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Guest nikowwf

Are peeps too picky?

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Guest nikowwf

Are people getting just too damn picky as wrestling fans? I thought that PPV rocked. No, it was not 100% perfect and HHH winning clean made my head hurt as always, but that was a fun show that had at least 5 matches I thought were very good. (either technically or just damn fun.)


The reaction seems to be so blah....i dont understand. Do people want to be allowed to choose the card, who wins, and how the matchs goes? Would they then be satisfied?


Scott Keith's review was so blah too....he really doesnt like anything anymore.


maybe its just me...but i enjoyed the show a lot. (as a lot of you seemed to also, dont want to say everyones whining)


The reaction is just a little baffling to me, i guess.



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Guest LJSexay

I think they are. I really enjoyed this PPV, and whatever.... I hated HHH winning too, but Booker gave him a good beating. I really liked everything in general, minus Limp Bizkit....


...but can you blame me?

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Guest eirejmcmahon

When taken on its own, the show was pretty good but when you look at the implications for some of the results...well...it's understandable that some folks might have their enjoyment of the show hampered by same.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I don't think anyone is being too picky. I haven't read anyone say they hated it.


It's just like every other show. There are things you like and things you don't. Traditionally, with Wrestlemania, there is more positive then negative. I think WM19 stayed true to that.

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Guest Ace309

For some reason, the show didn't pick up for me until Hogan-McMahon. I'm not sure why, since Rey/Matt was a damn good match, and the Women's Title Match was Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling (though with Jazz in it it's not technically a women's match, now, is it?). The tag title match was a little short and it really felt like they were building to something.


The Taker tag match was just horrifically bad, and there was far too much filler (Limp Bizkit twice was twice too much).


Jericho/HBK was an enjoyable match, although it seemed like it was put together strangely. I did like that they ended it with a crotch shot.


I guess the kicker was that with what they had in some of the undercard matches (and I'm looking at YOU, Team Angle, Guerreros and Rabid Rhinorines), they could have done better.


High hopes, I suppose, and when you're expecting perfection and you get only slightly above average, it still looks disappointing.

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Guest candie45

I really enjoyed the show. Being surrounded by a bunch of half marks actually helped a bit I think. Crowd was pretty hot in the bar, also. You just can't watch wrestlemania being a smark.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

I liked it.I kept feeling like it was missing something though. That it should have been better. I threw one curse out when Michaels pinned Jericho. My biggest complaint was the show was too long.By the time Hogan and McMahon came out,I was burned out.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I was thoroughly entertained. I really hated how rushed the first 4 matches seemed, and they were pretty underwhelming, but the second half of the show kicked all kinds of ass.


I LOVED HHH/Booker, slow or not because of Booker's selling and how he potatoed Hunter a few times. Then came the finish.


I LOVED Jericho/HBK until the finish.


Hogan/McMahon was hilarious and good at the same time, but Piper's run in could have been left out.


The only problem I had with Angle/Lesnar was all the kicking before finishers, now everyone wants to add KICK WHAM before the move! This was phenominal and I cringed in fear for

Angle until the most ironic ending to a match I've ever witnessed.


At the end of the show I had a sinking feeling and I just didn't feel right, seeing HBK go over Jericho who tapped clean to the figure four at Summerslam only to get a meaningless win in an even worse match at the next PPV and am basically seeing that all over again.


I seriously thought Hunter was going to drop the title to Booker and let him shine for bit, but that was taken out. He really put over Booker in the feud and in the match as much as you can without losing, but he really should have had is "big money" feuds with Nash and Goldberg without the title. Seeing Brock get rteally hurt and blowing the move that had me jumping around and had the most pressure ever attatched to it didn't help that odd feeling.


This was one for the books and I can't wait for the DVD, but after Jericho AND Booker losing clean, Austin putting over Rock finally, but right before GOLDBERG will come in and get put over, then seeing the end all grand finale of the show end in tragedy, I had to light up a cigarette after that show and collect myself.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

IMO, you're not going to have every single person feel the same way you do about something like a wrestling card so it's futile to whine about it.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I was very entertained by the PPV. I thought it was worth every dollar and that is all I can ask for. The WWE delivered tonight and justified why I am a wrestling fan.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Ordered the show and loved it. The top 5 matches were all good to excellent. I didn't agree with HHH and HBK going over either but both matches were good and great and that's all I really ask. I thought it was really cool that Rock won clean. Angle/Brock seemed a little slow and didn't have much crowd reaction but it picked up at the end. I think Angle was just a foot or so too far away, it's a shame because I don't think Brock will ever do the SSP again because of last night.

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Guest dreamer420

I loved every second of the show last night. Of course I watched it as a wrestling fan last night instead of someone who tries to pick apart every little problem in the show. Michaels/Jericho was the match of the show IMO as both men put on an awesome performance. Angle/Lesnar was a great match until the ending which was truly scary. After Brock missed I thought for sure that Angle would roll over and pin him but Lesnar was able to continue. Rock/Austin was a little disappointing but I really doubt that two men who have had a combination of about 5 matches in 10 months time could pull off a classic like Wrestlemania 17. McMahon/Hogan was better than anyone figured I think, as it wasn't boring, was filled with blood, and had a true holy shit moment when Roddy Piper appeared in the ring. HHH/Booker was better than I had anticipated as well too but the wrong man went over. Still that match wasn't bad and both men put in a good performance. The woman's title match was not bad either but I hated to see Victoria lose the title as she has been such an awesome champion.

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Guest Brian

I have no problems with booking aside from Triple H/Booker T. Michaels/Jericho in the context of the story was fine. It was a very good show.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I'm gonna need to watch it again but as of right now, I'm a bit in between. I definitely had my mark moments which is what it should all be about at this show anyway. I guess it was just sort of hard to ignore some of the obvious ass-backwards booking that they had. To me, there were several matches set that could have given WWE a bit of a clean slate to work with.


I know it's cliche to many, but the truth is that HBK and HHH going over really killed the show, at least for me. When I was sitting there watching the HBK/Jericho match, I was just marking out a lot. I loved the match and when HBK missed the superkick, got put in the Walls of Jericho, and did the big dramatic "can he get to the ropes in time" thing, I figured it'd be over and Michaels would have then put Jericho over cleanly, losing no credibility in the process. Instead, he got to the ropes and the rest was just the opposite of how it should have happened. If they're really serious about building up some of the RAW heels for Goldberg, then Jericho, HHH, and the Rock would have all gone over. As it was only HHH and Rock went over and seeing as how the Rock was the company man and Austin was the guy who walked out, Rock was a pretty big no-brainer for the victory.


Then you have Booker and HHH and them building up a clearly racist storyline for the last several weeks. You get to the show and they remind us that it's Booker's biggest night of his life and all that stuff that just screams "he's winning the title tonight." But did he win? No, HHH went over for whatever reason. Heels aren't supposed to go over in the big world title matches, and the fact that Booker was the logical choice to win, made it even more insane that he actually jobbed. If it wasn't bad enough that he jobbed, it's that he was made to look like a chump by HHH at the end. Maybe Booker will get his title win next month, but Mania would have been THE place to do it. Now I wouldn't be at all surprised to see HHH job the belt over to Kevin Nash.


Like I said, I enjoyed the show, but those two factors, along with the length of the cruiserweight and SD tag title matches, really put a damper on it for me.

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Scott Keith's review was so blah too....he really doesnt like anything anymore.

He gave both Brock/Angle and Jericho/Michaels ****+ and even gave Hogan/Vince **1/2 which I thought was incredibly generous so overall I'd say he liked the show.


If Jericho and Booker went over last night people would have loved the show but people I think are just so apathetic by the same old bullshit.

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Guest NoCalMike

The show was much better and a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be. I am still bitter about HHH and HBK going over, and the fact that RVD did not make the card in order for all of the filler bullshit to take place.

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Guest Aero

I enjoyed the show alot. Firstly, just the huge arena and the awesome set help me enjoy it. Then, it's also Wrestlemania, so I always feel like I'm watching something special. The first few matches were decent, and I didn't even notice that the Cruiserweight title and SD Tag Title matches were that short until I read SK's rant. One thing I don't get: Nathan Jones. Last Thursday, Jones took out Palumbo backstage in his "match". That was basically WWE's way of saying, "You have to order the PPV to see his first real match!" Not that I was really looking forward to the tag match, but I feel cheated that we didn't get to see Jones wrestle! IMO, HBK vs. Jericho was match of the night, probably because me and the rest of people I watched the show with were on the edges of our seats arguing over who we want to win. I was going crazy when Jericho countered the superkick into the Walls, because I thought it would've been over. When HBK made it to the ropes the second time, I knew it was over for Jericho. Despite HBK winning, I loved the match. HHH vs. Booker T was a great match, but I was so disappointed when HHH retained. The last three matches were all great, entertainment-wise or from a pure standpoint. When Brock botched the SSP, all of us just went silent. We were happy to see him continue and finish the match.


