Guest Banky Report post Posted March 31, 2003 This is based on entertainment value, not on pure wrestling. I don't decuct for restholds, intereference, ect... I missed HEAT, plus Cena's diss session. I'll update the Bitchfest when I see the replay. Mysterio vs. Hardy - Didn't get to see first bit of match. Wasn't all that impressed with what I saw. ** Undertaker/Jones. vs. ATrain/Show - Nothing but a big ego stroke for the Undertaker. It is incomprehensible that Albert, Big Show, and Jones got a Wrestlemania gig before RVD, Goldust, Cena, and others. This match was nothing. The Undertaker needs to get over this mid-life crisis and go back to his Dead Man gimmick. He is about as credible in this role as Fred Durst is as a musician. Fuck him. His songs suck. How they have fallen. Was disappointed we didn't get to see Jones compete much. I was waiting for a good laugh. But of course the Undertaker had to defeat the two biggest guys on the roster to continue his WM winning streak. I'll give him credit for the cross armbars, but thats about it. This stunk. * Jazz vs. Trish vs. Victoria - The best womens match in the WWE in a long time...maybe ever. Stratus brought her A game while Victoria and Jazz continued to be really strong. All of them deserved to win the title. I am shocked that I am kinda looking forward to their feud down the road. This one is far from over. *** Triple Threat tag Match - Good when Benoit and Eddie were in the ring. Both are heads and shoulders above everyone else in the match. I don't mind Triple Threats, but I hate Triple Threat tag Matches. Far too many people to be accounted for. Haas and Benjamin aren't even in the same league as the people they defeated. Rhyno really isn't either. ***1/2 Michaels vs. Jericho - An extremely good match. Many nears falls, with a strong emphasis on wrestling instead of spots. The best complete Michaels match he has had since returning. The build up made the story in the match easy to follow. In fact, they told the sotry better in this match than in the past 3 months of interviews/run-ins on RAW. The wrong person went over unless Michaels joins the roster full-time...which won't happen. I was totally fooled by the hug afterwards, I thought Jericho was turning face. I love when I am actually tricked. He got his heat back, which was good. ****1/2 Miller Lite Cat Fight - Shite. What were they trying to accomplish? If the girls wanna go at it...fine. All the drunks can get their rocks off. But pantsing the Coach? Yipes. This was done to plug Torrie's playboy issue more than anything. 1/4* For girlies rolling around in their skivies. Booker vs. Triple H - When will people in the company finally realize it is Triple H bringing every down in his matches. Steiner is bad, but Triple is far worse. There was about 3 minutes in the match that were watchable as H worked Booker's leg over well in a unique fashion. But it degenerated into the usual H affair. He needs to pick up his slacks before people really starting shitting on him ala Steiner. Booker also has to be one of the most overated people in the whole company. His best match was against the Rock at SS01. After that? Downhill...rapidly. **1/2 HERE WE GO Hogan vs. Hogan - RODDY F'N PIPER shows up! Holy shit, I never saw that one coming...although I really should have. I admit for marking for Hot Rod tonight. Working as heel may be a fresh finish to a rather stale past 15 years. The match itself hows how great of a mind McMahon has for entertaining the folks. He carried Hogan. Hogan is bad. The guy can't even wrestle good garbage matches. He is at his best when he is on his back and people are kicking the holy fuck out of him. The match was very exciting. I enjoyed the heck out of it. And whats with Shane-O-Mac? Wow, the company may just be getting semi-interesting again. ***3/4. So sue me? I enjoy being entertained, I don't need ~psychology to enjoy myself. Rock vs. Austin - Sheepers is Steve beefy. It also looked as though he was wearing lifts. Austin's rust really shone through here. He didn't have the same intensity he once had, and sadly I don't think he ever will. His heart isn't in it, he is breaking down, and frankly, there doesn't seem to be much left in the tank. Regardless, he is still better than 75% of the roster in this condition. What can I say about the Rock that hasn't already been said? He is an amazing performer. The end of the match was reminicent of WM 17 but without the intensity of it. Austin should have gotten a stunner inbetween the 3 Rock Bottoms he got. Either way, it was good. ***3/4 Angle vs. Lesnar - is there anyone better than Angle in North America? No. Is anyone close? As an entire package? No. This guy is amazing. He made Lesnar look great tonight. He showed an amazing dedication to his craft by digging in and making the best of the Main Event opportunity. I am ecstatic that Angle may only be out for 4-6 weeks with this injury. The WWE can't live without him. He is now in Hart, Flair, Michaels, Austin, and Rocky status now. Simply amazing. Lesnar played his role well, but he definetly wasn't the reason for such an amazing match. I was shocked he went for the SSP being so far away from Angle. It was a nasty mess up, but really, how could I shit on this match? It was flat out on the greatest I have ever seen. ****3/4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted March 31, 2003 NAAAASTY! Cena's diss was sick. This guy has it all. I told ya So. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted March 31, 2003 ummm. ****3/4 for Angle/Lesnar seems a little bit high. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted March 31, 2003 ummm. ****3/4 for Angle/Lesnar seems a little bit high. Of course it does... in YOUR opinion I agree with the match rating. And I'll tell you why. I've never been that emotionally drawn into a match before. NEVER. I felt mentally every bump Angle took, and it had me as well as all of my friends on the edge of our seats the entire time. And that's really all you can ask for Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted March 31, 2003 ummm. ****3/4 for Angle/Lesnar seems a little bit high. Entertainment value, my friend. The match was amazing. And why should I take ratings away for a botched SSP? It didn't ruin my enjoyment of it at all. The match was great. Angle put on his best performance EVER. It was Lesnar's best match. I don't know why this card is getting dogged. It is right up there with WM X7. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I was disappointed in the Triple Threat Tag Match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zetterberg is God 0 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I thougth the Angle-Lesnar match lived up to any and all expectations place upon it. The german suplex into the corner was a great bump. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I was disappointed in the Triple Threat Tag Match. What can you expect? Too many people were involved. Plus 3 of the 6 wrestlers aren't that great. Rhyno is alright, but nowhere near the level of most of the Smackdown! guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest THE MIGHTY THOR Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Another suckyfest,yawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Banky Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Another suckyfest,yawn. *bows* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites