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Guest Mulatto Heat

Smackdown spoilers

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Guest treble charged
Meltzer was actually at the show, so that's him writing the spoilers.

heh I didn't even notice. No wonder the spoilers were so good.

Yeah, they were good, but I find it sad that he actually TIMED the matches.

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Guest Nanks

It will be interesting to see what happens with Cena at Mania. If he involves himself in the match itself that will be a travesty, even afterwards, Lesnar & Angle should raise each others hand after the match, especially if Angle keeps getting the face reaction. But will he attack Lesnar backstage beforehand?? It wouldn't surprise me, as far as giving Lesnar the odds to overcome, but I'd prefer if he didn't. Despite the buildup to this match perhaps not being what it could've, it's ended up very exciting with the injury situation and it should be allowed to run it's course without interference

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Guest Goodear

If I were to wager my booking know how, I would have them do a little Tuesday in Texas deal where after Brock wins and does all the celebration stuff the pay per view ends. Then, having the camera track him backstage where Cena clobbers him with a chair or something. Show it on the next Smackdown and the mission has been accomplished. But that's me.

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Guest nikowwf

Its not sad Meltzer timed the matches, cause he gets PAID for writing about wrestling. If someone pays you, its not sad. =)



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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Sho Funaki b Jamie Noble with a total phatass tornado DDT in 4:53. This was the second or third best match on the show just for that move. Noble deserves better.

Just like to throw a big "FU" out to Steph (as I do every time Knoble jobs).


And Stamboli gets a win! ::falls down in shock::

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Guest treble charged
Its not sad Meltzer timed the matches, cause he gets PAID for writing about wrestling. If someone pays you, its not sad. =)



I can just picture Meltzer sitting in his seat with a notepad and a stopwatch frantically writing down the match times while everyone else around him is enjoying the show and marking out and such.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Thank fuck they put the shitty Raw tag match on Heat. I was worrying that that piece of crap would take up valuable time. At least the Undertaker/Jones tag match has the potential to be enormously funny. RVD/Kane vs Team Bland would just have been boring. Does this mean that the Dudleyz aren't going to be at Mania? Wow, no RVD, Kane, Regal, Morely, Storm, Dudleyz, Jeff Hardy, or Three Minute Warning...excellent stuff. I don't need to see any of them at Wrestlemania. Give all the Raw time to HBK-Jericho, a match that at least has build-up.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I believe Meltzer always writes notes during the show - again, it's his job.


PS. I bet he has a separate page called "The Hogan Page".

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Yes, Shane is back. However, Stephanie was never on the show.

Shane > Vince > Steph.




I laugh how RVD is always connected to HHH in the smarks opinion.

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Guest bob_barron

Meltzer didnt mention the tag title match being on HEAT.


I could care less- 9 matches could mean stuff gets a LOT of time

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Guest Goodear
They had not one, but two different clips airing on different parts of the show of Shane training Vince. Yes, Shane is back. However, Stephanie was never on the show. First clip was Vince lifting in the gym and doing bodybuilding poses. Vince is no genetic freak, but he is a freak. The other, later in the show, was Vince wrestling, and whomping ass on Dr. Tom Prichard. That wasn't pretty at all. They handled the build-up to a lot of the matches a lot better tonight than last night, but I still can't get into this main event.


Doesn't this sound exactly like the Vince McMahon training footage for one of his matches with Austin in '99? They even had him beat up Dr. Tom under a mask and hit him with a stunner. Is this just the same footage replayed or just a homage to the first set?

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Guest Mattdotcom
A few minutes later when they were running down the Mania card with the visual and showed Angle vs. Lesnar, it got the biggest pop and everyone cheered Angle.


And I weep, because I still don't know if that match will be the main event, or at least get a place on the card above McMahon and Hogan.


All of a sudden, trading in PPV capabilities in return for a DVD player back in the summer of 2000 isn't looking like such a bad idea.




I laugh how RVD is always connected to HHH in the smarks opinion.


Wow, could it be that....


A) Ever since RVD and HHH had their little feud, RVD has lost his place on TWO PPV cards (one coming a month after he main-evented)?


B) Ever since RVD and HHH had their little feud, RVD, despite being one of the few popular workers on RAW that actually has a credible fanbase, is forced into the tag ranks and is stuck on the perverbial tradmill that *gasp* everyone but Shawn and HHH ride?


Hey, maybe it isn't "HHH's fault". But when you have a guy sleezing his way into his boss's family and getting the biggest push of anyone with roughly three injuries, you can't deny he's doing somethnig. And nice job mocking us...


Damn those spoilers put me in a sour mood. So much so that I actually said "sour mood".

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Guest Army Eye
Yeah, they were good, but I find it sad that he actually TIMED the matches.


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Guest Plushy Al Logan

The only thing that would get me to mark out for this show, is if Big Show and A-Train come out to the Natural Disasters theme.


In other news, Cena's gimmick sucks worse than the Gobbeldy gooker, Zerus, and the Bastion Booger combined.

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Guest RedJed

Back to the subject of the Heat match thing.........I could see them doing a really fast title switch on Heat (maybe even along the lines of Palumbo & Ohaire v. Luger & Bagwell from the last WCW ppv) and then as some have said, Morley blows his top and immediately makes a match for Mania later on.........Duds v. RVD/Kane and maybe they even do a TLC match to make it a little more special, who knows.


