Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 28, 2003 It seems like the only thing carrying this feud has been the three speeches Jericho cut on Michaels (the night after Armageddon, the one after Michaels' overdone bladejob/selling of a chairshot, then last MOnday). The promos were great, but were lacking any type of response from HBK. The first time he just kicked Jericho, the second time he was barely conscious, and this time they just slapped each other. The whole time I was waiting for Michaels to answer Jericho. Other than that, their feud has consisted of Michaels running into some of Jericho's matches and little else. I'd be looking forward to this match anyway even without a great buildup, but has this feud been a good one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Jericho's cut some good money promos, and aspects of the feud have been well done but not so well paced. Just seems like it was written out of order, and somewhat anti-climatic. Still been one of the better feuds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I've loved this feud- It dragged a little when HBK would just run out every week and save Test/Hardy/Kiebler but I liked that they've been able to avoid a PPV match over 4 months. Jericho's promos have been amazing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ViciousFish Report post Posted March 28, 2003 The first promo Jericho cut on HBK when he first got Sweet Chin Music was one of my favorite promos ever. It made me hate Jericho in that hellish kinda way for slamming on one of my favorite wrestlers when I was younger and made me realize now why I'm a Jerichoholic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I think Michaels-Jericho has been the best feud of 2003, but that's pretty much by default considering the competition (Vince-Hogan, Austin-Rock, HHH-Steiner, Heyman-Brock). It seems like it's been too one-sided in Jericho's favor for Jericho to also get the win at Wrestlemania. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Not really- HBK has dominated the whole feud with the exception of the Rumble and RAW in LI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 28, 2003 If you count the last week, then yes. It's an awesome feud. If you take the last couple of months, then no, it's a bad feud. It had it's moments of course. Jerichos initial promo, the "You played the hero once to often" thing, and the last promo. But as mentioned above, it was/is an incredible disjointed feud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zero_Cool Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Jeirhco is good at making things like seem important. It's hard to expliain. BTW, I've sorta been drinking and I'm pretty buzzed right now. Jericho is the best talker on RAW. Nonne can touch him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 28, 2003 It's amazing, because him, Angle, and Flair really seem to be the only guys cutting money promos right now. It's not as if everyone else is bad, but while Rock's practicing his ocmedy bit for hollywood these are the only guys selling their matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Jericho has been the MVP for the past couple of months in terms of just carrying shows. The whole "I want to be the first Chris Jericho" motivation puts the whole match into context. It's not "grr, I'm mad at you so lets take care of it in the ring". The whole "I'm going to retire you" thing isn't really needed nor is Michaels' connection to WM. All they needed was the connection between both men to make it work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Jericho has carried this feud 90%(IMO) HBK is kind of "just there" WWE has been pushing his legendary status, even Jericho has as well. I really wish HBK was giving more insight into his point of view or his side or what some would call "where he is coming from". He just kind of shows up for a confrontation but then just doesn't add anything to Jericho's goldeness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 28, 2003 You know when actors have to work with CGI characters and they usually have to look at a ball hanging from a rope to make sure they don't look like idiots on screen? That's HBK in this feud. It doesn't help matters to have him dance around like he doesn't have a care in the world either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I don't know. I'm anticipating the match, but I think that's more because I know what both wrestlers are capable of. Add also to the equation that they both want to steal the show on the biggest WWE PPV of the year. The build-up hasn't sucked, but it just all seems forgetable. Nothing really stands out to me. I'm waiting for the match though, so they must've done something right. Even if that something was just wrestle well in the past. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Is HBK doing the whole "turn the other cheek" thing? That's what I don't get, as Jericho has been just ripping him verbally and Shawn just stands there. Isn't HBK supposed to be one of their better mic workers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mecha Mummy 0 Report post Posted March 28, 2003 It's definitely had its moments. The "You Played The Hero Once Too Often" thing was awesome, the whole thing put Christian and Jericho over huge (The walls on Stacy, handcuffing Test, Unprettier to Jeff, and chair shot to Michaels) in my eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lightning Flik Report post Posted March 28, 2003 (edited) If you think about it, it was a good feud. Take into account they actually built it slowly and then let it simmer down, but took it right back when they needed to. They went back to the old formula of how to do feuds and it has worked in the most part (with the odd hiccups like Test somehow getting involved & how HBK needs to be carried by Chris Jericho). What will make it succeed or bomb is the pay off: their match. This is the first feud in a long time that has actually made me sit there and want to see the pay off. It's made me care and frankly it's a step in the right direction for the WWE and everything else they need to do. I'll also say that after this I believe that the only logical step from this would be to go after the title. Not really much else the guy can do after this. Edited March 28, 2003 by Lightning Flik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Aero Report post Posted March 28, 2003 The promo after Armageddon was great, and I think the Royal Rumble was great, as well. It put the feud on another level. The initial challenge that Jericho made to HBK recently when he bloodied him up was THE boiling point. I've been enjoying this feud ever since December. I'm not looking forward to this WM match most for no reason... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I think this has been one of the best built feuds going into Wrestlemania. Jericho has been amazing, and he's on the break of really being something special. Which is why he should job clean to Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, Let me explain! I think this match is gonna be like Steamboat/Savage. (Not on the same level) While WWE has Brock/Angle, Vince/Hogan as the big matches, this will be the match that steals the show. Shawn finally pins Jericho after a drama filled, near falls match. You can even have Jericho shake Shawn's hand after the match. Next night on Raw, have Christian turn on Jericho for being weak and have Jericho go out for a month w/ an injury angle. The guy deserves a damn break. It would give Christian a nice little push and by time Jericho returns he'll be a huge Babyface. Then it's all up to WWE to give him the push as the babyface. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dmann2000 Report post Posted March 28, 2003 With all the crap and unrealized potential that there is these days, it's something like Michaels vs Jericho that still keeps me a wrestling fan. Sure it hasn't been the best fued with the best buildup. But when you realize that this fued has actually been going on since SURVIVOR SERIES (where Jericho took his first shots at Shawn while HHH was gasping for air) it's been a nice slow burn. Just a good old fashioned wrestling fued. The arrogant guy who wants to still prove he's the best, and the legend who wants to prove he's got one last great performance left in him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Well, it's been the best feud on RAW… … Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I'm very very hyped to see this match. Its had a lot of buildup, and since Angle is injured and limited to what he can do, it is my most anticipated match at Wrestlemania. But if Jericho jobs, that would just suck ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted March 28, 2003 If Jericho retires that fey HBK i might rent Mania when it comes out on DVD.If Y2J looses , then no more WCW...i mean WWE for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Didn't see Raw on Monday so I haven't heard the promo you guys are talking about, but aside from that, I really haven't enjoyed the feud. I started out great...the stuff regarding the Rumble slot was a could've been done better, and what's killed it the most for me is that HBK seems TOO FUCKING HAPPY through out it all. I mean, one week he gets his head split open by Jericho, and the next he's out there dancing and smiling instead of being pissed off and ready to beat Jericho's ass. It's almost like he's taking Jericho too nonchalantly (sp?), and although they're too of my favorites, this one aspect of the feud is making it a lot harder for me to get into it. They should've made more of an effort to show that Jericho is getting under HBK's skin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 28, 2003 That's probably because I'm getting the feeling that the gist of this feud is that Michaels is trying hard to still be HBK and he's living in the past, whereas Jericho has moved past that point and come into an acceptance that he cannot be HBK, Shawn can't be HBK, he can only be himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mecha Mummy 0 Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I think this has been one of the best built feuds going into Wrestlemania. Jericho has been amazing, and he's on the break of really being something special. Which is why he should job clean to Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, Let me explain! I think this match is gonna be like Steamboat/Savage. (Not on the same level) While WWE has Brock/Angle, Vince/Hogan as the big matches, this will be the match that steals the show. Shawn finally pins Jericho after a drama filled, near falls match. You can even have Jericho shake Shawn's hand after the match. Next night on Raw, have Christian turn on Jericho for being weak and have Jericho go out for a month w/ an injury angle. The guy deserves a damn break. It would give Christian a nice little push and by time Jericho returns he'll be a huge Babyface. Then it's all up to WWE to give him the push as the babyface. I would love this, but only if Christian lays off the rest-holds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 28, 2003 And what's the point of putting Michaels over? At least he has somewhat of a rub, being a star from the past and winning the title. And he's had his run, picked up some wins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest webmasterofwrestlegame Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Michaels has made it clear that he is back now to put the younger talent over. I can see Jericho beating Michaels cleanly and then going on a chase after the title while HHH, Austin, Rock, and Goldberg feud with each other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Jericho has been doing the best promos of his career in this but HBK has done nothing at all but give a smart ass remark here and there along with some very bad public access quality acting. Shawn Michaels has done nothing in this feud but show up and collect his pay check, he has not added anything to this angle but some Pro-Jesus shirts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I like how Jericho can come off being funny without desperately trying to be a comedian like Rocky(If that statement makes any sense). He knows how much comedic undertones to throw in without coming off like a comedian and/or making him a face. See that is what is missing from RAW right now, Heels who are great performers, but know what it takes to stay TRUE HEELS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 28, 2003 The only way the match will be good for Jericho is if he absolutely destroys Michaels by the end. That means no screw-jobs, no ref bumps, no roll ups and tight pulls, just a clean 1-2-3. Jericho should control the whole match with Michaels trying to make his come backs, getting a few close calls, but ultimately failing in the end. Jericho losing could be the final nail in his coffin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites