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Guest BoboBrazil

Raw Rating

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Guest BoboBrazil

Well, the post WrestleMania bump that WWE had hoped for didn't really materialize last night as Raw did a 3.7 cable rating, with a 5.7 share, according to Nielsen Media Research. The show did hours of 3.6 and 3.8, so there wasn't a lot of growth from hour one to hour two. With the Mania post show and the debut of Goldberg, the number has to be considered a disappointment.


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Guest EternallyLazy

I expected at least a 4.0 rating... the post mania raw always seems to have a higher number


In reality, we won't know Goldberg's impact rating wise until NEXT week

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yeah...kind of dissapointing for an after WM raw.

But yep, word will spread that Goldberg is back by next week. If ratings don't hit the 4's then.....it would suck for them.

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Guest candie45

I don't see how they could factor in Goldberg's debut into this rating because they were promoting him for Backlash.

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Guest Eagan469

I wasn't expecting Goldberg last night either, even after the promos

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Guest Brian

They can't. But business should pick up prior to that, if they are advertising it that far in advance ahead of time. The real point to determine everything is two weeks past BackLash. Austin's goe, Rock's gone, and Jericho and Booker not elevated.

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Guest Downhome
I wasn't expecting Goldberg last night either, even after the promos

Neither was I, even though I wanted it to be. I was thinking it would be like it was with Steiner, the way he was promoted, something like that.


Still, you wont know if Goldberg works for not only next week, but weeks and months into the future. It takes longer than one week for things to change.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I think we'll know in the next few weeks. Goldberg-Rock is the second biggest potential match they have left and if ratings don't move up dramatically next week, I'd say Vince has thrown more money away.

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Guest El Satanico

I may literally die laughing if next week it's the same or slightly lower.


As Vince weeps into a pillow.

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Guest Downhome
3.7 for a Post-mania show is really bad! Wow..

Not when you take into account how horribly it was built up for the most part.

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Guest Mad Dog

Even if there was a hint that Goldberg would should up on Raw why would anyone even tune in?


They done so many bait and switches this year that you don't even believe anything the WWF says anymore.


Can we say Austin's return and Nathan Jones inring debute.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Hey, where's the 8.9 that was promised in the RAW thread?



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Guest Dangerous A

No one is drawing right now on any brand.



There really may be massive layoffs if this shit continues.



Everyone has been either buried or is a burned out act. Although guys like Rock and Angle are entertaining us, they aren't drawing any new fans because Vince and Co. refuse to tweak the product because right now it's stale as all hell.


It's gonna get worse. Mark my words. Or bps's since he's been calling it for over a year now.

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Guest Blue Bacchus
Everyone has been either buried or is a burned out act. Although guys like Rock and Angle are entertaining us, they aren't drawing any new fans because Vince and Co. refuse to tweak the product because right now it's stale as all hell.

And Angles gone now.


Maybe its because I'm naive, but Im not really worried about the current slump. Businesses always go through slumps. I just don't understand all this Chicken Little stuff. Yeah sure they make mistakes, but they're trying to give the fans what they want (Even though some don't want it). Of course if WWE goes and pulls a WCW, I'll be the first to wear a Dunce's Cap.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

You guys are clearly over-reacting to this. Meltzer has things in much better perspective:


Raw did a 3.7 rating last night, which is a freaking disaster. Traditionally the Monday after Mania does a big number and it's often done so against the NCAA finals, which it didn't face this year.


See, no need to worry.

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Guest MaxPower27

Ah, more excuses.


It's the War!! It's the NAAC Finals!! It's ________!!


We should start keeping a tally of all their excuses.

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Guest El Satanico

Actually they don't really have anything to blame this time.


No NCAA finals

No Football

No big movie or mini series

No major tv shows that would draw their audience

No presidential press conference

No major breaking war news



The only thing they can blame is...the economy...which of course didn't stop them from getting a 4 when Rock returned.

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Hey....Hey.....Hey damnit!!!!!!!!! Did all of you forget the debut of that new show on MTV called Punked.....thats why the RAW rating was so low......ummm.....errr......so maybe not many people tuned into that new show..........ummm.....and yeah its true that the new show didnt start until 10:30........but damnit, thats what killed the RAW rating and destroyed the overrun. Thats my story and im sticking by it

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Guest swilk

My first post. Yay! Glad I found this board. I've been on and reading since Wrestlemania and registered today. I'll summarize and put a bunch of responses in this post. Here goes:


3.7 is not good. If the TV is that bad, then how good will the brand extension PPV's be.


Wrestlemania was a solid show. Solid matches, but nothing that really made me mark out. Oh wait, the missed SSP made me cringe and Piper was shocking! Who would've guessed that?


I marked for Goldberg. I noticed two things in the Goldberg/Rock exchange: For the people who have this on tape, check out the Rock's hand/arm signal to Goldberg to get the circle going. I'm surprised his arm didn't fall off!


The second one is for Hartfan86: I saw you at Raw in your Calgary Hitmen jersey cheering for Goldberg! Just kidding! If you look at ringside when Golberg's music starts, a fan in a Hitmen jersey pops out. I'm a Calgary boy, so the jersey jumped right out at me. Quick question: Do you go to the Hitmen games? I go to most of them, gonna get season tickets next year. Damn Rebels.


Some quick stuff about me: I've been a fan for 20 years (turn 30 this year). I love the heels, and the odd face. Jake the Snake, Flair, Bret Hart, Steamboat, Road Warriors are my all time faves.


MaxPower27, love the banner! 24 Rules!

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Guest nikowwf

3.7 doesn't effect me in the slightest, cause Raw's not going anywhere. TNN could sell their soul to the devil, and they couldn't get anywhere near a 3.7 so Raw is safe. Hell, TNN wants smackdown if UPN goes off the air. So, fuck it. 3.7 works.


The ratings not shooting up is actually in our benefit, because all that would show is yes, we do want the same old guys pushed over and over. HHH remains the champ, rating remains in the shitter.


And i cant understand how anyone could expect the goldberg thing to have anything but a minimal effect on the ratings as he was only there 5 minutes and that wasnt announced.



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