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Guest ManKinnd

Wrestlemania Match Quality Predictions

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Guest ManKinnd

With Wrestlemania so close, I'm getting extremely excited as I do every year, so here's the way I'll work off of that today:


- HHH v. Booker T : **-***

Booker may be very over, but he hasn't exactly been a source for great matches since his series with Benoit, and we all know about HHH. However, if both men are motivated, this could be a pretty fun match.


- Undertaker & Nathan Jones v. A-Train & Big Show : DUD-1/4*

There is absolutely no way that this match will be anything more than a trainwreck. Every wrestler in here sucks, and sucks badly. How can I expect more from 4 useless hosses?


- Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho : ***-****

Jericho has been trying really hard lately, and I think Michaels still has one good match in him. It's Wrestlemania after all, and they've gotta be pumped. If this goes long enough and done well, it could be quite the emotional roller coaster.


- Matt Hardy v. Rey Mysterio : **-***

Rey is on FIRE, but Matt just doesn't wrestle that cruiser style very well. However, I do believe that he's gonna hit those high spots and Rey will fly around and bump like a retard, making this one a good bit of fun.


- Trish v. Victoria v. Jazz : *-*1/2

Women's matches can sometimes be very solid, but three-ways usually end up ruining any flow of the match. Should be okayish.


- Benoit/Rhyno v. Team Angle v. Los Guerreros : ***1/2-****

Everyone in here is really good, and I think the spots and flow will both just be amazing here. These men consistently put on awesome match after awesome match, so there's no reason to suggest anything different here.


- Kurt Angle v. Brock Lesnar : ***-***1/2

I never understood why this was destined to be 4 stars in the first place, but I know these two will bump all over the place, Kurt less than he would now, and the teased finishes should make for some good excitement and popping the crowd.


- Vince v. Hogan : *-**

If they plan this match perfectly, I think it can be pretty watchable. Vince has proven to be able to bump and we know Hogan can time comebacks and have the crowd in the palm of his hand. If they both work hard, it can be watchable.


- Rock v. Austin : ***-****1/2

This match certainly has the biggest possible spread for me, due to both of their ring rust and Austin showing the fact that he is indeed out of shape. He hasn't even had a match to show what he can still do. This is, though, Rock vs. Austin and they ALWAYS work well together, so if the chemistry is still there and they both go balls out, count on this being another classic and the show stealer. Definately the most interesting match of the show.


- Morley/Storm vs. RVD/Kane : *1/2-**

Match will be nothing, but at least RVD's on the WM card now. This could be okayish, but nothing more. Morley sucks now, I don't know what happened to Storm since his glory days in WCW, Kane has nothing but no-selling and chokeslams to offer, which leaves this match to be led by RVD, who is nothing like he used to be.


Overall, this card looks REALLY solid, with only a few guaranteed sucky matches.



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

- HHH v. Booker T : ***1/2

HHH looked really good on raw; he was natural in the ring and his chemistry with Booker surprised me since I figured it would have been a huge clash in styles (which I still think it is, but I now don't think it will effect the match enough to make it bad). (17:00)


- Undertaker & Nathan Jones v. A-Train & Big Show : **1/2


Taker will have his workin boots on, Big Show and Jones will hit all their spots, and Albert will keep up. It will probably be booked really well and will surprise some people. A "Not bad" match, for sure. (12:00)


- Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho : ****


I am still a lil apprehensive about this match. Even though the promo Jericho did on RAW has me hyped for the match, I think both men will try to go beyond their capabilities in trying to be the best match on the card. However, if they work the psychology of Jericho trying to out-HBK Shawn and then come into his own in the end, it could be great.(20:00)


- Matt Hardy v. Rey Mysterio : ***1/2


It won't be long enough to be ****. Both men will try to steal the show but the WWE won't let that happen, so it will only go for about 8 minutes. A jacked up Velocity match is all I see this being... The WWE will try to use the logic of "Well, this is only the beginning of the feud" to justify it. (8:00)


- Trish v. Victoria v. Jazz : **1/4


I predict 5 blown spots and some really good booking. (10:00) I am not as high on womens matches as some on this board - I see it as them TRYING to wrestle than actually wrestling. It's like "Aw, isn't that cute, the eye-candy is trying to do something".


