How exactly do you wrestle a DEAD man!? (Undertaker) Moreover, how do you employ a dead man?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Man, you guys must work out all the time! I mean, how else could you get such great physiques?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Do you like, shave your body? Isn't that gay?

It's not gay!

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
GAAAAY. Real men have fur..



I have fur, I only shave when the weather gets too warm. Think of it as me shedding my coat.

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How does pinning someone to the ground for 3 seconds rectify attempted vehicular homicide / almost killing your brother / amditting to killing your parents and being responsible for the fire that scarred your opponent/brother / etc. etc. etc.?

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Guest Pigsy

Since very few people kick out of the Stunner or Pedigree, why doesn't everyone use those moves?


Instead of wrestling for several minutes, why don't wrestlers just keep hitting their finishers at the start of the match?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Why arent wrestlers charged with crimes if they:


a. Assault women

b. Assault referees and other officials

c. Break shit

d. Intentionally injure others (Such as Earthquake)




I also wonder how the Hell Undertaker got so weak, did he get tired from all that no selling?

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When Bob Holly has people up in a Suplex, why doesn't he just complete the Falcon Arrow (question prior to his elimination of the move from his moveset)? Same for Al Snow in regards to bodyslamming people instead of plowing them.


Maybe their spirit meter isn't flashing or their SmackDown meter isn't full?

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Fun Fact (or rumour, anyway): No Holds Barred 2 was in development, but when Devito and Ahnuld turned down Suburban Commando, Hogan did that (with the same company, New Line) instead.

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Guest eiker_ir

in hardcore matches instead of hitting the other guy just one or two times with a chair, why not keep hitting him like 50 times and the pinning him?


or just hitting him in the balls like 20 times in harcore matches

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What if you see a really hot lady in the crowd and get wood? What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!



Like Rudo, I'm also wondering about ring rats. Most of the wrestlers are married, but I highly doubt they remain completely, 100% faithful allll the time.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Do you wear your ring attire around the house or when you go shopping? (Specifically aimed at Demolition)

Only Demolition? Think of the possibilities....


The Barbarian, with his antlers

LOD with their spiked shoulderpads

The Gobbeldy Gooker

The Giant Gonzales

Doink the Clown


The list of funny ring attire goes on and on...

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
When you get Irish Whipped, why don't you just stop?

Exactly. And how can you not see a back body drop coming EVERY TIME?

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
2) What would you do if you had a major shit attack during a match? Like you had to go terribley and your stomach was gurgling and you could barely stand?

I will admit that I've wondered that more than once. I wonder if a wrestler has shit his pants before.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Do you wear your ring attire around the house or when you go shopping?  (Specifically aimed at Demolition)

Only Demolition? Think of the possibilities....


The Barbarian, with his antlers

LOD with their spiked shoulderpads

The Gobbeldy Gooker

The Giant Gonzales

Doink the Clown


The list of funny ring attire goes on and on...



The Shark

The Yeti


The Big Bossman (Uniformed)


The Undertaker


Honky Tonk Man

Anyone with just a singlet

Bastion Booger (Ewwwww!!!!)

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Guest razazteca
Like Rudo, I'm also wondering about ring rats. Most of the wrestlers are married, but I highly doubt they remain completely, 100% faithful allll the time

Have you seen Beyond the Mat, Jake Roberts got himself some.

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Guest eiker_ir

actually at KOR 2002 Test was irish whipped by Lesnar, and he just stoped in mid run...

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Guest AndrewTS
What if you see a really hot lady in the crowd and get wood? What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!



Like Rudo, I'm also wondering about ring rats. Most of the wrestlers are married, but I highly doubt they remain completely, 100% faithful allll the time.

I think we all know just who Yuna would like to direct that question to...


More q's:


The People's Elbow--what the hell?! :P


Why does Tajiri even bother with the Tarantula since he can only legally have it on for 4 seconds? Likewise, why doesn't he ask to be in more Hardcore/No DQ matches so he could could put it to practical use?


Steve Austin: How many times have you been arrested? And why are you never in jail for any more than one night?


Any referee: Aren't closed fists illegal, but you never scold a wrestler about it unless the storyline calls for it?

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