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Guest creativename

The many aliases of Christopher Irvine

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Guest creativename

What better time to include the celebrate the career of the great Chris Jericho, than at what appears to be its untimely end?


In honor of this occassion, I intend to put all of Chris Jericho's many aliases in my sig. Check 'em out and let me know if there's any I missed.


Also, feel free to add in your favorite qualities about Jericho. I'll start off:


1) His acting. The man has inredible range for a wrestler, and can pull off great stuff without looking like a tool, like most wrestlers would in the same situation.

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Guest razazteca

You must have a pic of Jericho as the ECW TV Champ.


WCW Jericho quote - "JJ Dillion rule #2 Paragraph 3 amendment 1 states that due to injury to a wrestler in a tourny......I can have his spot" this happen during one of the many tournys WCW had in late 90s, in this case I think it was for the TV or US belts.

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Guest CanadianChick

Untimely end? Am I missing something here? Oh, and I have tons of Chris Jericho quotes that I'll put up later...

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Guest candie45



Anyway, the quote from his WWF debut about the company dying.

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Guest candie45

Hmm... I found a couple good sig worthy Jericho quotes while looking. Thanks.

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Can someone tell me what all this is about his career being over?

He lost to HBK via a fluke at Mania and has Nash, who has vowed to ruin Chris Jericho's career no matter what he has to do, coming back in the next couple of weeks.........

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Guest CanadianChick

I'm still confused about the "untimely end" thing, but I've got some funny quotes.


"I just wanted to come by and congratulate you on acquiring ECW. I guess we now know what those letters stand for- Every Customer Welcome!


"Austin in selling your mind, body and sould to Vince McMahon you've achieved the impossible. You've managed to become an even bigger slut than Stephanie!!"


Chris - Its your birthday huh? How old will you be..36..37 years old?

Stephanie - No im going to be 25

Chris - No I asked how old you'd be not how many guys you've been with in the last few weeks!"


"All hail the Ayatolla of ROCK AND ROLL-A!"


"Now you're the Queen of Hardcore, but Movies don't Count!"


Vince: "OK!! Now go out there and kick DDP's BUTT, Junior!!"

Jericho: "OK, Ju--- Senior!"


"Seriously, Eddie - I think the Taco Bell chihuahua has more Latino heat than you."


“Hey JR, Jericho beat Austin ! What? Jericho beat Austin ! What? Jericho beat Austin ! What?"


"Steph...I have a confession to make. Last year for about 2 and a half seconds, while I was recovering from a serious head injury, I found you moderately attractive."


Chris Jericho: "At SummerSlam I'm going to take care of that smelly, greasy, nasty animal...and I'm going get you too Rhyno." To Steph and Rhyno


Chris Jericho: "I hear there's an opening on the new A-Team Reunion special...maybe you should check that out Mr. T!" TO Booker T


"The only reason anybody bought your book in the first place is they were hoping you would die at the end of it!" Jericho to Mick Foley


"Well, let me tell you this: You're not the only guy from the streets brotha. I grew up on the mean streets of Calgary, Alberta Canada. I am one baaaad mamma jammma." Chris Jericho, talking to Stevie Ray


"Eeked? That's not even a word. You're a sportscaster. Read a thesaurus, dammit!"


"...so everybody watching, who gets down on their knees and prays 'God, please allow me to be just half as good-looking as the undisputed champion, Chris Jericho'..."


"Welcome to Stephanie-Is-Naked!!! Seriously Stephanie, you don't have to act embarrassed about what just

happened. It's not as though three quarters of the locker room hasn't seen you undressed already anyway!!!"

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Hey, creativename, would you want to use any Jericho icons? I have a ton that I could give you. And, if I find a pic of where he was giving the bird to HBK, I'll make an icon of that.

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Guest creativename
Can someone tell me what all this is about his career being over?

It was merely a comedic attempt at exaggeration.


With my incredible frustration over Jericho's treatment, comedy is my only avenue of keeping sane.


Hey, creativename, would you want to use any Jericho icons? I have a ton that I could give you. And, if I find a pic of where he was giving the bird to HBK, I'll make an icon of that.


Hey, that would be great! Only if it's no trouble though :)

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Guest The Tino Standard

"Millennium" has 2 "n's", but don't feel bad about that error. The crack WWF production crew had it wrong for two or three weeks too.


And yes, Jericho was the Man of 1004 Holds... Who can ever forget the time on Nitro where he actually listed every single move... "Move No. 1: Armbar...."


I think he also became the Human Loophole or something like that in WCW to save his Cruiserweight belt on more than one occasion.

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No trouble at all, trust me. I'll post them all in here, and you can use any that you like. They'll be uploaded using itsmysite, so you'll have to use another server, since itsmysite stops being free on the 15th.

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Guest creativename
"Millennium" has 2 "n's", but don't feel bad about that error. The crack WWF production crew had it wrong for two or three weeks too.

"Millennium" has been fixed. That's wasn't a mis-spelling, just a typo. Honestly. ...why are you making that face? :unsure:


I think he also became the Human Loophole or something like that in WCW to save his Cruiserweight belt on more than one occasion.

Was "human loophole" actually something he called himself? Good one though.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool
I thought it was 1001 holds?


Nope. It's 1004.


let me know if there's any I missed.


- Last Survivor of the Hart Dungeon

- Paragon of Virtue

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None of these are mine, some were made by my friend, and others were saved from Blurty journals. Speaking of journals, I'd suggest browsing LiveJournal.com and blurty for Jericho Role Players, since they usually have great icons. But, here's all the Y2J icons I have on my computer.


BadHairDay.jpg ChrisLH.jpg ChrisRS.jpg

ChrisShutUp.jpg JeriBadBoy.gif JerichoEyes.jpg

JerichoKiss.jpg JerichoLegend.gif JerichoSpark.gif

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Guest creativename
- Last Survivor of the Hart Dungeon

- Paragon of Virtue

Updated. I'm familiar with Paragon of Virtue, but where does "last survivor" come from?


Two words: Super Lyger

:lol: Good one! "You were so not Super Lyger. You're good...Super Lyger sucked!"



Thanks for the pics, I appreciate them. I'll get to work on Photoshop this week and see what I can come up with.

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Guest creativename

I understand that nobody cares, but I'm done with my sig pic now and created a new avatar as well. So I figured I'd just make one last post in here.

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Guest HellSpawn
"Steph...I have a confession to make. Last year for about 2 and a half seconds, while I was recovering from a serious head injury, I found you moderately attractive."

Hey Canadian chick...


Im sure this one is not from Jericho, its from Foley, the night after Foley screwed Benoit of the WWF title in Fully Loaded.



But this thread is funny, so many memories.


and for the owner of the thread, how about...


"Corazon de Leon" = Lionheart

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Guest Dmann2000
He lost to HBK via a fluke at Mania and has Nash, who has vowed to ruin Chris Jericho's career no matter what he has to do, coming back in the next couple of weeks.........

I must've missed the interview where Nash said he'll ruin Jericho's career. Or is this just general assumption because he's Kliq and everyone knows "Kliq hates Jericho". Man I'd love it if Jericho and HHH became best buds.


And I still don't get why you guys still push this guy after he blasted you all and said 'go to hell' on his internet site. You realize he hasn't updated it since.

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Guest creativename
and for the owner of the thread, how about...


"Corazon de Leon" = Lionheart

I already have that. I remember when I went to Survivor Series, I was shouting it out at the top of my lungs. Too bad I was in the nosebleeds.


Or is this just general assumption because he's Kliq and everyone knows "Kliq hates Jericho".

If it was based only on that, it would make perfect sense--"Kliq hates Jericho" is batting a 1.000 when it comes to prognostication. (JasonX was clearly being sarcastic anyway)


Though there's also the fact that Nash will undoubtedly get a huge push upon his return; since it appears Diesel will be a face from that house show card, and Jericho is the stepping stone when it comes to the face of the month (Kane, Steiner, etc.), Nash going over Jericho in the near future seems very possible. Especially since Jericho has apparently starting teaming with HHH.


And I still don't get why you guys still push this guy after he blasted you all and said 'go to hell' on his internet site.  You realize he hasn't updated it since.

The only thing most smarks care about is how entertaining a guy is. And of course many smarks are in fact anti-smarks and hate smarks themselves; these people said "bravo" to Jericho and moved on. People like me, who thought his tirade silly, don't really care anyway. Like most wrestlers, he's pretty sheltered and only sees "his side" without bothering to sympathize with smarks. This is typical human behavior, so it's not like a big sin or somethng.

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