- Benoit/Rhyno v. Team Angle v. Los Guerreros : ****


I don't have high hopes for this match simply because it's not a regular tag match - and the WWE does regular tag matches best. The interactions between Benoit, Benjamin, and Eddie should make this worth while. (25:00)


- Kurt Angle v. Brock Lesnar : ****1/4


The way I see it is both men will go balls out in this match since they don't want to be upstaged by McMahon and Hogan and want to live up to their names. I expect some really smart, fantastic, booking here. (20:00)


- Vince v. Hogan : *-**


If hogan comes down to real american: ***** automatically. This will be really goofy, I don't know how to rank it. There will probably be a lot of overbooking and bad punches, but the drama should be off-the-charts. ** and I am being REALLY generous. Wait, lemme say this - if both men go in wanting to show that they can still go and try to work a match... -**...(19:00)


- Rock v. Austin : ***1/2


There is no reason for this match, and that will harm it. Their great chemistry can't be denied, but neither can each man's conditioning and ring rust. They will cancel eachother out and will make for a good-very good match. (20:00)


- Morley/Storm vs. RVD/Kane : ***


As I said before, the WWE is at their best when doing tag matches. This will probably jerk so the crowd should be hot for RVD and Kane - and since they mostly are spot-guys the match itself should be hot. Storm and Morely are certainly game for bumping and the booking should be solid. (12:00)


Overall, this card looks REALLY solid, with only a few guaranteed sucky matches.




It looks like a really good secondary PPV in terms of match quality, but nothing stands out as a MOTYC. All of the matches are questionable with varying degrees of risk. The biggest x-factor, however, is the crowd. There are 4 marquee match-ups and that will effect their response (hell, Toronto only had ONE and it effected us the entire show). 4 hours is a long time.

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Wait, peope expecting good things from the card AND exciting about Mania? Wow, I thought I was alone on the board (being one of the more WWE-positive writers on the net). First off, I'm not very good with * ratings. Secondly, as much of a mark as I am for WWE, I'm aware that a "WWE Style" *** would probbaly be considered *3/4 or so in Japan. With that in mind...


RVD/Kane vs Storm/Morley - I like RVD, I like Morley, I like Storm, I tolerate Kane. Standard tag forumla match here, n oexcuse for it to not be at least **1/2. If Kane stays on th apron for the hot tag sequences, could be ***+. Worst case scenario, *1/4.


Matt vs Rey. I love Matt, I love Rey, but I don't think they'll have a ****+ CW title match. I look for a solid but not outstanding **1/2-***1/2 match, but I'd like to be wrong.


Jones/Taker vs A-Show - Probably a DUD or worse, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the match booked in a way (with proper work from A-Train and Taker to carry their partners) that it would make it to **. Not likely, though.


Booker vs. HHH - I've been enjoying their stuff on Raw lately. It's not going to be **** and it probably won't even be close, but I'll say **1/2 - ***+.


Team Angle vs Rhyno/Benoit vs Guerreros. The triple threat part will hurt it, but it should be good none the less. ***-***3/4, here's hoping for ****+ though. An elimination stipulation could help, but could also hinder. A problem at Survivor Series was even though they got that particular 3 way into a proper 2 on 2 match, a lot of the crowd was deflated when Angle/Benoit were eliminated. A similar thing may happen here if Rhyno/Benoit would be eliminated first, so keeping everyone in for one pinfall might be best.


HBK vs Y2J - I'm really looking forward to this match. In THEORY, if Jericho > HHH, and HHH + HBK = ****, than HBK + Jericho = > ****. That remains to be seen (and HBK vs HHH at Armageddon didn't exactly set the world on fire) but I expect and hope for good things here.


Hogan vs Vince. From a technical standpoint, absolute crap. From a Hogan mark standpoint, should be entertaining for what it is (and that is seeing Hogan kick Vince's ass). DUD - *, but probably very hot crowd.


Jazz vs Trish vs. Victoria. Could be a mess like last year (and I'm certain it will be sabotaged for the sake of spacing out Vince/Hogan and Brock/Angle), but I like the work all 3 ladies have been doing lately. Could be the best women's title match in months or a huge train wreck. 1/2* - ***.


Brock vs Kurt - A lot of people thought this would be awesome going in, but with Kurt's injury people are now thinking it will not be all it could be and perhaps even bad. While it certainly won't be all it could have been, Angle's determination to not throw the match away on SmackDown and go through with a full WM main event match says to me that, insane as it is, the man will work a real match. I am scared for Angle, but I hope for the best. Look back to WM14 - Shawn was a walking cripple yet he managed to have a good match with Ausitn. It's was called a let down, but was still a good match, and having a good match, let down or not, is what's important. **3/4 - ***1/2+.


Austin vs Rock. Austin is apparently not 100%, but he looked good in delivering Stunners last night on Raw. Despite the "no one cares about this match" line the IWC is throwing around, I AM looking forward to this match, especially the chance to see Rock's current heel style against Austin. It won't be WrestleMania X-7, but it could be on par with WrestleMania XV, a match which I enjoyed. ***-****.


Overall, I probably over rated most of these matches, but hey, I'm a WWE mark and I love WrestleMania. Hopefully this revelation of the fact I'm not angry and bitter towards the WWE doesn't totally kill my readership on TSM.

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Guest Zero_Cool

- HHH v. Booker T : *1/2-***


- Undertaker & Nathan Jones v. A-Train & Big Show : -****-DUD


- Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho : ***-****


- Matt Hardy v. Rey Mysterio : **1/2-***1/2


- Trish v. Victoria v. Jazz : *-**


- Benoit/Rhyno v. Team Angle v. Los Guerreros : ***-****1/2 MOTN


- Kurt Angle v. Brock Lesnar : ***-***1/2


- Vince v. Hogan : 1/2*-*


- Rock v. Austin : ***-****


- Morley/Storm vs. RVD/Kane : *-**

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I should just FYI - my star ratings are not based upon critical examination, they are more based on reactive response... The "feeling" you get after the match.


***** Best match ever

****1/4 MOTY

****1/2 MOTYC/Excellent

**** Very Good

***1/2 Really Good

*** Good

** Not bad

* Bad

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RVD/Kane v Storm/Morley - Crowd should be hot, especially if this is the curtain jerker. Typical spot-fest, but i can imagine a few of them will be blown. And a Dudley Boyz run in will nurt the rating *1/2


Matt v Rey - Depends entirely on how long its given. Expect Reyto pull out all the stops for WM. If the Crowd gets into it it should be *** at least.


Taker/Jones v Big Show/A-Train - Should be a big man spot-fest. If it's short and they tag out when they're tired instead of doing rest-holds it should be *1/2. hopefully.


HBK v Y2J - If they can get the crowd into it, it should be good. More emotional than "good" wrestling and both men should be pumped up. **1/2


Jazz v Trish v Victoria- Should be short, and i mark out for 3-way bouts. AS good as WWE Womens wrestling gets. *3/4


Team Angle v Guererros v Benoit/Rhyno - Could be best on the card. Solid 15 minute bout would be **** plus, but i don't know if it'll get that.


Booker T v HHH - Could be seriously bad. But hopefully, good booking will get it to *1/2


Angle v Brock - If Angle was 100%, i'd say ****, but now it totally depends on Angles condition. Expect an emotional match with the crowd pushing it up to ***.


Austin v Rock - Wont be up to their previous efforts as they are ring rusty and there isn't the emotion they had in the past. I say **, but it could swing either way


Vince v Hogan - Depends on whether the crowd is still hot. If it's on last, expect a major twist to end the PPV. wrestle wise, a blatant DUD.

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Guest wwF1587

RVD/Kane VS Morely/Storm - *1/2 to ** (cant see it being that good)


UT/Jones VS Show/Albert - -*** to DUD (another worst MOTY candidate)


Trish VS Victoria VS Jazz - * to ** (gotta agree.. 3 way women matches arent that good)


Rey VS Matt - **1/2 to ***1/2 (Rey will bump his ass off)


Rhyno/Beniot VS Guerraros VS Team Angle - *** to **** (should be very good if pulled off right)


Jericho VS HBK - *** to ***1/2 (HBK should have one more great one in him, Jericho will try his hardest)


Vince VS Hogan - * to *1/2 stars (this wont be no Vince VS Shane street fight but should be entertaining if done right)


HHH VS Booker T - **1/2 to ***3/4 (if HHH can do what he did on RAW but better, and Booker gives his all.. could be really good)


Rock VS Austin - *** to ****1/2 (doubt it will get that high but hey who knows.. these two have done it before)


Brock VS Angle - *** to **** (even if Angle is taking a HUGE chance in this match.. I have faith that it will be excellent either way)

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Angle vs Brock ****

HHH vs Booker T **1/4

Rock vs Austin ***1/2 but disapointing compared to previous efforts

Hogan vs Vince **1/2

Y2J vs HBK ****1/4

Storm & Morley vs RVD & Kane **1/2

Team Angle vs BEnoit & Rhyno vs Guerreros ***1/4

Hardy vs Mysterio ***

Undertaker & Jones vs Big Show & Albert 1/2

Victoria vs Jazz vs Trish *1/2

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Guest nWoScorpion

How can ANYONE expect a **** or even *** match out of Brock/Angle?!! Brock is not mr. technical skills, and Angle is half crippled. Brock relies too much on power moves, and Angle's pretty good no the amt, but mixing Brock into Angle's style will NOT be pretty in my view.

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Angle v. Brock ***

If Angle didn't have a bad neck i would've give this match 4 stars or more, even though Brock still hasn't shown me any good workrate skills but he is easy to carry.

Hogan v. Vinnie Mac -****

The crowd might pop big for this but all i'm predicting is worst match of the year, maybe be as bad or worse that HHH/Steiner at the RR.

Austin v. Rock ***

I know they had great matches together, but the fact that i'm tired of these 2 facing each other over and over has taken away that special feeling from it.

HHH V. Book **1/4

HHH sucks period, Booker has never had a great match ever unless he is facing Benoit and why all of a sudden is Book going for that Busta Rhymes' look?

Y2J v. HBK ***1/2

This might be the match of the night and hopefully is the last time we see that fey HBK ever again.

Benoit/Rhyno v. Team Angle v. Los Guerreros


This might be a good match but Rhyno can't hang with Eddy,Benoit and Chavo. While Team Angle are still green rookies but very athletic.

Rey v. Matt Hardy***

This is going to be a great match which i'm really looking forward.

Women's match who cares? next

RVD/Kane v. Storm/Chief **1/2

RVD deserve better than this, damn you HHH and Vince. This will be a spotfest and hopefully the Duds don't run-in to interfere and fuck up the match.

Taker/Jones v. Natural Disaster 2k3 -********

Crapfest, 'nuff said.Belongs in Heat.

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Guest AM The Kid

RVD/Kane VS Morely/Storm - Feels like a regular, Raw tag match, just thrown together for kicks. Should have been built up more. With the exception of Kane these guys can work. Have Morely and Storm go over and this could be a hell of a match though. **


UT/Jones VS Show/Albert - For certain this will be an awful match, the only guy who can work in this match is Undertaker. For sure Taker can't carry an entire match alone. DUD


Trish VS Victoria VS Jazz - I'm enjoying the women's division, it still has plenty more potential but this should be a good match. It has been booked well and I'm looking forward to it. **1/2


Rey VS Matt - I like both workers and know they'll work their asses off for the match. They will try to steal the show unsuccessfully but still put on a good match. ***


Rhyno/Beniot VS Los Guerreros

VS Team Angle - Come on, this is gonna be an amazing match. I'm not sure how the three corners is going to work out but I have high hopes for this match. Benoit should have been in the main, oh well, if he can really show his skills at Wrestlemania he is in for a title shot. ****


Jericho VS HBK - The build up to this match is great, Jericho has made me really get pumped for it. The promo on Monday was awesome and if they can put all their energy into this match it should be MOTN and a Wrestlemania classic if Jericho wins. ****


