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Guest Deebo

When's the last time you that..

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Guest Kid Kablam

X-7 was pretty damn good, but probably the last time I was really really really excited was for 2000 when Jim Ross was going bat shit on RAW yelling "The Rock is going to Wrestlemania! The Rock is going to Wrestlemania!" Course then HHH kept the title, and the show wasn't half as good as X-7, but just that whole ting were Rock kept getting screwed over and then finally got to go to the big show was pretty swank.

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Guest bravesfan

The last time an entire Wrestlemania EVENT had me captivated was Wrestlemania XIV...with Austin/HBK w/ Tyson, Taker/Kane, the supposed blow-off to Owen/HHH, Outlaws/Hardcore Legends and a rising Rock. Before that, I would really have to go back to Wrestlemania VIII, with the double main-event and Bret/Piper.


The last time a specific match had me was Austin/Rock at WM X-7. Just superb in build-up, with the sit-down confrontation sticking out in my mind. Last year's Hogan/Rock had great build-up as well, but I still LOATHE the ambulance attack angle.

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Guest Aero

I'm just about always pumped for WM each year, and I order every single one. However, X7 (what else?) easily had me pumped the most. Sure not ALL the matches had a long build, but the main events had decent build, and the other matches had at least more than 2-3 weeks.


XIX I think will live up and be a great show IMO. I have really high hopes for it, and I think it can easily be one of the greatest WMs. Am I ordering it? Hell yeah!

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Guest Cavi

I was quite hyped for X-Seven. I was really looking forward to a few of the matches on the card, especially Rock/Austin. The same cannot be said for last year's Mania, nor this year's though.

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Guest notJames

XIV. I had gotten back into wrestling shortly after XIII, and everything in '97 had me licking my chops for 'Mania in '98. Great buildup for everything, top to bottom.


Some of the other Manias were great, but the anticipation for them hasn't been the same.

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Guest Brian

For me, when Booker won and was headed to Mania I was getting a good feeling about things, but that's changed.

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The last time I had that 'WrestleMania feeling' was WrestleMania 17.


It was so good, it makes you wanna slap your momma! ...j/k


But in all seriousness though, I couldn't wait to see WrestleMania 17, I was pumped to see Rock/Austin, TLC II, Angle/Benoit, etc. And when I finally seen the show, I loved it! It was easily better than WrestleMania 18 which did NOT seem like a WrestleMania IMO.

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Guest Choken One

The feeling kind of kicks in on Saturday Morning...When you wake up and you go "Wait...It's WM weekend! Baby! You kiss your girl and go down to the den and watch ALL wrestlemanias from 1-last year...You start to grow an heavy beard (I already Have my Jericho Beard) and then You realize...Oh Shit It's 4 o clock on Sunday afternoon...You finish the last Mania and you call up your friends and they answer before you even ask the question "7:00 your place? Be there man"...You take a long hot Shower...You put on your lightest Sweat Pants with Your Hoodie...Your girl Has made about 100 Spicy Wings...Brought A 24 pack of cold ones...You dust off the Other chairs and just as the clock hits Seven O Clock...You hear the door swing open and the sound of booming voices fill the house...Ancipation reached it maximum...You get nestled into YOUR chair...Everyone jockeys for postition...You grab the remote control from your sidearm...You softly hit the red button that awakens the magic. The clock rolls to 8...And there it is...


That is the feeling...Nothing like it for a Wrestling Fan.

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Guest godthedog

even though i didn't like austin or rock at the time, i was jacked for WM17, for angle/benoit and trips/undertaker. that was the last one i was really anticipating. last year i didn't have any real anticipation for it, but the post-match of rock/hogan felt more like a real wrestlemania moment than anything the year before.


thinking about angle/brock a few months ago got a lot of anticipation going for me, but before it could really coalesce, angle got injured.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

I was hyped for last years, purely for Rock vs Hogan. Wrestlemania 17 I was extremely hyped for as nearly the whole card was awesome (Rock-Austin, Taker-HHH, Angle-Benoit, TLC 2, Gimmick Battle Royal), and I was also hyped for Wrestlemaina 2000 as it was thee first one I was able to watch live. I don't have that same feeling this year either due to the so-so build up or the fact that I can't watch it this year.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I've been watching since 1988, so the first three are out. Otherwise, I was really hyped up to see IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, XII, 2000 & X-7.


I am reasonably hyped up for this one, but not as much as 2000 or X-7. Brock/Angle is the match I want to see. I know Angle's hurt and all, but I am still psyched for it. I've been wanting to see this since Brock first showed up. The last time I was this interested in a single match was Benoit/Rock at Fully Loaded 2000.

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Guest Choken One

When I put away my Smark Hat, I can't help but too feel really into this one...


Last Year, I wasn't really all that enthused and only brought it because it was "Mania" and I kinda fooled myself to think Jericho/HHH would be a 30 minute **** match that they SHOULD have been able to pull off.


A week before WMX7, I was fucking HYPED but due to Two deaths from a Family member and an old teacher of mine, I wasn't "feeling mania"...As a matter of fact, I had to watch that great event in a Hotel Lobby...


This Sunday, I should at Home with a few friends all exicted or maybe I'll continue the Bar Trips...But I am excited because This year they really made it feel like a "SUPER-CARD"...


Five Main Event Caliber Matches

A Likely Swank Three Way Tag Match

a potential Show stealing Cruiser match


You can't help but NOT getting into that...


Sure, They will be TWO promised Duds but Alot of Mania's in the early days had TWO main events and 9 Dud-*3/4 matches...


We have the potential of three **** Matches and aside from ONE match, everything should be entertaining...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I had that WrestleMania feeling this afternoon.


Oh no, wait, that was just because I had lunch at Taco Bell.

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Guest treble charged

I remember being really pumped for IX, since it was the first Mania after I became a fan and being a huge Bret mark, I wanted to see if he could beat Yoko. I don't remember being that pumped for X, and had fallen out of watching wrestling by XI. I didn't start watching again until after XIV, so I missed out on that build-up for the most part (I'd catch a show here or there). I was reasonably hyped for XV, but nothing out of the ordinary (my leg was in a cast then, so I was kind of depressed), 2000 I was excited for because we were getting the All Day Long special, so it made the show feel 'bigger' in my eyes. The last 2 shows I've been sort of excited to see, but nothing out of the ordinary and same with this year.


So I guess the last time I was REALLY excited for Mania was 2000, with IX before that.

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