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Guest Trivia247

5 layoff eeess

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Guest Trivia247

5 guys & gals in no discernable order of whom I think might get the proverbal ax



1) Tommy Dreamer.... I don't like it either, but they got no clue what to do with him, and now with the Hardcore division gone, he doesn't even have his strongest point to aid him.


2) Crash Holly He's been injured yes, but he is one of these middle ground guys who had it big when he debut and was over but now because of Invasion and roster splitting has been lost in the shuffle.


3) Ivory she had I think the biggest push ever from RTC than the guys from RTC and she really is actually a great Professional womens wrestler with a great background, but the T&A rules Women wrestling unfortunately.


4) Rodney Mack, even though there is a Cult following now to Back da Mack, He may be one to be dropped soon. He just moves too bland, and doesn't even have that endearing crappy wrestling but great ring presence his mentor JYD had.


5) Spike Dudley.... It seems that Spike may have gotten more oven with the Reunification of the Dudleys, and he always got that Underdog thing going, but come on, there is no where for spike to go, except be a squash monkey, a comical wrestler or a Underdog. perhaps his days are numbered as well.


those are my picks, and I don't like it either...


what are yours?

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Here's my top 5 that makes sense:


Rosie ---- With that match i saw against MAven its obvious the guy is waaaaaaay to heavy and cant even move around the ring at all. Get rid of his ass if he cant even perform the simplest moves.


Nathan Jones ----- The guy is so freakin bad they've held off his debut not once but twice now, and the second one was freakin Wrestlemania. If he's so bad you have no confidence in him being in a ring for a match, then why even bother keeping him around.


Bob Holly ----- The guy has NEVER, EVER done anything in the WWE. They've given him a few pushes but noone gives a shit about him. On top of that he's alwasy freakin injured. Cut his ass. and his assholish attitude


Tommy Dreamer ---- The guy was HARDCORE all the way and now that the division is gone he has nowhere to go or nothing to do. Get rid of him or change his gimmick.


Spike Dudley ------ Nobody will ever believe this guy can be any type of threat whatsoever. The last resort for him I would say would be move him to the cruiserweight division.....but, i doubt that'll go well for him either. Show him the door please

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Guest AndrewTS


Nathan Jones

renogotiate Gayda's contract so she'll just be a valet.

Bob Holly

Undertaker (damn, wishful thinking...)

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Guest Deebo

Christian. He's basically just dragging alongside Jericho now. As much as I would hate him to leave, he really serves no purpose for the company.

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I cant believe you said Christian sucks.....hmmm.....you're kinda right though. They dont let this guy go out on his own and do his own thing. He's got great mic skills and charisman and is a decent worker. They wont give him a chance but Test and Albert are getting their 78th and 72nd. chances now? Its really not fair

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Guest Will Scarlet

Jamaal - I am just guessing this because I noticed he was not even at ringside when Rosie jobbed. Plus, he was apparently not well-liked backstage anyway.


Rodney Mack - because life's unfair.


Funaki - See above.


Crash Holly - he hasn't even been on tv, so cutting him would be no big loss.


Scotty 2 Hotty - if he hasn't been cut already.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

To be honest, Christian had his chance and failed in 2001, Edge and the Alliance be damned.


He's pretty much a shorter, long-haired version of Billy Gunn.

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Guest Redhawk

Did they say they were cutting wrestlers? Maybe they're just laying off a bunch of office/backstage employees. And even if they are firing wrestlers, wouldn't it make more sense to just dump a certain number of OVW guys, then send the same number of WWE guys down to replace them?

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Guest teke184



Crash Holly

Kevin Nash (if he hits the trifecta on major injuries)

Nathan Jones (if they have no faith in this guy in the ring, how long can he last?)

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Guest teke184
Did they say they were cutting wrestlers? Maybe they're just laying off a bunch of office/backstage employees. And even if they are firing wrestlers, wouldn't it make more sense to just dump a certain number of OVW guys, then send the same number of WWE guys down to replace them?

Actually, they're about to call up another set of OVW guys. The only ones that I know are staying there are hosses like Seven and Travis Bane. All the GOOD wrestlers like Machine, "Iron Man" Rob Conway, Nova, and Nick Dinsmore are supposed to be moving to the main roster.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy


Crash Holly

Kevin Nash (if he hits the trifecta on major injuries)

Nathan Jones (if they have no faith in this guy in the ring, how long can he last?)

Kevin Nash will never get fired. Vince loves him too much.

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Guest snuffbox

If I could pick anyone it would be..




Nathan Jones

Big Show

Jerry Lawler

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Guest teke184


Crash Holly

Kevin Nash (if he hits the trifecta on major injuries)

Nathan Jones (if they have no faith in this guy in the ring, how long can he last?)

Kevin Nash will never get fired. Vince loves him too much.

Vince could be made to see reason if the moneymen at Titan start asking him how he can justify paying $600,000+ a year in salary PLUS rehab to a guy who works about a month each year. This would take another injury on the order of a quad tear though.

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Guest Stunt Granny

Mark Henry (obvious reasons)


Jeff Hardy (he's a timebomb and when he explodes the WWE won't want it to be on thier watch)


Shawn Michaels (like it or not HBK isn't putting people over, he sucks on the mic and he isn't a draw. It's time to move aside)


Rikishi (I swear if I see another stink face I'm gonna throw a brick through the screen.)


Kevin Nash (See HBK)

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

3MW (not Rico) - Rosey fucked up the finish about 3 times last night. I change the channel whenever these guys are on, they just stink. Jamal won't make it on his own so release him too.


Crash - Going no where.


A-Train - Why does he continue to get pushed?


Bill Demott - Can't think of one reason to keep this guy around.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...I wish they'd fire RVD...but that's not going to happen.


I'd like to se Dreamer get released because I like him too.

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Guest Bart913

I predict that the following 5 wrestlers will be roster cut victims. They include Tajiri, Jaimie Noble, Crash Holly, Spike Dudley and Tommy Dreamer. Some of these guys are great talents, but it doesn't matter to WWE. As we have seen in the last year, they'll release anybody. It doesn't matter how highly regarded the wrestlers are. WWE doesn't appreciate talent and these wrestlers don't have the look or size that WWE loves. I also mention these 5 wrestlers because they have been reduced to jobbing on Heat or Velocity. That is always a bad sign. In the case of Crash, he hasn't been around for quite some time. They obviously don't have any plans for him. Mark my words! These 5 will be roster cut victims.

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Guest teke184
I predict that the following 5 wrestlers will be roster cut victims. They include Tajiri, Jaimie Noble, Crash Holly, Spike Dudley and Tommy Dreamer. Some of these guys are great talents, but it doesn't matter to WWE. As we have seen in the last year, they'll release anybody. It doesn't matter how highly regarded the wrestlers are. WWE doesn't appreciate talent and these wrestlers don't have the look or size that WWE loves. I also mention these 5 wrestlers because they have been reduced to jobbing on Heat or Velocity. That is always a bad sign. In the case of Crash, he hasn't been around for quite some time. They obviously don't have any plans for him. Mark my words! These 5 will be roster cut victims.

I can see Holly, Spike, and Dreamer being cut. Noble is iffy, depending on whether they want to send Nidia packing as well. Tajiri won't be cut because there is a VERY good reason he's been off TV for so long... his wife had a baby that died soon after birth in the past few months and he's been having personal time off as a result.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Tajiri won't be cut because he's one of the few cruisers who is over whenever they need him.


I fear for the horribly misused Noble, however.

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Guest Trivia247

and this isn't a question of WHO you would want cut.. because the list of names are obvious but they re obviously not gonna cut them


The A Trains Big shows the Nathan Jones will have long careers after the likes of the Dreamers Hollys and such are laid off.

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Guest Coffey

1.) Funaki. He's been buried beyond recovery, and no one other than smarks give him any credit anyway. Let him go back to Japan where he can get over with talent.


2.) Rico. Too old, too underused.


3.) Kane. Because I'm hopeful.


4.) Goldust. See Kane.


5.) Rob Van Dam. So, I can see him in NWA, and he can use some of his old spots instead of random bad kicks.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Random bad kicks are most of his old spots.


...but he is over.

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Guest teke184

Funaki will be there unless they REALLY get tight for money... He loves it in the US and doesn't care how he's used as long as he gets paid to live here.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Nathan Jones - It's time to shit or get off the pot. If you aren't going to wrestle, then go.


Sean O'Haire - Same thing. The audience has never seen this guy really. Nothing to miss if he's gone.


Ron Simmons - The hell is this guy doing still hanging around?


Shannon Moore - I hate to bag on a guy who's so young and only had a handful of matches since coming in, but if they don't turn him on Matt in the next three months, he'll be forever doomed as a run-in bitch. Besides, maybe with his band buddy disposed of, Jeff Hardy will think about moving on already.

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Guest Coffey
Random bad kicks are most of his old spots.


...but he is over.

Nah, I'm talking about the dives and shit. Like when he would randomly do a somersault plancha onto a group of six dudes. That, plus some of his old Mexican Surfboards and shit...


I can do w/out the Van Daminator though...

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