The spoilers for this show still seem weak as hell to me as far as Mania buildup. Would it have been so hard to have first off, wait for the Cena-Lesnar interaction? Cena beating Rikishi was just fine, but wasting time on Cena-Lesnar on this show makes little sense.


Hogan-Vince: Hogans speech was fine, but I wouldn't have minded Vince calling out Gene Okerlund and attacking him to play off of the decent angle from last week. Hogan comes out to make the save for Mean Gene.


Angle-Lesnar: Wish they would have had an in-ring amateur wrestling exhibition, not neccesarily between the two guys, but with both of them maybe taking on some unknown amateurs. Just to show off the ground work while will be surely implimented in the Mania match. Angle then gets one last beatdown on Lesnar before the ppv as well.


Triple Threat tag titles: Thought it would have been nice to see Benoit v. Eddy and if they wanted to do another match for buildup, Chavo v. Haas (or Benjamin) v. Rhyno.


Big men tag: Jones wins a squash and goes apeshit after the match on the guy, Taker comes out to try to pry Jones off and while he is doing that out comes Show and Train to do a beatdown.


CW match: That buildup they did worked for me. Made sense.

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Guest NoCalMike

Just the fact that a fucking tag title match is not on a ppv, yet there is plenty of other garbage like UT/Jone vs. Team Crap and "6 months..errr.....20 years in the making" Ego #1 vs. Ego #2. is a fucking travesty.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I watched Smackdown earlier. It was an alright show. Nothing really exciting or major happens, but it never does the show before a ppv. They did a good job of building hte world title though, with Lesnar saying he don't care if he breaks bones, his neck, or ends his career, because the belt means more to him than that.

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Guest EternallyLazy
Just the fact that a fucking tag title match is not on a ppv, yet there is plenty of other garbage like UT/Jone vs. Team Crap and "6 months..errr.....20 years in the making" Ego #1 vs. Ego #2. is a fucking travesty.

I agree with your opinion on Taker/Jones vs. A-train/Show but Hogan/McMahon deserves to be in the upper card of Mania just by the response it's getting from the crowd. Is it main event matierial? No... not at all. Is it a RATINGS winner? No... but I've spoken to a ton of casual fans/marks and Hogan/McMahon is the main match they want to see.


Sure... as workrate whores, we don't want to sit through it. But the casual fan likes it, and even I have to admit that it's been built AMAZINGLY well, if a bit late.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Does anyone find it odd that there are *3* retirement matches on the card?

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Guest wwF1587
This was in the Rajah spoilers and not on these ones:


The Storm/Morley vs. RVD/Kane match has been scheduled to take place on Heat and was announced as such tonight.

Son Of A Bitch.... I am pissed about this.... Id rather see this match on WM than Big Slow and Albert... FN WWE.... RVD not on the WM card is another thing that is going irritate me for the next few months...

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Guest The Hamburglar

Just a question - what makes people believe that the Raw tag match would be any better in quality than the hossonova match? Its not as if the people competing in the Raw match have produced anything inherently more watchable than the Smackdown hosses in the last six months. I prefer suck matches to be funny rather than just outright boring. Come on, Show is a never-ending source of merriment, A-Train is so perverse you have to laugh, Taker's crazy old man faces and shitty MMA holds o'doom are classic and Jones...well, I think we all know the funny that Jones will bring. Thus, crap match which could entertain through sheer shittyness wins over crap match that will have no distinguishing features whatsoever. The only way the Raw tag match could be anymore boring would be if the Dudleyz were involved.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I just finished watching it..


1 - John Cena DVD'ing Rikishi was pretty damn awesome actually.


2 - The FBI had a vignette where they meet some dude on the streets and the take him back in an alley and apparently push him down some steps or something. Pretty stupid really.


3 - Arnold Swartzenegger (??) thinks Hogan will win. One of the seemingly 1000 "20 Years in the Making" pieces, including 2 Vince Work-outs, the Piper Interview, and the Mean Gene Interview


5 - Scott Steiner apparently has more moves than Nathan Jones, although all he did was a run in, but his attack was punch-punch-punch-clothesline over the ropes...sad..


The show was actually very good wrestling wise, actually, but I still think it was a piss poor last show before Mania.

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Guest BoboBrazil
1 - John Cena DVD'ing Rikishi was pretty damn awesome actually.

The crowd popped big for Cena lifting up Rikishi, but I thought the move looked pretty weak. I think it would have been better if he would have done the F5 to mock Brock.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
1 - John Cena DVD'ing Rikishi was pretty damn awesome actually.

The crowd popped big for Cena lifting up Rikishi, but I thought the move looked pretty weak. I think it would have been better if he would have done the F5 to mock Brock.

Yeah, and I think Tazz said something about the F-5, but I bet Cena probably couldn't do it on Rikishi. Lesnar can pretty much just barely do it on Rikishi...now had Cena been wrestling..uh..Funaki..I could have seen an F-5, but then again that wouldn't nearly be as impressive as the DVD to Rikishi..toss up I suppose..

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Guest Brian

I would agree that the tag match probably won't be anything special and RVD makes the same money either way. It's not worth complaining about.

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