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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Jean Claude Van Damme

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

With Van Damme's name coming up a bit in the Face/Off thead, I was wondering what people would say are his best and worst movies. I know that's "relative" considering his filmography, but I thought it might be interesting to consider for such a bad actor with so many bad films.


I would say his best two are Bloodsport and Kickboxer by far. Although I kind of like Hard Target and Sudden Death.


Everything else is shit pretty much, especially his recent low budget films that tried to recapture some of his earlier successes. The Quest, Knock-Off, Double Team, Maximum Risk, Replicant and Legionnaire to name a few.


I was also dragged to the theater to see Street Fighter by my mother, who's a huge Vand Damme mark. I would dare say that's probably the worst movie I've ever seen in the theater.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Universal Soldier: The Return absolutely sucked (and hey, it had Goldberg in it!)

but the first Universal Soldier was pretty decent, and I also liked Sudden Death.

I also went to the theatre to see Street Fighter, but I didnt think it was as bad as everyone else says it was.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



Bloodsport(CHONG LI! CHONG LI!)


Sudden Death

Universal Soldier(DOLPH!)

Double Impact - I didn't care for it much, but BOLO was in it. I mark for BOLO.



Double Team

Knock Off

Universal Soldier: The Return

Street Fighter


What the fuck was he thinking when he made those ?

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Guest Madmartigan21



- Bloodsport

- Cyborg





- Just about everything else.

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Guest Choken One






Sudden Death



All the rest but Knock-off stands alone...

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Guest starvenger

Best - Bloodsport. Bolo, Ogre and a decent plot (which he ripped off for the Quest yet somehow made it worse, iirc).


Worst - Street Fighter: The Movie. Actually, this should be in the "so bad it's good" category, since it's quite unintentionally funny.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Well, he was in Breakin' briefly, but other than that I'd say his best is Street Fighter. I like it, so sue me. I also like Double Team ok.


Worst, probably Knock Off.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Bloodsport was the best hands down.


Maximum Risk was pretty good because of Natasha Henstridge.


The worst that I have seen has got to be Knock Off.


Kickboxer was pretty bad too, it was a cheap rip off of the Karate Kid.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I liked Bloodsport and Cyborg


Street Fighter was my least favorite.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I actually really liked Desert Heat, if only for how downright cheesy (and admittedly so) it is.


Cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild women...

They'll drive you crazy, yes they'll drive you insane...

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Guest RepoMan

Best- Sudden Death


Don't like anything else except SF for camp value.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Timecop was very middle of the road. It was spectaculary bad like a lot of his films, but it didn't really have anything to make it notable or fun as Bloodsport or Kickboxer. I found it a little cluttered myself and Ron Silver, usually a strong character actor, was on auto pilot.

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