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Guest Redhawk

Is RAW going to be better than Smackdown?

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Guest Redhawk

Smackdown has been a much better show for months, but could that change after Wrestlemania? Look at some of the factors...




*Two of the "Smackdown Six" (Angle and Edge) will be out for nearly one year.

*Big Show, A-Train, and Nathan Jones all look like they'll be getting main event pushes.

*Rey Mysterio looks like he'll be stuck in Cruiserweight Land, along with Matt Hardy.

*Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan might be taking up a lot more TV time.




*The Rock will be around for at least another month.

*Stone Cold and Goldberg will be there.

*Booker T will be at the top of the card, hopefully no longer stuck in the BookDust tag team.

*And you've still got RVD and Jericho

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Guest Brian

Unless Booker gets elevated, no. It'll just be the same old three with Goldberg.


Benoit gets a push, cruiserweights get a push, Hogan/Vince is over with.

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Guest NoCalMike

Depends on how everyone is utilized, workrate will factor in, as well as the writing. As long as the writing remains the same, both shows will be mediocre with Smackdown having a slight edge(man I wish RVD would go to Smackdown).

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Guest Zero_Cool

I disagree, dude. I think that Smackdown will retain it's usperiority throughout the spring, as The Rock will be gone again, and Cena will be our new Rocky geel, what with his charismatic promos and what have you.


While we may see the elevation of Jericho, we all know that he'll be taken down a notch in no time by unseen forces! (shit, I can't put HHH in any of the letters in that sentence!)


I still believe that Smackdown will be the superior show.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

As long as JR and King are calling the action RAW will never get better. That's not so much a dig at the commentary team so much as it is a dig at the overall philosophy behind RAW.

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Guest Lightning Flik

As was said before, the philosophy of Raw has to change in order to become the force it once was.

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Guest Goodear



*Two of the "Smackdown Six" (Angle and Edge) will be out for nearly one year.


Yes that's a big hit, but the shows have been trucking right along without these two in the ring for the last couple of weeks. It's not easy to replace them or anything, but its not going to suddenly make all the other good workers on the show stink either.


*Big Show, A-Train, and Nathan Jones all look like they'll be getting main event pushes.


Based on what? Show and Train don't really ever beat anyone other than the lowest guys on the totem pole. They'll probably lose again at Mania and get stuck in the tag ranks playing jobbers to the stars. Jones sucks so much... he makes RICK Steiner look good I wouldn't worry about him getting too much after the Undertaker stuff is over and done with.


*Rey Mysterio looks like he'll be stuck in Cruiserweight Land, along with Matt Hardy.


If that means we get matches like Rey/Kendrick vs Hardy/Moore all the time, this seems like an odd reason for why the shows are going to be worse.


*Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan might be taking up a lot more TV time.


If Vince and Hogan take up more TV time they'll be the commercials for Castrol. This is a one time deal and I think even Hogan knows he's on his last legs by now.

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Guest nikowwf

I think Rey wins, and Matt goes up to the heavyweights. Then the heavyweights get a new player, and Rey can work with the cruisers and give them some credibility. Thats win win to me.


Albert and Big Show haven't been buried, but they are not getting a huge push. Nathan Jones is just too bad to get a huge push.


I think Smackdown will still be better. Raw can't get out of its own way sometimes.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Hmmmmm, Smackdown has Benoit, Eddie, Chavo, Rhyno, Team Angle, Rey, Noble, Kendrick, Moore, Mattitude, Brock, Cena......... and Raw has Goldberg.


::Scratches head:: Which one will be better?

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Guest Passenger

JERICHO > Benoit, Eddie, Chavo, Rhyno,Team Angle, Noble, Kendrick, Moore, Mattitude, Brock and Cena

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Guest Youth N Asia

Smackdown still has Benoit, The Geurreros, Brock vs Cena, and an impressive Brian Kendrick.


I don't think the show will be a total waste

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Guest ISportsFan
JERICHO > Benoit, Eddie, Chavo, Rhyno,Team Angle, Noble, Kendrick, Moore, Mattitude, Brock and Cena

That might be a little off.



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Guest Mole

I always watch Raw, and barely ever Smackdown. Even though Raw sucks, I seem to like the atmosphere better, so I always watch it.

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Guest Youth N Asia

But Smackdown does have Torrie "no jobs" Willson, she's not bad to look at. But I'm starting to develope hate for her

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But Smackdown does have Torrie "no jobs" Willson, she's not bad to look at. But I'm starting to develope hate for her

Do you think HHH has wet dreams about Torrie Wilson & Victoria? Both Divas rarely ever job.

