Ultimo Dugas 0 Report post Posted March 26, 2003 On the Family Feud right now there is Sid Vicious, Kevin Sullivan, Tony Schivone, Kevin Nash, and another guy whose name escapes me. On the GLOW side the only name I caught was Hollywood. I don't know shit about GLOW so thats that. All in all, it seems to be another hillarious wrestling Feud show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted March 27, 2003 What is GLOW? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crucifixio Jones Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Ivory used to wrestle there. You kids is young. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Bruiser Chong Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Hell, I could be considered one of these "kids," and I still know what GLOW was. Just another example as to why women's wrestling is doomed to fail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CED Ordonez Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Sid Vicious, Kevin Sullivan, Tony Schiavone, Kevin Nash... Now there's a winning combination if I ever saw one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Ivory was known as Tina Ferrari. There was also a GLOW knock off named POWW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Ivory was known as Tina Ferrari. There was also a GLOW knock off named POWW. Don't forget WOW, which like GLOW was run by David McLane. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted March 27, 2003 GLOW was a women's wrestling fed from the 80s, which was mostly famous for really, really cheesy gimmicks & angles, like Sally the Farmer's Daughter, and Colonel Ninotchka, the evil Russian. I don't remember much of the actual wrestling, but I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that it was unimpressive, and they didn't try very hard to make it look real. I had a big crush on Vine (of Hollywood & Vine). Seeing CJ in this thread reminded me of something...early-90s porn star Tyffany Million was also a former GLOW wrestler, and once her porn career started, even starred in a movie called Beautiful Ladies of Wrestling (BLOW). And yes, it had a scene where she and her opponent decide to eat each other out instead of fight. Isn't that sweet? EDIT: also, how could I forget about Palestina the Terrorist. Ah, the un-PC 1980s: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted March 27, 2003 By the way, who won in the Family Feud? I love the idea of turdbags like Nash, Sid, and Tony Schiavone losing to Dementia, Queen Kong and Sally, the Farmer's Daughter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BifEverchad Report post Posted March 27, 2003 what year was that show? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crucifixio Jones Report post Posted March 27, 2003 HA! Tiffany Million (who's still in excellent shape and rock hard today) is totally one of my favorite performers EVER and I remember her involvment with GLOW. Million is an openly bisexual woman (duh!), but considering the stories I've heard about most GLOW ladies it wouldn't surprise me, even if she never did porn later on. I've heard quite a few stories about Ivory experimenting with rug munching as well. Tiffany Million, MR. T (!) and Roxy She goes by her real name now (Sandra Giani) and is some sort of licensed sex therapist/quack. She was on Howard Stern a few years back. The last time I saw her anywhere near pr0n was during Jasmin St. Claire's World's Biggest Gangbang, where she "hosted" along with Ron Jeremy. Milion is one of the few chicks that got me to watch a g/g scene; the one with her and (urgh) Jenna Jameson in The Wicked One. I think she retired permanently in 1996 after doing Shock to take care of her daughter (born in 1991) and to become the first former porn actress to cross over into the mainstream "without renouncing my past." It's good to be proud of her former adult affliations, but good luck at the mainstream crossover thing. I'll be waiting. And while we're talking about GLOW gimmicks, what about Mt. Fiji and Little Fiji, I believe it was? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Evolution Report post Posted March 27, 2003 what year was that show? Sometime in 1990. Here's a review of the tape from 411. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mecha Mummy 0 Report post Posted March 27, 2003 GLOW: The women of glow are playing for "An unnamed national charity to teach kids sports" *Note: Hundreds of thousands of children in America don't have enough food to eat. Hundreds of thousands of children in the United States don't receive proper immunizations and booster shots because of their level of poverty. This is not important though. What IS important is the fact that hundreds of thousands of children don't know how to properly play a game of badmitton or field hockey. The woman of GLOW recognize this problem, and they are taking it upon themselves to make sure that even though these kids have a 50 percent chance of dying of starvation, at least they'll know the proper way to play TETHERBALL. *Laughs his head off* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest swan Report post Posted March 27, 2003 what year was that show? Sometime in 1990. Here's a review of the tape from 411. Did they do more than one show since the review at 411 has different guys than the