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Guest pappajacks

What was the significance of the...

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Guest pappajacks

Does anyone remember the segment between Austin and Steiner last month on RAW? Both men were in the hallway and it looked like Austin was playing the role of Jerry Seinfeld, cracking jokes left and right. Steiner had a bottle of water in his hands and couldn't stop laughing.


Was their a follow up to that segment? (haven't been following RAW regularly since then)


If not, what was the point of that 20 second segment? An excuse to put Steiner on TV?

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Guest notJames
…If not, what was the point of that 20 second segment? An excuse to put Steiner on TV?

And Bingo was his name-o.


Really, it doesn't take a leap of faith to understand how the monkeys writing RAW operate.

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Guest evilhomer

They couldn't figure what to do with him after the HHH matches, so they just threw him on to keep him in sight. Plus it was one of those "shoots of what really goes on backstage" for all of us to see.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Give Steiner a tag team partner already and make it seem like he is somewhat earning his keep.

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