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Guest Redhawk

Moving Rey to the cruiserweight will produce those fast-paced opening matches, but that's all they'll be. Even in WCW's dying days, they could still throw 3Count, the Jung Dragons and Chavo out there for a hot opener. The cruiserweights never got any storylines, no real angles, just random pairings put together to put on a stuntman show that was totally forgotten minutes later and never built upon. Keeping Rey up there with the heavyweights made for fast-paced matches that MEANT something and had a hand in main event angles, like during the whole Angle/Benoit, Edge/Rey, Guerreros period.


And I don't see why Jones, Show and A-Train would be this high on the WM card if they weren't in line for a big push. Just listen to how the announcers talk about them, then listen to how the announcers talk about guys who will never get pushed. I'm not saying Show-Train will be tag champs in a month, but I don't see them leaving SD's main event scene any time soon.

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Guest Human Fly

Raw will suck if for no other reason then the impending Diesel v. HHH feud with HBK in Diesel's corner.

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Guest Coffey

I take a lot more things into account. For example, I like Eric Bischoff better than I like Stephanie McMahon, so...advantage Raw. On Smackdown, I like the team of Cole/Tazz better than I like Ross/Lawler, so...advantage Smackdown.


Wrestling wise, both shows are stacked. It just comes down to what you want to see. If you like to "mark" out, then RAW has Rock, Austin & possibly Goldberg. It you want wrestling talent RAW has Jericho, Morley (personal opinion), etc. On Smackdown, if you want to "mark" you have The Undertaker. If you want wrestling talent, they are stacked. Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio, M. Hardy, etc.


You just gotta look for the diamonds in the rough. Just take the bad with the good. That's what I try to do.



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Guest El Satanico

Just because Albert and Big Show are being pushed doesn't mean they'll be regular main eventers. Sure with Edge and Angle gone Vince will likely try main eventing one or both of them again, but so what there's enough good talent to balance it out.


Rey wrestling with cruiserweight doesn't make the show worse. A good match is a good match no matter when it's put on so who cares. Besides since when is making the mid and under card look good :gasp: a bad thing?


So I don't see how Smackdown becomes worse than Raw overnight. Smackdown will still have more good things than Raw.

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Guest AndrewTS
But Smackdown does have Torrie "no jobs" Willson, she's not bad to look at. But I'm starting to develope hate for her

Do you think HHH has wet dreams about Torrie Wilson & Victoria? Both Divas rarely ever job.

They don't have enough muscle mass or power in the company, so no.

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Guest Brian

Rey will lend a credibility to the division having been able to hang with the top guys. But they have to push it as more than just crowd openers, and the split pay per view shows is going to force them to build two or three stories for the show. The difference is that Rey will bring more than just disjointed, masturabatory, please-the-crowd highspot fests that we got out of the late part of the division. Having Malenko in the background and guys like Kendrick, Tajiri and more effectively using Knoble, plus the shift in style will mean better matches.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I'm not saying Show-Train will be tag champs in a month, but I don't see them leaving SD's main event scene any time soon.

They're in SD's main-event scene to begin with?


IMO, A-Train hasn't even been close since Armageddon, and the loss to Brock at the Rumble knocked Show out of the upper echelon. Don't exaggerate.

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Guest Redhawk

But with Angle out, who is going to take over that top heel spot? I'm seeing Show or Train.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Oh, just wait until Nash, errr, Diesel returns and him and HBK become "Two dudes w/ Attitude" Part 2.


Then they kill two birds w/ one stone, when they beat RVD and Kane for the Raw Tag Titles.

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Guest Will Scarlet
Raw will suck if for no other reason then the impending Diesel v. HHH feud with HBK in Diesel's corner.


Hey now. I am pumped about that feud. 2 wrestlers I don't care about feuding over a meaningless title. I can just ignore it as the wrestlers I like feud in the midcard. Plus I get to laugh at the latest nostaglia act that won't draw a dime.

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Guest Brian

I'd imagine lining up against Lesnar would be Cena to start, then Benoit for the split shows.

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Guest El Satanico

Even if Vince decides it's time to try pushing Albert to the main events, there's nothing to fear. The push will flop and after a few weeks Vince will give up again.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
But with Angle out, who is going to take over that top heel spot? I'm seeing Show or Train.

OK. But you implied that they're currently in the main event scene right now, and that's far from the truth.


Read the Observer notes, by the way. They're likely to feud with Taker and Jones for another month.

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