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Guest Banky

Who is the Coolest Wrestler in the WWE/All-time

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Guest AndrewTS

It's obviously the Big Bossman. Shortly after he jumped back to the WWF, the Monday Night wars changed to WWF's favor.


He had a great finishing move for his time, and inspired the Rock to use a similar move.


He writes great poems.


He invented the sport of casket-surfing with Big Show, and generally made his life a living hell.


"You're a nasty bastard, and your momma said so!"


He made Al Snow eat his own dog, fight for his remains, and peed on its grave.


That led to the comically-bad Kennel from Hell match.


He eliminated Chyna in the 2000 Royal Rumble.


He poured milk on Crash's head and then stole his lunch.


He made Road Dogg his bitch in a fued over the Hardcore Title.


He beat up Hogan before.


His 80's theme song was kick ass.


He has a kick ass car.


He's punched Test in the balls, and broke his nose with his nightstick.


He sent Sean Stasiak packing the first time.


He was the first to take your precious Mick Foley's Hardcore Title off him.


He was lynched, and survived! Fuck you, Hogan--Bossman is the REAL immortal!


He retired, making him 100x times cooler than Hogan and Flair are right now.


He was also the Boss, the Man, and a Guardian Angel.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
It's obviously the Big Bossman. Shortly after he jumped back to the WWF, the Monday Night wars changed to WWF's favor.


He writes great poems.


He invented the sport of casket-surfing with Big Show, and generally made his life a living hell.


"You're a nasty bastard, and your momma said so!"


He made Al Snow eat his own dog.


That led to the comically-bad Kennel from Hell match.


He eliminated Chyna in the 2000 Royal Rumble.


He made Road Dogg his bitch in a fued over the Hardcore Title.


He beat up Hogan before.


His 80's theme song was kick ass.


He has a kick ass car.


He's punched Test in the balls.


He was the first to take your precious Mick Foley's Hardcore Title off him.


He retired, making him 100x times cooler than Hogan and Flair are right now.


He was also the Boss, the Man, and a Guardian Angel.

It's not really important, but I remember a guy two years ago who created a list of 1,000 reasons Boss Man was a better wrestler than Goldberg.

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Guest Nevermortal

In WWE: Steve Austin


Of all time: Raven


Currently: Low Ki. Deep voice, hard kicks, and a resistance to ecstasy!

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Guest AndrewTS
It's not really important, but I remember a guy two years ago who created a list of 1,000 reasons Boss Man was a better wrestler than Goldberg.


It's true! Boss Man has brought more entertainment to smarks and marks alike than Goldberg ever has or ever will.

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Guest EternallyLazy

You can't get any cooler than Slick Ric baby! Mid 80's horsemen-era Flair was absolutely the coolest man to ever step foot in the ring IMHO


and runner up... most of us are too young... even I am... however, I've watched tapes and studied the man known as Lou Thesz, and I honestly think he was one of the coolest men to ever step foot in the ring. A legit badass, stayed in AMAZING shape the rest of his life, and wore the championship belt with so much class and pride, that he made the perfect ambassador to the then sport.

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Guest The Czech Republic

Thank you for finally saying Jake Roberts.


I second the Snake in his good years.

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Guest The Tino Standard

Slick Ric Flair, all the way... He was the jet-plane flyin, limousine ridin, kiss-stealin, wheelin-dealin son of a gun... and the dirtiest player in the game. WOOOOO!

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Guest papacita

I always thought heel HBK was cool as shit.


Also Pillman, Mr. Perfect, Flair, Diesel ("I'm the shit, I'm telling ya!"), Razor, and Rock (circa 99).


Also, I would just like to note that Chono is cool as shit.

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Guest ViciousFish
Slick Ric Flair, all the way... He was the jet-plane flyin, limousine ridin, kiss-stealin, wheelin-dealin son of a gun... and the dirtiest player in the game. WOOOOO!

You forgot stylin' and profilin'


And my vote is Jericho, by far. He told the Rock to shut up, he broke Chyna's thumb with a hammer and injured Road Dogg in his WWF debut. Plus he has had the coolest hairstyle ever. Remember the ponytail thing coming off the top of his head??

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Guest Choken One

Depends on how you mean "Cool" Cool as in "Man, I wanna Be like him" or cool like "Man, That guy is the man".


My Top 20 Cool List


1. Ric Flair

2. Brian Pillman (Loose Cannon Version)

3. The Rock (Circa 1998-99)

4. Austin (Anti-Establishment Era)

5. Chris Jericho (Conspericy Era and Egoholic Era)

6. Jake The Snake (Evil Jake)

7. Terry Funk (Crazy old Man)

8. Raven (Mind fuck era)

9. Mr. Perfect (His first Run)

10. Arn Anderson (The Original Bad Ass)

11. Randy Savage (WCW Heel)

12. Kevin Nash (early nwo)

13. Bossman (1999)

14. Bret Hart (Anti-America)

15. Undertaker (Zombie)

16. Mick Foley (The Final Stage)

17. Rob Van Dam (ECW heel)

18. Jesse Ventura (Announcer)

19. Owen Hart (Slammy winner)

20. HBK (Cocky Ass Motherfucker)

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Chono, easily. No other wrestler can be justice and rule at the same time. Maybe in seperate occasions but NEVER at the same time.

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Guest creativename

The definitive list




jericho.jpg roddypiper.jpg mankind.jpg


andre_fezzik.jpg undertaker.gif


And your winner is:



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