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Guest Jobber of the Week

My WMXIX story

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Pictures will be uploaded later, as I can get them sorted out. Been typing this stuff up between talking to the family and watching Raw. Pardon any bad spelling or grammar.


Day 1, Friday-

Really seriously nothing to talk about. Nothing foreignly related to wrestling to mention as we spent the day mostly doing the touristy things in Seattle, with dinner at the Space Needle's sit & spin room. MANY people were talking about wrestling, which made things kind of interesting.


Downtown was made up of wrestling geeks and Mary Kay women as that company had a convention in town


Day 2, Saturday-


Fan Axcess. This thing blew. Last year's events looked like good fun with interactive events and the like, but this was just incredibly loud music, a video game stage, a mini steel cage, a merch stand, and two stages. One was Bischoff and Morley talking to fans and the other was (I think?) A-Train. Jesus, couldn't they have got something better? The entrance music was so overwhelmingly loud that I left after one of three hours. Where were the destroyed cars? Where was all the other stuff from the past two Axcesses? Why just have a video game stage and charge people money for it? Why not do in a twist, like have Mean Gene do the announcing for the matches? It would be cool to play a wrestling game against a stranger, having Mean Gene calling my match and hyping it up, and then interviewing me afterwards. At least, it wouldn't be such a huge ripoff. I can imagine the lack of stars was due to WM's nearness and it being 10AM but really... Big fat stinking thumbs-down to Axcess.


Oddly enough, my hotel was across from where the wrestlers were staying (Grand Hyatt). As a result, several dozen wrestling fans were swamping the entrance like this is the early 60s and the Beatles are getting off the plane at the airport. I thought they were pretty rude at first but within a few hours I turned into a mindless paparazzi of sorts myself. This is the count:


Wrestlers I saw walking around:


The Rock

Matt Hardy

Chris Benoit (God himself walked right past me on his cell phone and I didn't notice because I was so busy staring at his SurSer shirt. D:< )

John Cena





Wrestlers I got pictures of:


Al Snow


Kidman (posed with him, shook hands, doesn't say much. Cool guy anyway)



Paul Heyman


Wrestlers I MAY have saw, but couldn't get a good enough look at to verify:


Eric Angle (not Kurt, he said something to someone and sounded nothing like Kurt)


Wrestlers I tried to get pictures of but they actually RAN from me:


Brian Kendrick


Wrestlers who I could see walking around in their skivvies:


Scott Steiner


Steiner's room was right across the way from me. I didn't really mean to intrude on his privacy but there was a REALLY HUGE guy in the window across the street from mine and I had to mock disinterest while looking around long enough to see who the guy was. Freakzilla freaked out and drew the blinds shut. Bah well, just deserts for his craptacular perfromance at the Rumble.


I saw people of all ages and sizes in wrestling shirts. Kids and fat geeks alike in Hulkster shirts. A grey-haired old man in a Brock Lesnar tee. HHH shirts were more popular than you'd think. I kinda doubt whether this company is really falling as fast as we believe it is. It certainly isn't 1999 again, but there's enough open wallets to really cash in huge if they can fix the booking.


Unbelievably, Torrie is NOT HOT. This gal has TONS of makeup to look as good as she does. Without it, there are pores all over the place viewable with even a number of people in front of me. A patch of raised skin on her cheek that was several shades lighter than her tanned topped off this style that just said "shit, I'm not really as hot as I look on TV", and I have to say that I now think that Trish is the new Jesus Fucking Christ She's Hot chick.


Let's put it this way: I used to wonder what the hell the world was coming to when a guy like Billy Kidman could get engaged to Torrie. Now it's the other way around.


Kanyon gave autographs and stuff. Unfortunately, while he was being a crowd pleaser, Brian Kendrick decided to sneak away. At least, the guy looked a hell of a lot like Kendrick from the back (and I can't think of anyone else who could wear that yellow shirt he had and keep an ounce of self-esteem.) To make things worse, I said "Oh shit, it's the streaker guy!" and he started running to the door. I think Kendrick may have a huge problem down the road if people see him and immediately think of "The Streaker Guy."


Mad, mad propz to John Cena for giving us lucky marks shivering in the cold a special rap before going inside.


Jim Carrey was supposedly nearby, but we never saw him.


Day 3 - Sunday


Did nothing of major importance until the show. I don't care who likes the Pacific Whatever more, because Westlake Center has a burger stand and in a place where veggie food outlets thrive, that's a good find. Back down here in San Fran, we know how to clog our arteries.


The stadium looks huge on TV, but I was expecting something bigger personally. I'm stunned that it was 55K, as the SkyDome last year looked twice as big on TV as SafeCo did in person. Row 5 in the lower bowl, which was the FIRST ROW in front of the dugout (which several guys ran and jumped off of like fucking idiots.) Very smarky corner, which was entertaining in some matches and may have sorta rained a little on the mood of others. No annoying signs in front of my face, but the people in the way way back of the floor had signs, as though anyone could see them back there. Idjits.


