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Guest humongous2002

Brocky's huge ego?

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Guest Anglesault
And Brian, to be fair, at least Kurt has earned some right to be cocky and self-assured. The man has left a huge legacy (amateur wrestling) in his wake, and he's just all around good as a professional wrestler. Brock is decent at best, but has been given such a large push that he looks better than he really is.

How they pushed Brock is pretty similar to how they pushed ANgle in his first year except that Lesnar just got the title sooner.

I've never bought that. Never.


a)Brock got the belt much earlier than even Angle did.


b) Angle got over much, much earlier in his career than Brock did.


c)Angle was actualy over going in to his title match. Brock: No.


Angle was over and gettin pushed. Brock was getting pushed until he was over.

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Guest The Hamburglar

So Anglesault, what was your final verdict on the match/feud? Interesting and awesome that Angle isn't out for that long, seemingly. What can be cooked up for him later in the year? I'm leaning towards having him crush Austin definitively, then winning the title back off Brock, who will then move to a Benoit feud.

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Guest Anglesault
So Anglesault, what was your final verdict on the match/feud? Interesting and awesome that Angle isn't out for that long, seemingly. What can be cooked up for him later in the year? I'm leaning towards having him crush Austin definitively, then winning the title back off Brock, who will then move to a Benoit feud.

Havn't seen the match yet. If it's true that there was a post match hug, I honestly feel that does a FUCK load to make up for the disaster of a feud. Maybe I'm easier to please than I thought.

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Guest Sakura

There is a hug. Cole & Tazz really hard sell how tough Kurt is too.



I thought it was really out of place though.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
And Brian, to be fair, at least Kurt has earned some right to be cocky and self-assured. The man has left a huge legacy (amateur wrestling) in his wake, and he's just all around good as a professional wrestler. Brock is decent at best, but has been given such a large push that he looks better than he really is.

How they pushed Brock is pretty similar to how they pushed ANgle in his first year except that Lesnar just got the title sooner.

I've never bought that. Never.


a)Brock got the belt much earlier than even Angle did.


b) Angle got over much, much earlier in his career than Brock did.


c)Angle was actualy over going in to his title match. Brock: No.


Angle was over and gettin pushed. Brock was getting pushed until he was over.

Again, you don't see the forrest for the trees.



A) I made mention of that already, did you somehow miss it?


B) I was referring to Angle and Brock's respective pushes, not how over they were going into them.


C) Again, that wasn't what I was talking about. Please pay attention next time.

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Guest Nater

It's to be expected that somebody who is going to get the title should have an ego. HHH, Rock, Austin, Angle, Jericho all wear their egos so why cant Brock?

So he's uncooperative with management, good. From all sources management on SD! without heyman is shit.


He might be going too far if he is telling Angle how the match should be worked out, and it is definately wrong to completely dismiss Angle.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Havn't seen the match yet. If it's true that there was a post match hug, I honestly feel that does a FUCK load to make up for the disaster of a feud. Maybe I'm easier to please than I thought.

Well, if you looked in the pictures thread, I have not one but two pictures of him putting the guy over.


Although it was Angle who initiated all the hugging and prop-giving. The Immortal Brockster was in his own little universe thanks to that botched spot.

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Guest Choken One

I find it funny that the BIGGEST Angle mark has yet to see His Biggest match of his life...

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Guest saturnmark4life

Angle's initial push was given more time, at a time when they had more titles to give him working his way up, with better workers and longer matches. Brock didn't have half the chance that Angle did to get over. Come ON. Squashing the hardyz? I think he was a victim of his own size in a way, Angle was allowed to have actual matches because he was the same size as most main eventers and upper carders, but because brock is big he gets the goldberg push, just letting the little guys bounce off him. The only decent opponent he had was the rock. Heck, he's over now and I think on the evidence of the mania match he'll be GOD in a couple of years, what with his good selling, good in-ring charisma and freakish athleticism.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Of course, the first guy to get the Goldberg push (guess who that was  <_< )





There is a sloution to all of this, just force Brock to job to Nathan Jones in non-title matches on Velocity.

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Guest humongous2002
It's to be expected that somebody who is going to get the title should have an ego. HHH, Rock, Austin, Angle, Jericho all wear their egos so why cant Brock?

So he's uncooperative with management, good. From all sources management on SD! without heyman is shit.


He might be going too far if he is telling Angle how the match should be worked out, and it is definately wrong to completely dismiss Angle.


Since there are rumors that Mania XIX did very low buyrates it shows that Brock is not a big enough draw to carry the company, so until he starts improving ratings and buyrates he can't have an ego.

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Guest humongous2002

I'm not just talking about Mania, he hasn't done anything to increase buyrates or ratings eversince he became a champ after Summerslam, all i'm saying is if this new title reign will help WWE solve their problems then i will give him his props, but until then he is still now a draw in my eyes.

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Guest Brian

During Brock's first reign as champ, ratings were showing good growth throughout the show and peaking with him segments. No one is a draw in the WWE right now, but he's the equivalent of a ticket seller. When's the last time he was the main event of a PPV?

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Guest humongous2002

Where's your proof?Brock was being pushed as the main guy on SD after he became a champ and the show kept on making the average 3.4s like they were making b4. He main evented Unforgiven,No Mercy, and the Royal Rumble , the buyrates didn't improve for those shows, for example the Royal Rumble's buyrates were low compared to last year's Royal Rumble .For a guy that's being pushed as the "Next Big Thing", he has shown "nothing" to improve buyrates or ratings.

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Guest Midnight Express83



1: The Rumble's selling point is the Rumble. Not one person is a draw in that match.


2: Nobody is a draw in the WWE right now. The draw is the WWE. Ratings are not going to go up due to one person. It takes a WHOLE product to make ratings change. Good example is 1997. Austin vs Bret was a good storyline and good shows but didn't draw jack shit. It wasn't until Vince screwed Bret that ratings changed.


3: Didn't No Mercy also have HHH vs Kane with the Katie Vick Storyline? How the hell can ANYTHING help a buyrate when you got that shit as a black eye?

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Guest Brian

From the 12/16 Observer:


"Lesnar is the guy drawing the ratings, because when it was apparent he had made his last appearance, ratings stopped growing."


Same show (12/5) bottomed out with the main event in five of the top ten markets.


I'll post more individual episodes later.

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Guest Nater
It's to be expected that somebody who is going to get the title should have an ego. HHH, Rock, Austin, Angle, Jericho all wear their egos so why cant Brock?

So he's uncooperative with management, good. From all sources management on SD! without heyman is shit.


He might be going too far if he is telling Angle how the match should be worked out, and it is definately wrong to completely dismiss Angle.


Since there are rumors that Mania XIX did very low buyrates it shows that Brock is not a big enough draw to carry the company, so until he starts improving ratings and buyrates he can't have an ego.

HHH, Rock, Austin, Angle, Jericho cant have egos then. Their business is failing.

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Guest bob_barron
It's to be expected that somebody who is going to get the title should have an ego. HHH, Rock, Austin, Angle, Jericho all wear their egos so why cant Brock?

So he's uncooperative with management, good. From all sources management on SD! without heyman is shit.


He might be going too far if he is telling Angle how the match should be worked out, and it is definately wrong to completely dismiss Angle.


Since there are rumors that Mania XIX did very low buyrates it shows that Brock is not a big enough draw to carry the company, so until he starts improving ratings and buyrates he can't have an ego.

Those buyrates are very very preliminary and I wouldn't put much stock into them

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