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Guest art_vandelay

Wrestlemania XIX: The Movie

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Guest art_vandelay

Anyone know what I'm talking about? It's supposed to have filmed things like Kurt leaving his wife and daughter this morning for WM, as well as post match occurances. This will be great for the Lesnar stuff.

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Guest Nevermortal

Hmmm....I did see big ass Film Cameras around the ring and in the crowd....

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Guest Steviekick

It will propably be some kind of documentary film. That would be cool.

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Guest Downhome

It's an hour long special taped for UPN to be aired soon. It's said that a much longer version will be commercially released soon after it's airing on UPN. The basic premise is "the making of a Wrestlemania".

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Guest art_vandelay

from wwe.com:


WrestleMania: The Movie

WWE cameras have been in Seattle for the last few days, following the Superstars for a special behind-the-scenes documentary called “WrestleMania: The Movie.” It’s being shot on high-quality film for a feature-like appearance.


The film, scheduled to air as a special on UPN in the next few months, will give fans an unprecedented look at the Superstars as they prepare for the biggest show of the year. Cameras were in Kurt Angle’s hotel room this morning, for example, filming him as he left his wife and baby behind to come to SAFECO Field. Cameras also followed Angle, as well as several other Superstars, as they headed toward the entrance for their match, and then shot them after their return to the locker room.


Over 36 hours of footage is being shot for what’s expected to be a one-hour special.

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Guest Brian

They had another camera in the front row that was taping, a view they didn't use.

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Guest Dmann2000
i hope this is the Big extra on the WM 19 DVD

Probably, I think it's a cool idea too.


Won't be no WWS or BTM because it's an in-house job, but still should be cool.

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Over 36 hours of footage is being shot for what’s expected to be a one-hour special.

Wow. I'd really hate to be the editor who has to cut down 35+ hours of footage.

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