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Guest humongous2002

Brocky's huge ego?

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Guest humongous2002

I have been hearing more and more that Brock Lesnar is becoming somewhat hardheaded backstage. I received reports that he didn't want to listen to Kurt Angle's ideas in the weeks building up to the WrestleMania match and instead wanted to do things his own way. I heard from a few sources that the frustration carried over into their match on Sunday and that Angle was said to somewhat ticked that Brock wanted to do things his way only. Also, I was told that Brock balked at doing the job to The Rock on the 3/15 Miami, FL house show. As the story goes, the agents had to actually call Vince McMahon at home and get him involved. Brock ended up doing the job in the end. I hope this is just a case of Brock being confident and not a case of him becoming difficult.



Hopefully that messed up SSP put his brains back to normal.

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Guest Brian

Considering Angle was calling most of the spots and leading him through the matwork, this is just speculation.

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Guest Choken One

I bet Brock was really refusing to do those Suplexes he did...U know he doesn't want to kill a guy he respects tremendously...

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Guest Lightning Flik

No offense, but I believe so little of that.


If anything, I think Brock would've been not happy about having to do all those suplexes and probably the SSP. Remember people, he doesn't like to do it to begin with, and with this botching, I don't think he probably will in the near future.


Frankly, I don't think Brock has an ego.... Just yet.

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Guest treble charged

If Brock is developing an ego, WWE really has no one to blame but themselves. You give a guy so much so fast, and eventually he's going to start to get a swelled head.

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Guest treble charged

Even Kurt was getting squashed by the Undertaker before he was made champion, and his ascent was more gradual, too.


Sometimes, though, it just depends on the person and whether or not they care enough to develop an ego.

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Guest nikowwf

Brock lost to The Big Show, got squashed one raw by the hardyz and didn't really get over till the Rock match the way they were botching his push. Then he had a no-contest with Taker that could have really hurt him.


Plus that match was a typical Angle match. If he didn't listen to Angle's suggestions, he sure got over it quickly and completely.


Don't believe it. 1Bob has a hard on for bad WWE information - if they don't have it they'll make it up



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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Or someone who feels threatened by Brock will feed fake stories to them.

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Guest Downhome

I don't see why this couldn't be true either, it's perfectly possible. You would almost expect the guy to have a huge ass ego by now.

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Guest Brian

I meant look at Kurt's ego.He's cool and all but he still thinks he's God's gift to wrestling at times.

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Guest Sandman9000

Well, if he ever wants to reenforce that opinion, all he needs to do is look here.

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Guest saturnmark4life

The headline on 411 was 'Brock Lesnar becoming hard-headed backstage'.


The obvious joke is coming.



Well, he'll need it if he lands on it all the time doing an SSP AHAHAHAHA.


That sounded a lot funnier when I kept it to myself.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

yeah, that was pretty lame.


Anyway, while I would love to hear that Brock is being a dick, (So I can continue to make fun of his crash landing without the guilt), this is probably bull. That match was full of the usual Angle-ness we know and love.


Of course, the first guy to get the Goldberg push (guess who that was <_< ) ended up being a prick because he just assumed that being on top made him the best. So we'll see, I guess.

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Guest Brian

But Goldberg basically cam straight up. Brock had to work his way through OVW.

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Guest fazzle
Of course, the first guy to get the Goldberg push (guess who that was <_< )


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Guest nWoScorpion

Actually Goldberg was a curtain jerker heel for a little bit in 1997 before his god pushed started in early 1998.

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Guest The Czech Republic

Yeah nobody talks about when Bill Goldberg was in a stable with Alex Wright and Debra McMichael.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Well, if he ever wants to reenforce that opinion, all he needs to do is look here.


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Guest Just call me Dan

I would assume the mishap at Wrestlemania put any huge ego he had in check. He's probably going to have to re-capture a lot of his confidence and start again. I don't really listen to any of the reports of someone being big headed backstage because if it really got out of hand, there would be more followups with more USEFUL information, rather than the same information reprocessed and passed off as "new" news.

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Still wouldn't surprise me though. When you're 25 years old and in your first year in the WWE and you're given nothing but championships and monster-pushes, I'd expect anyone in that predicament would have a big ego.


I've heard a couple other things such as this before nvolving the Green Giant, perhaps there is some truth there.


And Brian, to be fair, at least Kurt has earned some right to be cocky and self-assured. The man has left a huge legacy (amateur wrestling) in his wake, and he's just all around good as a professional wrestler. Brock is decent at best, but has been given such a large push that he looks better than he really is.


I give him a year before people are so tired of him and his one-dimensionality and lack of mic skills that marks and smarks alike turn on him.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
And Brian, to be fair, at least Kurt has earned some right to be cocky and self-assured. The man has left a huge legacy (amateur wrestling) in his wake, and he's just all around good as a professional wrestler. Brock is decent at best, but has been given such a large push that he looks better than he really is.

How they pushed Brock is pretty similar to how they pushed ANgle in his first year except that Lesnar just got the title sooner. It's just that Brock didn't have the advantage of working with first rate talent like Benoit and Jericho to make him look better than he actually was.

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The pushes are very similar, unfortunately every worthwhile mid-card title Brock could have won on the road to the big championship have been abandoned by the company.


So while Kurt Angle had to go through the motions with some of the lesser titles (european, IC, etc) Brock basically showed up and shot to the top within virtually a matter of months.


A little more development time without the title chase would've done him wonders to keep him humbler.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy
I meant look at Kurt's ego.He's cool and all but he still thinks he's God's gift to wrestling at times.

How so? Angle seems fairly humble.

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The first guy to get the Goldberg push WAS Glacier.....what a dick he turned out to be huh? Letting his head get so big just because he was headlining all of the WCW PPV's like at 97' Starrcade when it was Hogan vs. Glacier or Havov 98 when it was Goldberg vs. Glacier....j/k ..im feeling a little goofy for some reason.


Anyway Brock in his first year is a 2 time WWE champion, King of the Ring, destroyed Hogan. Beat Rock cleanly, Beat Taker badly in Hell in a Cell. I think at least 98% of people with the early success he's had would get a big ego too and think they're invincible. I doubt this is true, but just in case it is in hope some sense got knocked into his head (literally) with that big time choke job of his SSP.

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I think at least 98% of people with the early success he's had would get a big ego too and think they're invincible.  I doubt this is true, but just in case it is in hope some sense got knocked into his head (literally) with that big time choke job of his SSP.

Honestly, it seems pretty likely it is true. What would you think if you were pushed as heavily as he was in your debut year? I'm only speculating here, and I could very well be wrong, but damn he's probably thinking he's the greatest wrestler on the face of God's green earth right about now, or in his mind, "why else would they push me so much?"


Maybe this SSP WAS a wake-up call and Brock now realizes he's not invincible nor God's Gift to Wrestling.

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I meant look at Kurt's ego.He's cool and all but he still thinks he's God's gift to wrestling at times.

Well, he is God's gift to wrestling while Brockberg still hasn't shown me any signs of him being at Angle's or Benoit's wrestling level.

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Of course, the first guy to get the Goldberg push (guess who that was  <_< )


No, i got it don't tell me,mmmm......Cheatum the evil dwarf?

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Guest EternallyLazy

First off... Angle IS God's gift to wrestling



Secondly... I stated this in another post, but almost every wrestler backstage has an ego. Wrestling is an ego driven business. I feel that if you have the skills to back up that ego, then so be it. It doesn't bother me. If Angle is somewhat cocky (and by reading his book you know he is) then that's fine with me, because he can back it up. If I had won an Olympic gold medal with a broken freakin' neck I would probably be cocky too! :P

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