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Guest bravesfan

If this truly is the end for Kurt Angle...

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Guest CanadianChick

What I love about Kurt is that he can be funny enough to make me laugh and be serious enough to make me care about a feud or match. On top of that, he is a great wrestler. I don't praise Angle that much (I think we have enough Angle fans, lol), but he is truly one of my favorites to watch. He isn't my favorite wrestler, but if today is his last match ever, I'll be sad. He really does add so much to the company and I think it is unbelievable the carreer he has had in 4 years. If today is his last match, I want to thank him for entertaining me out of the ring and especially in the ring.

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Guest the 1inch punch

The week after Angle/Benoit lost the tag titles in a 2/3 falls match, they had a skit in the back where Benoit made the point that he got pinned twice, in the same fall, it degenerated into a hero/Jackass stuff, until.....



You have no teeth

You have no hair





I have an Olympic Gold Medal



Benoit just stares at him for a second and goes


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Guest papacita

-Any of the Austin/McMahon promos in 2001.


-The match with Shane when Kurt keeps trying to put him through the glass.


-The Milk truck incident...especially when Kurt hops out throwing cartons of milk.


-The Royal Rumble match with Benoit (I marked out when he grapevined the leg in the end).


-His promos in spring of 2000 promoting abstinence.


Edit: Forgot that skit with Benoit the night they faced the Guerrerros in the Smackdown Tag Tournament...where Benoit's silent and Kurt's just talking to him. I died laughing when Kurt came out of nowhere and said he was jealous of his medals.

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Guest CanadianChris

- The EuroContinental title match at WM X-7. Hell, just his coining of "EuroContinental" was great.


- Giving Edge an autographed picture of himself for his birthday.


- Suffering a concussion in the World title 3-way with HHH and Rock and FINISHING THE MATCH.


- The chicken suit sketch.


- "Yippie ki yay, Mother Hubbard!"


- The match with the Showster at Backlash 2000.


- The jug band seven-second pose at Judgement Day 2000.


- Winning the title in Pittsburgh.


- Kurt Angle: Dangerous Dork.


- "I tear my quad every day! Hell, I tore my quad this morning, and I'm fine!"


- Everything involving the SmackDown Six...particularly the title match with Benoit at Royal Rumble.


- Angle getting freaked out by his pyro.


- The street fight at KOTR 2001.


- "Jimmy crack corn and I don't care...I've got Olympic gold!"


- "Hero!" "Jackass!"


- And, of course...his last match. Tonight. Dammit, that's so unfair.

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Guest bob_barron

When Torrie Wilson debuted Angle introduced him.


"Hi I'm Kurt Angle- Olympic Gold Medalist."

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Guest Vitamin X
:( I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said. I remember I disliked Angle at first for getting such a monstrous push over who has always been my favorite Chris Jericho, and even such a world class guy like Chris Benoit, but it was around King of the Ring 2000 that I started to really gain an appreciation for him. Ever sicne then he has definitely been my #2 favorite, and it is really a sad, sad thing to see him go tonight. I wish to him a speedy and hopefully full recovery and that he makes a REAL beautiful day for us soon enough. Maybe he could win the Royal Rumble next year?

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Guest HartFan86

Meltzer said in his Sunday Update that this is indeed Angle's last match. I feel like going in tears right now.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Angle is God, simple as. I've loved everything he's done for the past four years. And I don't think this is the end of him. He's an Olympian, he'll find a way back somehow.

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Guest Hulk Hogan


Brotha, my best memory of him was when I stole his hairpiece, brotha. And, brotha, I needed it

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Guest HartFan86

Brotha, my best memory of him was when I stole his hairpiece, brotha. And, brotha, I needed it

I still have that picture from WWE.com on my harddrive...that was hilarious.