Overall, I thought the PPV was great... an enjoyable 4-5 hours.

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Guest dreamer420
Scott Keith's review was so blah too....he really doesnt like anything anymore.

He gave both Brock/Angle and Jericho/Michaels ****+ and even gave Hogan/Vince **1/2 which I thought was incredibly generous so overall I'd say he liked the show.


If Jericho and Booker went over last night people would have loved the show but people I think are just so apathetic by the same old bullshit.

Scott Keith hasn't written any good since early 2001 when he decided to start "phoning it in" all the time. His match ratings are no longer based around what takes place in a match. He now just decides on the ratings before hand if he doesn't like who is in the match.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

There's a thing called "Standards".


A company who has the most talented roster in the world (and the ability to have the most talented roster in the world) with all the time in the world to develop a card - a well known card that will have an above avg buyrate - and charging $40 for this card you should be expecting something truly great. You should have *high standards* for the price paid. "Peep" SHOULD be "Picky". Anything less and you're letting the WWE get away with highway robbery.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

This happens after every big PPV. The people who are seen as marks against the people who are seen as overly critical.


Personally, I was entertained greatly, and felt this was their best show since... shit, it's been a while, SummerSlam 2001. SummerSlam 2002 just didn't do anything for me, but anyways, this was a great show, and was better than last year's effort. Considering I spent only $5 to see it, I feel I got my money's worth, and would still think I got my money's worth if I'd ordered it at home. I'm willing to see where they're going with Jericho and Michaels, but it's pretty obvious by news reports coming out today and such that Booker is a lost cause. I don't see why they thought a loss to Booker could hurt HHH's heel heat going into a feud with Goldberg that isn't even supposed to happen until after he could have regained the title. He's already the strongest-looking person on the whole ROSTER (with the exception of maybe Brock), so why not allow a single loss and a regaining of the title later on?

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Guest Banky
There's a thing called "Standards".


A company who has the most talented roster in the world (and the ability to have the most talented roster in the world) with all the time in the world to develop a card - a well known card that will have an above avg buyrate - and charging $40 for this card you should be expecting something truly great. You should have *high standards* for the price paid. "Peep" SHOULD be "Picky". Anything less and you're letting the WWE get away with highway robbery.

No offense, but does your opinion mean anything anymore? You bash the company at every turn. You should quit watching, or quit running it down...honestly, your beating a dead horse. We get the picture. Shut up.


I enjoyed the heck out of the show. I think this PPV will have a longer lasting redeeming value than WM 17. It ruled that much.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

This guy asked are people too picky and I gave him an answer. He was 'baffled' he didn't understand. I hope my answer helped provide him with a different POV. It was a Completely warranted response.

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Guest El Satanico

The show wasn't bad, but there was nothing really exciting about it. I didn't see anything before Jericho/HBK, but all of the big money matches other than Angle/Lesnar were dull and not all that interesting.


I think the crowd sounding dead really hurt it. The crowd was probably good live, but it sounded dead on tv. Also add in the "depression" that Jericho and Booker T losing put many of us into.


Add up all that and you've got a blah show.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Banky talking about peoples opinions not meaning anything is definetly the hypocriticism of the moment.


I'm with Rudo, I watched the show and people have every right to complain. It was a good show. Not great, good. On the "grandest stage" of them all, in the biggest show the WWE puts out we got:


- RVD, one of the most over guys in the company being dropped to working Heat.

- Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio, in what could have been the show-stealer are given 5 minutes to work.

- The Smackdown Tag Match, featuring the two best workers in the company is given 8 minutes.

- Booker T and Jericho have ZERO VALUE as wrestlers. They were beaten 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring at the biggest show of them all.


Have fun being complacent Banky, I'm sure the world looks peachy from that little security blanket you've wrapped yourself in. Don't worry, one day you'll wake up.......

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Cruiserweight match - Okay, of course, but a bit too short. In my opinion, the Matt/Shannon vs Kendrick/Rey match was better.


Hoss match - The only interesting part of this match was the performance of Rollin', which I thought was just awesome. The song or the artist may not be "popular", but I enjoyed it, and that's all that matters. What I found funny was that Jones had to take like three steps before he kicked Show.


Catfight Chicks - Only amusing because I was watching with my mom's bi friend, Laurinda. It was quite amusing to watch her reaction when Stacy, Torrie, and the two Catfight girls were on screen at once.


Diva's match - Victoria's intro going last + Extended ramp = :). 'Rindy was a mark for Trish, and I, of course, was a mark for Victoria. So, it made for quite a fun match with our arguing back and fourth. Plus, once she knew I liked Stevie, she had fun joking about him hitting himself with the chair. Trish winning really didn't make much sense, but that's probably just me.


Tag Match - Okay match, not too great, but not too bad either.


Jericho vs Michaels - It started out a bit slow, which was to be expected, but what surprised me was the crowd was a bit dead at times. But this was, by far, the match of the night, in my opinion. Halfway through the match, 'Rindy, who doesn't even watch wrestling except for when she's over, at one point during the match said, "I'll be amazed if Shawn loses". I just found that a bit funny. Yeah, Shawn won, but that didn't taint my enjoyment of the match at all. Jericho was such a great actor, that I honestly bought into his near-crying expression. Great match, and great post-match antics.


Egomania - Luckily, I was able to get on the computer during this match, or else I probably would've fallen asleep. The only time I watched was when Vince with the crimson mask, jumped off the ladder. Mom marked out for Piper, but those were the only interesting things about the whole thing.


Stone vs Rock - I was online during most of this, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I was surprised Hurricane didn't make an appearance. The music video, of course, owned, but the match really didn't. Before Heat, I predicted HBK/Y2J would be better than Rock/SC, and Damaramu predicted the exact opposite. It may be my personal preference, but I still prefer Y2J/HBK. Since I started watching, SC just hasn't interested me.


Brock vs Angle - Did anyone else's ppv freeze during the video package? Just curious. The match itself was okay, but I was starting to doze off at the end because of the cough medicine I'd taken.


So, overall, a great show, and worth the price, in my opinion.


EDIT: Geez, I forgot HHH-Booker. I didn't pay attention to the match, but towards the end, it looked like Booker got injured.

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Guest Choken One

Smarks are by nature, Picky. I just wish they would step out of their boxes for One Night and just be a Fan again in the sense "Who gives a Fuck about Politics...I just want to have fun".


Sometimes, I wonder exactly what do these pissed off Smarks do BEFORE going into a show.


You complain about paying $40 bucks..Gather up your friends and go to the bar with about 500 other marks...It really turns u into a Mark like *That*.

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Guest Banky
Banky talking about peoples opinions not meaning anything is definetly the hypocriticism of the moment.


I'm with Rudo, I watched the show and people have every right to complain. It was a good show. Not great, good. On the "grandest stage" of them all, in the biggest show the WWE puts out we got:



But he bashes it every time. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. His opinion loses its meaning as nothing seems to make him happy. He is entitled to his opinion, so I guess you are right. I personally am tired of seeing it. Its the same shite every time. The complaining about paying 40 bucks is ridiculous as I saw him complaining about the weak card BEFORE the show. If he knew it was gonna suck before the show, than why did he pay for it? Pretty idiotic if you ask me.


Oh Bash me


Puro Heads UNITE!

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Why do I find myself siding and agreeing with Banky? Oddness.


- Booker T and Jericho have ZERO VALUE as wrestlers.

I completely disagree. Booker, maybe, but Jericho? Definetly not. He's pretty much carrying Raw right now, in my opinion. Jericho, who has more charisma than Booker in my opinion, is probably a reason that casual or first-time fans would keep watching Raw.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

... I didn't pay for it. Sheesh. My problem lies with peoples incredibly low standards on this board and how the WWE gets away with being mediocre..


People compare the WWE to how *bad* it could be rather than how *good* it could be. If it "didn't suck" then that's good enough for them. The potential for WM to be good given the current roster and money the WWE has is much greater than the potential for it to be bad, and no one seems to care that the WWE is doing business half-assed.

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I don't think we're being too picky. We're looking to the future.


We know that no matter how many good matches they put on, if they do not fix their booking problems they will be stuck in a rut for a long time.


The only way they will grow and get better is to fix the booking problems. Otherwise we'll be in this same place for the rest of the year. Good matches with crappy booking.

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