RVD/Kane vs Morley/Storm - Results weren't good but I liked the idea of keeping the belts off the face team. Too bad they went ahead and made the switch on Raw, sorta kinda screwing the PPV public (although nobody really bought tickets on a match that was made one week ago or ordered the PPV for the Heat match, so I guess I can't complain.) Crowd was into RVD, my section was mixed as the guy next to me hated RVD.


Matt vs The Missing Power Ranger - Dumbass in the back row with a 619 sign. Crowd was sorta kinda for Rey. Our section organized a giant "REY MYSTERIO SUCKS PUT YOUR SIGN DOWN" shout. Glad that Matt kept the belt. He is my non-Olympic hero. Rey looked fruitier than hell by what I could see of that outfit.


A-Train & Big Show vs Undertaker - I started off by shouting "EVERYBODY IN THIS MATCH SUCKS!" but unfortunately, they didn't listen to my pleas of mercy and continued the match. Nathan Jones comes down and I'm suprised at the markout. "Go, really-bad wrestler dude! You show them!" Could have lived without it, but most people mark for the Taker so it's a crowd pleaser even if my low expectations were met.


Women's Title - Went to take a piss. After climbing 40-some steps, I found a small house show's amount of people all in line to do the same thing. By the time I got back, the match ended. Trish has the strap again. Wowee.


The Rock is my man. I sorta half-ass tried to get a Rocky chant going but it didn't work.


SD Tag Match - Very difficult to keep up with all the action going on. I wasn't accustomed to looking at the big screens yet and was still straining to see the action in the ring. Glad to see Benoit isn't buried into the tag division just yet. Don't understand the logic of keeping them on Team Angle, though.


I think there was a Goldberg video here. Everyone marked out and started chanting Goldberg. I was the lone guy moping and adding "sucks" at the end of each one. The music is still awesome, especially by WCW standards, but the guy doesn't thrill me at all.


Shawn vs Jericho: So lemme get this straight... Shawn isn't willing to be a man and let fellow christian Jericho even get a fluke win, like I was predicting in the predictions thread? Fuck that shit. The finish represented everything wrong with the company, but the match itself was match of the night IMO. Our corner was pretty much all Jericho except for one guy. Lots of Y2J chants to combat the HBK chants. Also some HB-Gay chanting which didn't really pick up steam, can't say I approved either.


wrestleMania XX spot. Did this appear on TV? Despite the number of people with shirts from Toronto, ain't no way no how I'd fly all the way over to NYC. Nuh uh. No way. You'd have to push me there. Well, probably. Depends on the weather and the price I guess....... Well, okay, yes.


Catfight shit. Everyone was nuts for this at first but it just put everyone to sleep. Skinny Bitch and the now-ugly Torrie didn't help things. Thank god Trish is suddently a "serious fighter" now.


Booker T vs HHH - I never really really smarked on HHH until now. I always gave the guy the benefit of the doubt and figured that my lack of enthusiasm for his matches was caused by me becoming overwhelmed with good matches these days thanks to the SmackDown crew and my being unable to appreciate him like I did in 2000. Holy fuck, he bored me in person. I can't believe that just happened, since I'm not exactly hard to please. Even my Mom, HHH mark extrordinaire, commented 90 minutes after the show that "he needs to take some time off. I guess he's just not doing so many moves anymore so that he doesn't keep hurting himself." Who the hell greenlighted HHH keeping the belt after all the buildup? If nothing else, the segments involving Austin, Rock, and inevitably Goldberg are overshadowing the title on Raw right now, so HHH is sort of in his own little world with people blowjobbing him and telling him he's the greatest. Too bad guys like Booker get dragged down as collateral damage.


Sponsored By Centrum Silver (Because You're Over 50) match: vince McMahon vs Hulk Hogan. They did the best they could, really. It's at this point that I realize that, for the most part, this crowd hasn't really been emotionally into any match. I thought that, as a match, this was better than Rock/Hogan last year, but no match, not even Angle/Lesnar, had that amazing "the crowd is feeling and reacting to every move" feeling to it. For much the show, the crowd was reacting by the numbers, making noises for the high spots and sitting quiet any other time. RODDY F'N PIPER makes me nearly lose my voice. I wish he'd make a full-time comeback just once more, since Piper is pretty much the only guy from the big 80s period that I don't find to be really weird (Hulkster was just too goofy and Taker was goofy and friggin scary at the same time) but as a one-time thing it makes it more special.


Rock Vs Austin: Thought it was kind of short. Still was the closest thing to one of those matches where the crowd is really into everything. Rock ownz me and shit so I was happy with the finish. Seems kind of short, although the reports that it went on close to 18 minutes suprises me. Never cared for Rock vs Austin on TV, but in person it's very intense.


