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Guest Nevermortal

When's the last time you went to the movies?

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

I went today to see Head of State, which wasn't bad, I laughed. But this summer there are so many movies I want to see.

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Guest ISportsFan

Daredevil a couple weeks ago.


Before that, Lord of the Rings II (I hate the whole series, but my friends dragged me there).


Before that, I think it was Road to Perdition.



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Guest C.H.U.D.

I've only seen 3 movies in 2003 so far. I get to see everything that comes to DVD for free through work, so I am less motivated to sit in a theatre with a bunch of ignorant morons who talk and use cell phones. Also, I only go to weekday matinee's, where it costs $5.

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Guest ShooterJay

I haven't been to the movies for pleasure in a long while- various personal factors have turned me off to film in general.


However, I did see "Adaptation" because I had to write a paper about it for my communications class, and loved it, which is why I had the Charlie Kaufman stuff up for a short while.

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Guest Cavi

The last film I saw in the theater was Planet of the Apes back in the summer of 2001.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII

The last time I went to the theater was about 2 weekends ago to see Daredevil with my sister cause I got 2 free passes from the radio station I work at. The last time I went before that was for The Matrix in '99 and that's cause my friend had a brother that worked and got us in for free.


But, outside of that I just wait till the movie is out on DVD to see it.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I saw Final Destination 2 last week for a dollar. Worth every penny. Funniest movie I've ever seen in a theatre.

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