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Guest Coffey

There really are too many moments to list. However, I think I got one that hasn't been mentioned. Kurt Angle Vs. Shane McMahon's King of the Ring match was talked about. Where Angle threw McMahon through the King of the Ring glass..and gave him a top rope Olympic Slam off of a piece of wood...but what about the build-up to the match? You remember when Kurt Angle gave Shane McMahon the best Olympic Slam in history off of the first place position from the podium? All the confetti was all over the ring and Shane fucking bounced!


Great, great moment.





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Guest Banky

The fact he can wrestle, talk, and not be selfish in his matches.


He is an amazing package...and he'll be back.

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Guest Anglesault

The First title win. The whole night I was hoping he would win, but I wasn't confident. When Rikishi kicked Rock and Kurt slammed them both, I was like HOLY SHIT YES!

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Guest Vitamin X
The First title win. The whole night I was hoping he would win, but I wasn't confident. When Rikishi kicked Rock and Kurt slammed them both, I was like HOLY SHIT YES!

That was indeed a BEAUTIFUL piece of good booking...


Here's hoping to a 4th world title reign from our favorite olympic gold medalist...

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Another hilarious memory I have of Kurt Angle was right after HHH's early-2002 return. They just started the "Stephanie Is Pregnant" angle and on SmackDown!, Kurt came out with a baby carraige. He took it in the ring and said, "This is what HHH's son would look like." He proceeded to pull out a little stuffed toy ape and said, "It'll be an ape because apes have a huge forehead, always look like they are constipated, and drags their knuckles. Just like HHH."


I was in tears laughing at Angle.

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Guest Army Eye
Meltzer said in his Sunday Update that this is indeed Angle's last match. I feel like going in tears right now.

Nah.. he just means it's Angle's last match before the surgery and year-long layoff, so they should do something to set it up.


Whether Angle will wrestle again after the surgery stll is unknown.

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Guest HartFan86
Meltzer said in his Sunday Update that this is indeed Angle's last match. I feel like going in tears right now.

Nah.. he just means it's Angle's last match before the surgery and year-long layoff, so they should do something to set it up.


Whether Angle will wrestle again after the surgery stll is unknown.

Gotcha...I still feel like going in tears, though. How depressing...someone said it best...why do workers like Austin, HHH (Yes, HHH), Benoit, Angle, and Edge have to have carrer threatening injuries yet "superstars" like A-Train have injury free carrers?

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Guest What?

It's "career"




Anyway, my favorite moment was after the SummerSlam 2001 match, where Angle locked the Angle Lock onto that corrupted ref. That was great.



Hell, that entire match was phenomenal...I'm going to go watch that when I'm done with my homework...



-Every single sketch he did with Austin/McMahon and Edge/Christian.


-His feud with Austin during the summer of 2001 was awesome. As I said before, the match against Austin in San Jose was incredible, but it was even better because I was there live. Incredible match.

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Guest Banky
Gotcha...I still feel like going in tears, though. How depressing...someone said it best...why do workers like Austin, HHH (Yes, HHH), Benoit, Angle, and Edge have to have carrer threatening injuries yet "superstars" like A-Train have injury free carrers?

Why don't you cry about it?


Get over it, son.


You are taking this all far too seriously.


There's no crying in wrestling.


Especially if you a lowly fan.

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Guest Coffey
There's no crying in wrestling.


Especially if you a lowly fan.

...but...but what about Wrestlemania 7 when Warrior ended Savages career, but then he got the lovely Miss Elizabeth back?



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Guest Banky

There's no crying in wrestling.


Especially if you a lowly fan.

...but...but what about Wrestlemania 7 when Warrior ended Savages career, but then he got the lovely Miss Elizabeth back?



I was a bad ass pussy at that time...it didn't affect me. Heck, I am still a bad ass.

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Guest packwingfn

-His interview with "The Rock" before No Mercy 2000, classic


-His title win over The Rock, a sure markout moment


-Hero, Jackass


-Team Angle, the jacket, hoodie and everything


and o so much more

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