Angle vs Lesnar - I was expecting much much more mat wrestling here than what really happened, but I'm still happy, although seeing Lesnar running around with the belt is probably going to make me sad that Benoit won't be getting it anytime soon again. Nice large "THANK YOU ANGLE" banner hanging from the nosebleeds. Still an excellent match. I didn't see the SSP as I was busy catching it on camera, but when I heard "Oh fuck now they both have broken necks!" I knew it couldn't be good. Odd to see Brock being escorted out of the ring as our final image of the night.


Overall, a good show. Last year's WM felt like The World's Biggest Raw, and this was a few steps up and felt like The World's Largest SmackDown. Nothing insanely never-thought-it-would-happen mindblowing other than Roddy Piper, but enough good wrestling to keep me happy.

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Guest LatinoHeat
wrestleMania XX spot. Did this appear on TV?


Yup. I'm hopefully going too.

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Guest SP-1

I'm going to XX. Despite it being MSG and not a huge arena. Despite it being in NY. Despite it being during the school year. Despite me going to a Christian school that may or may not get bitchy about me missing a day or two to go a wrestling show.


Should be interesting when time comes to start plannin'

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Something I forgot btw:


The crowds in the nosebleeds cleared out after Rock/Austin, and a good part of the lower bowl. I guess everyone thought that was the main event and went home while Austin was flipping off the crowd afterwards.

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I thought they were pretty rude at first but within a few hours I turned into a mindless paparazzi of sorts myself.

I always say how rude some fans are when it comes to taking pictures, but I know I'd be doing the same damn thing if given the opportunity.


Wrestlers who I could see walking around in their skivvies:


Scott Steiner

I pity you. For the sake of your sleep and not getting any nightmares, I hope you forget that image.


Unfortunately, while he was being a crowd pleaser, Brian Kendrick decided to sneak away. At least, the guy looked a hell of a lot like Kendrick from the back

If it was him...why would he sneak away? Since he's basically new, and a face, wouldn't he want to interact with the fans more?


(and I can't think of anyone else who could wear that yellow shirt he had and keep an ounce of self-esteem.)



Back down here in San Fran, we know how to clog our arteries.

Damn near sig-worthy.


Matt vs The Missing Power Ranger - Dumbass in the back row with a 619 sign. Crowd was sorta kinda for Rey. Our section organized a giant "REY MYSTERIO SUCKS PUT YOUR SIGN DOWN" shout. Glad that Matt kept the belt. He is my non-Olympic hero. Rey looked fruitier than hell by what I could see of that outfit.

I'm sensing some negativity towards Rey here. Um.....why? I'm just curious.


Women's Title - Went to take a piss. After climbing 40-some steps, I found a small house show's amount of people all in line to do the same thing. By the time I got back, the match ended. Trish has the strap again. Wowee.

You missed an opportunity to see Victoria's entrance live? Pfft..bastard. ;) 'Sides, ya shoulda taken a piss break during the Hoss match. Hell, I think the Hoss match was a bit longer anyhow.


Despite the number of people with shirts from Toronto, ain't no way no how I'd fly all the way over to NYC. Nuh uh. No way. You'd have to push me there. Well, probably. Depends on the weather and the price I guess....... Well, okay, yes.

Your story owns. It's official now.


I wish he'd make a full-time comeback just once more, since Piper is pretty much the only guy from the big 80s period that I don't find to be really weird

Considering the Confidential ad that aired, it seems they're continueing the Who Made Wrestlemania? feud. Although I hope to god I'm wrong.


Great read.

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Guest DerangedHermit
Matt vs The Missing Power Ranger

Matt IS a Power Ranger. Tommy (the Green and later, White Ranger and Red Zeo Ranger) looks just like him.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Women's Title - Went to take a piss. After climbing 40-some steps, I found a small house show's amount of people all in line to do the same thing. By the time I got back, the match ended. Trish has the strap again. Wowee.

You missed an opportunity to see Victoria's entrance live? Pfft..bastard. ;) 'Sides, ya shoulda taken a piss break during the Hoss match. Hell, I think the Hoss match was a bit longer anyhow.


I missed it, what happened?

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Guest Brian

I need a site to host my pictures from WM and RAW. I'll punch up a full story later.

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Women's Title - Went to take a piss. After climbing 40-some steps, I found a small house show's amount of people all in line to do the same thing. By the time I got back, the match ended. Trish has the strap again. Wowee.

You missed an opportunity to see Victoria's entrance live? Pfft..bastard. ;) 'Sides, ya shoulda taken a piss break during the Hoss match. Hell, I think the Hoss match was a bit longer anyhow.


I missed it, what happened?

Nothing important, I just thought it'd be a cool entrance to see live.


I need a site to host my pictures from WM and RAW. I'll punch up a full story later.

Use itsmysite.com. They give a LOT of space, plus they're free till the 15th, so you should have no prob.

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