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Guest hb2k_buzzsaw

News on Nash - return date, Kidman, Shark Boy

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Guest hb2k_buzzsaw

Looks like we can look forawrd to the return of Kevin Nash within the next 5 days, as he will either appear at Wrestlemania, or will be on Raw the next night....


However, he will not be appearing as Kevin Nash - he will return as Diesel. He stated that 'Kevin Nash' hadn't had a lot luck. Under this name, it seems the chances are a lot higher that he will return as a face, and alongside HBK.


MRI results show that Kidman isn't in any danger, and he should be ok.


There are no plans to sign Shark Boy.

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Guest geniusMoment

hbk do you always wear a yankees hat and have a penchant for extreme violence?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I love this guy. He just flat out gives no sources and names random stuff. Fuck this, I'm starting up my own news updates. Should be fun.

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... No, I want to! Here's the first Gosunkugi "If I Say It It Must Be Right" Report!


Kevin Nash will be returning eventually. He may or may not use the Diesel gimmick.


Wrestlemania will be in Seattle this year.


TAKA Michinoku is somewhere in Japan.


(And now I start getting ridiculous.)


Scott Hall has no plans to return to WWE because he is, in actuality, going to be the new leader of NWA-TNA's Sports Entertainment Xtreme faction.


Brock Lesnar is actually Crash Holly after gamma rays. This is why you never see them in the same place. Actually, they did once, but that was a robot that looks like Crash Holly.


WWE will be re-signing Mabel and moving Mark Henry to Raw so they can both be managed by Teddy Long and form quite possibly the most talentless stable ever with Rodney Mack.


The new trainers of Tough Enough will be Triple H, William Regal, and Hardcore Holly. Expect most of the contestants to be injured or reduced to quivering masses by episode three.


And that's the news. What? I don't name sources and for all you know I could just be completely random, so you KNOW I'm right!

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Guest Youth N Asia
There are no plans to sign Shark Boy.

Why is this news? It's not a story. There was never any serious hint of him getting a deal. Tons of people get dark matches and even small tv guest spots.


Might as well have added "WWE has no plans to sign Abdullah The Butcher"

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Wrestling Observer reported the Nash stuff. But, I didn't see anything about him returning in the next 5 days.


Plus, Nash wants to return as Diesel because everyone knows Vince doesn't like to push guys he didn't create so Nash thinks he'll do better as Diesel.


In other random news, it's being reported that Lita is really Funaki in drag!

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Guest Mattdotcom
In other random news, it's being reported that Lita is really Funaki in drag!


I feel really dirty all of a sudden.







Bret Hart is coming back to lead the nWo Red, White, and Blue.

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Guest notJames



Vince McMahon's real name is Vince McMahon, Jr.


Credit: OMG GOD~! NewZ

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Guest AM The Kid



Today WWE signed Abdullah The Butcher, he should be making his debut at Wrestlemania. This comes as a relief to Brent Lumpkin, Abdullah's new manager.


Credit: Myself and my little brain

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Guest Downhome


Today WWE signed Abdullah The Butcher, he should be making his debut at Wrestlemania. This comes as a relief to Brent Lumpkin, Abdullah's new manager.


Credit: Myself and my little brain


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Guest saturnmark4life

This coming in: Perry Saturn is actually better than Scott Steiner.



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Guest crandamaniac

*!*!*!*!*CRAND NEWS UPDATE*!*!*!*!*

Billy Kidman's name is Billy Kidman


The WWE has not talked to me about a job yet, but may do so soon.


I like Pie


credit: I'm fucking bored

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There are rumors circling that Stevie Richards and Victoria may be in an on-camera relationship. This is considered a shocker by nobody.


Credit: The I Say It So I Must Be Right Report

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Guest notJames

This just in:


The grotesque flab on Stephanie McMahon's arms is real, and not the result of a botched breast implant by a near-sighted plastic surgeon.


When asked for comment, Stephanie looked up from her corned beef and pastrami sandwich and replied "Mmmph phlph mmbph ummph."


Mmmph phlph mmbph ummph indeed.


Credit: OMG GOD~! NewZ

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Guest evilhomer



Roddy Piper and Jesse Ventura will take over commentating duties for WM!!!


credit: I read this much of the damn thread so I had to contribute

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Guest BifEverchad
This just in:


The grotesque flab on Stephanie McMahon's arms is real, and not the result of a botched breast implant by a near-sighted plastic surgeon.


When asked for comment, Stephanie looked up from her corned beef and pastrami sandwich and replied "Mmmph phlph mmbph ummph."


Mmmph phlph mmbph ummph indeed.


Credit: OMG GOD~! NewZ

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

News flash:

The OAOAST has been bought by the WWE, which will lead to a new Invasion, and Mario Logan, and Agnes winning both world titles. The Dungeon of Doom will conquer Smackdown, Lars Ulrich, David Lee Roth, and Axl Rose are expected to do commentary.


If this is true, two years later:


News flash:

The WWE has declared ultra-mega-super-duper-bankruptcy.

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Guest notJames
Andre the Giant will turn on Hulk Hogan.

For reasons I have yet to fathom, I howled over that one. :lol:

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Guest NoCalMike

Only worse thing than Kevin Nash returning at all, is Kevin Nash returning as Diesel.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Might as well have added "WWE has no plans to sign Abdullah The Butcher"


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Guest notJames
Might as well have added "WWE has no plans to sign Abdullah The Butcher"


If this thread was a comedy skit, that would be the perfect ending for it.


Kudos. :cheers:

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