Vince VS Hogan - Build up has been stupid, I feel it is a useless match. Hogan should be putting over someone like Cena not this bullshit match. If Hogan brings the old time feel to this I'm all for it, if not...meh. **1/2


HHH VS Booker T - Work Hunter! This could be one hell of a match or a DUD, if Triple H puts his 2000 effort into this then bet on one hell of a match. I'm looking forward to it, even though WWFE logic says that Booker is jobbing. ***


Rock VS Austin - No build-up, which is a real shame. Could have been another Rock/Austin classic, but lost momentum. Too much gimmick recycling. ***


Brock VS Angle - I was really into the prospect of this match before Angle's neck screwed up. I feel that it will still be a great match even with Angle's neck. He is going to go out there and give it his all for maybe his final match. ***1/2

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Guest Aero

Storm & Morley vs. RVD & Kane

It'll basically be the same match from No Way Out, except with Morley replacing Regal, so it won't exactly be anything special, probably just an extended RAW match if anything. (**)


Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio

We all know that WWE doesn't give the Cruiserweights enought time, let alone on a PPV. Expect a 10-minute, at most, match. I still think that Matt can really sell Rey's crazy offense, and Matt should be able to work the crowd here as a heel, especially since Rey is extremely over with the crowd. Should be good. (***1/4)


Undertaker & Jones vs. Big Show & A-Train

Many people on this board are claiming that this one will be in the negatives, but I honestly don't see that happening. You have to figure that Jones has trained and gotten somewhat ready for his match, otherwise he might not be on Wrestlemania. Taker-Show from No Way Out wasn't that bad, and although it was years ago, Albert actually had a decent match with Kane. This one could be really bad, or it can be just okay. I'll go with (*1/2)


Victoria vs. Jazz vs. Trish

I'm thinking that WWE will use this match to follow one of the 5 main events, like last year. (Rock-Hogan). If so, depending on which, I guess, the crowd will be burned out. Women triple threats don't exactly work as well as some single matches, but these three are good. I'll go with about (*1/2)


Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros vs. Benoit & Rhyno

Some say that the Survivor Series 3-way wasn't up to expectations, and I agree, but I think WWE has learned, I suppose. Back in November, I, at least, was growing away from seeing the SD-Six wrestle each week, so with SOME fresh faces, this one could turn out really good, or it can end up just like Survivor Series. I think it will be great. (****)


Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

It's the match I'm looking forward to most, as it's been built since December. Jericho is easily my favorite on RAW, right now, and I will be extremely pissed if he doesn't go over. Since Jericho's been really motivated the last month or so, I think he'll be able to carry a crippled Shawn Michaels to a great match. Unlike HHH, I don't think Jericho needs No DQ rules. This, IMO, will steal the show, so they had better put this one on early, with either the women's or hoss tag match after. (****1/2)


Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon

I'm not particuarly looking forward to this one, much, and this has no right at all to end the show over Brock-Angle, or even Rock-Austin for that matter! I heard Hogan's contract is running out, so you'd think Vince should win, but I can't see Hogan letting Vince pin him. This might be entertaining for a few minutes, for those watching on TV, but in the arena it will be good. Hogan wins, bottom line. (3/4*) It won't exactly be a wrestling match, after all.


Steve Austin vs. The Rock

I think Rock will win, for several reasons: He needs to beat Austin at least once, and he needs heat going into the rumored Goldberg match. Quality-wise... this match has a horrible build. I thought it was fine with Rock claiming that he NEEDED to beat Austin at least once, but when it turned into a feud over a broken guitar, I lost all anticipation. This definitely won't have the drama that WM X7 had. Still, Rock and Austin have never really disappointed, so I think they can pull out around (***1/2)


HHH vs. Booker T

I've heard HHH had an injury, but maybe it will inspire him to TRY and top an injured Kurt Angle. Seriously though, I believe HHH will do his very best, and Booker T can still have a good match. I predict Booker to go over HHH cleanly, and the title celebration afterward will be a dramatic, so to speak, WM moment, IMO. I think this could be (**3/4) or more, depending on HHH's condition and effort.


Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

Despite not having the best build, I've been pumped for this one since December-January, and I still am, especially since this will most definitely be Kurt's last match until he can return in a year. Kurt's has some balls for going through with this match, and since he is, you have to expect that we'll see something special. Brock will go over, but perhaps Kurt can go out with a standing ovation. I figure a farewell speech could happen, but it'd likely be saved for Smackdown. (****)

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Guest ISportsFan

Vince v. Hogan (DUD-1/4*)

Rock v. Austin (***-***1/2)

Angle v. Lesnar (***-****)

HHH v. Booker (**1/2-***1/4)

Benoit/Rhyno v. Guerreros v. Team Angle (***-****)

Michaels v. Jericho (***1/4-****1/4)

A-Train/Show v. Undertaker/Jones (neg.**-DUD)

Rey v. Hardy (**1/2-***1/2)

Trish v. Victoria v. Jazz (DUD-*)

RVD/Kane v. Morley/Storm (**-**1/2)



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Guest Choken One

RVD/Kane Vs Morely/Storm **1/2

Matt Hardy Vs Rey Mysterio ***1/4

Undertaker/Jones Vs Atrain/TBS *1/2

HBK Vs Jericho ****

Hogan Vs McMahon **1/4

T.A Vs Los Guerrenos Vs Benoit/Rhyno ***3/4

Booker/HHH ***1/4

Jazz Vs Trish Vs Victoria **

Angle Vs Lesnar ***3/4

Rock Vs Austin ***3/4

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

RVD/Kane vs. Morley/Storm: Meh, thrown together stuff that'll probably open the show. *-**


Matt Hardy/Rey Mysterio: Matt Hardy is NOT built for long matches yet, so making this go longer than 10 minutes will kill this match dead. **-***


Trish/Jazz/Victoria: Ick, methinks this one's not gonna have that much heat. Also, like RRR pointed out, they just seem to be trying to wrestle instead of actually doing so. *-**


Undertaker/Nathan Jones vs. Big Show/A-Train: WOOF. Don't expect much workrate in this, so hopefully they'll book it in an entertaining fashion. DUD- **


HBK/Jericho: Hmmm... I'm still not convinced Shawn's had anything in the tank since he's come back(and yes, that includes his highly overrated SummerSLam match) and I'm not too sure Jericho can really carry the match. The booking'll probably make the difference between good and crap here. **-***1/2


Los Guerreros/Team Angle/Benoit and Rhyno: Rhyno sucks and Team Angle is green as hell. I still don't see where people are getting 4 stars from for this match. I'm sure Benoit and Guerrero will keep everything going nicely, but a classic this will not be. **1/2-***1/2



Hogan/Vince: WOOF Part 2. This "streetfight" will suck the cock. DUD-*


HHH/Booker T: This one all depends on which HHH shows up. If it's the one that was in the match on Monday, then it'll be good. If it's the one from the past 4 or 5 months, we have a problem, people. **-***



Angle/Lesnar: I wasn't so optimistic about this match before Kurt's injury was revealed. I am even less so now. If Brock's allowed to show what he can really do, then this won't be a gigantic failure. I fully expect Kurt to go out with a bang if this is indeed his last match. ***-***1/2


Rock/Austin: Yikes. Shitty build-up + ring rust on both sides = scary. I hope both guys can get past the crap that's infested this feud so far and keep the crowd in it. **-***

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Guest Choken One

I am not sheep...I was just going with the what I believed was the question being asked...

Rate the match...There is limited ways to "rate" match...


The Star System has been used long before SK's ugly ass parents fornicated and begat his gross ass.

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Guest Angle-plex

RVD/Kane Vs Morely/Storm **

Matt Hardy Vs Rey Mysterio **-***

Undertaker/Jones Vs Atrain/TBS *1/2

HBK Vs Jericho ***

Hogan Vs McMahon **

T.A Vs Los Guerrenos Vs Benoit/Rhyno ***

Booker/HHH **1/2

Jazz Vs Trish Vs Victoria *-**

Angle Vs Lesnar ***1/2

Rock Vs Austin ***1/2

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