one first listed? "Sting: Fresh off of his return match at the Great American Bash (1990) in which he pinned Ric Flair to win the WCW/NWA title. The Z-Man, Tom Zenk: Ahhh, the Z-Man. This guy had SO much potential, but unfortunately he was destroyed by inane bookers who not only refused to elevate him, but also went out of their way to job him out in every circumstance possible. If you'd like to know more about the situation, ask him, he'd be more than happy to tell you ALL about it. Flyin' Brian Pillman: (RIP) No introduction needed for the All-American turned Loose Cannon. Jim Ross: Good old J.R. Inexplicably called by his "ring name" 'Rossie' for the duration of the show. "Candy Man" Brad Armstrong: Real-life brother of The Road Dogg, although Armstrong's talent was exponentially greater.It's a damn shame he had all the charisma of a hand towel coupled with the mic skills of Corky from Life Goes On. " Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Ivory used to wrestle there. You kids is young. I didn't start watching wrestling until 1991. And a women's wrestling league didn't make it? Aww, who would of thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted March 27, 2003 They had wrestlers on the Family Feud several times. Bobby Heenan lead a group of wwf guys at one point against the stars from the WBF. The WCW was on the show a few times against the GLOW. I can't remember all the specifics of the shows. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted March 27, 2003 One of the strongest memories I have of GLOW was a tag match where one of the faces (can't remember her name, but I think she may have had either a cheerleader or patriotic gimmick) tried doing a cartwheel and dislocated her elbow. It was so severe that you could see the end of the bone poking through her skin. And they showed this on TV, multiple times. The announcer(s) played it off like the heel did something to injure her on purpose. The heel team may have been Hollywood and Vine. The weeks following showed the nameless face rehabbing her arm, intent on getting revenge for the "vicious attack". Saturday afternoon programming ruled back in the day. Between GLOW and Kung-Fu Theatre, I had no reason to leave the house. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crucifixio Jones Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Around my way, GLOW used to come on right after UWF. So you could catch "Dr. Death" Steve Williams, Sting and "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert at 10pm and then see The Soul Patrol vs. The Housewives at 11pm. Man, I never realized how much I missed GLOW and their HEE HAW-type sketches. And a women's wrestling league didn't make it? Aww, who would of thought. It might not still be in existence today, but GLOW has MANY fans and is the only women's wrestling league that I can think of that I would consider mildly successful. Anything before or since GLOW can't hold a candle to them, their over-the-top gimmicks and the bumbling, ineffective males on the show. GLOW was better than most things on TV RIGHT NOW and it's because it was all about pretty women and it realized it was a "wrestling" show and therefore never took itself too seriously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted March 27, 2003 I watched GLOW alot as a kid. I'd watch it now if it were on, though it'd be more for nostalgia than anything else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted March 28, 2003 HA! Tiffany Million (who's still in excellent shape and rock hard today) is totally one of my favorite performers EVER and I remember her involvment with GLOW. Million is an openly bisexual woman (duh!), but considering the stories I've heard about most GLOW ladies it wouldn't surprise me, even if she never did porn later on. I've heard quite a few stories about Ivory experimenting with rug munching as well. Wow, please tell us more about Ivory and rug munching. Suddenly, my slashy Trish/Ivory fanfic in the old sentence association thread doesn't seem so far-fetched. Tiffany is also one of my all-time faves (in porn, not wrestling) as well. She was hot, enthusiastic, had a ton of charisma, and did some fairly unusual things (lactating, sticking fruits in various places) for that time period. Damn, I used to have a ton of Tiffany Million tapes that I stupidly lost. I watched GLOW alot as a kid. I'd watch it now if it were on, though it'd be more for nostalgia than anything else. Hell, so would I. I even tried to catch WOW a couple of times during its short life, but it was on at like, 1:30 AM on Sunday nights, and half the time, they played an infomercial instead. Too bad, because it was almost as fun as GLOW, and the Disciplinarian was hot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Crucifixio Jones Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I'm afraid I'd have to point you in Sassquatch's direction on the bisexual Ivory stories. He'd do a better job than me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Blue Bacchus Report post Posted March 30, 2003 I thought that WOW was fun. Shame it's gone. Used to watch it after Jakked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheZsaszHorsemen Report post Posted March 30, 2003 EDIT: I am an idiot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites