Guest dpac Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Help a brotha out, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted April 2, 2003 They're in Seattle tonight, so no spoilers until 2 AM or so EST. Better wait a while longer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dpac Report post Posted April 2, 2003 oic, thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Seattle AGAIN? Jesus christ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted April 2, 2003 They're in Tacoma tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted April 2, 2003 ***VELOCITY*** Jamie Noble beat Funaki Bill Demott beat Apollo Kahn Johnny Stamboli beat Tajiri ***SMACKDOWN*** - Michael Cole and Tazz come down for ringside commentary. - The Smackdown! opening hits and they show the Wrestlemania 19 video package again, going through the notable highlights from the PPV. - Stephanie McMahon Interview. She stands at the top of the ramp and talks about the Angle/Lesnar match. She says that due to injuries, neither man is here tonight but Kurt Angle could be out for as long as two months with hamstring and neck injuries. Brock Lesnar has a severe concussion but should be back next week on Smackdown!. She says she hates to sound insensitive but these injuries are the price that a Smackdown! superstar pays. Smackdown! will feature an eight man tournament whereby the winner will be the new #1 contender for Brock Lesnar's title at Backlash. They flash a quick graphic and we see that Undertaker will wrestle Rey Mysterio, John Cena will take on Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit will take on A-Train and Rhyno battles the Big Show. Anyway, it (the first round) will start tonight... - Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio (First Round Match). The winner of this match will face the winner of a future Cena/Eddie match which will also occur tonight. Undertaker controls the beginning of the match, but Mysterio hits a DDT and the 619 but can't get the three count. He tries for the West Coast Pop but Taker catches him in mid-air and turns it into the Last Ride. Taker covers Mysterio for the 1-2-3 victory. Taker is in the semi-finals! After the match, Taker stands over the fallen Mysterio and tries to make it seem like he's going to punch him but instead helps him to his feet. - Backstage, we see a battered Vince McMahon stop by an arena worker and asks him if Hulk Hogan has arrived. The man says no so Vince asks him to alert him the moment Hogan gets here. - Brian Kendrick vs. Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia). Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore come out for color commentary before the match. Noble accidentally baseball slides Nidia and this allows Kendrick to pick up the victory. After the match, Matt and Shannon storm into the ring and throw Kendrick out. Matt takes the mic and says that he's the Cruiserweight champion, keyword champion. He issues a challenge to Brock Lesnar, the new WWE champion. He tells Brock that if he can get over this fake concussion business, he wants to wrestle him next week in a champion vs. champion match. Kendrick runs back in and attacks Moore but Hardy nails him with the Twist of Fate. - They show footage of Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania and zoom in to Brock's face (post-match) to show the look in his eyes after getting the concussion. They also air a few different angles of the botched Shooting Star Press. [Note from Rajah: Cole once again re-iterates that he "only" suffered a concussion and escaped any serious career-ending damage]. - They announce that Rowdy Roddy Piper's talkshow "Piper's Pit" will return to WWE TV next week on Smackdown!. - Chris Benoit vs. A-Train (First Round Match). A-Train controls most of the match, throwing Benoit around at will. Benoit finally capitalizes on a mistake by A-Train and hits his patented three German suplexes. He heads to the top and hits his head-BUTT but A- Train gets out of it. A-Train then hits a bicycle kick out of nowhere and tries for the Derailer, but Benoit counters it and locks on the Crippler Crossface. A-Train just gets up and tries to carry Benoit to the ropes, but Benoit brings him back to the middle of the ring and gets the submission victory. - Backstage, Vince McMahon is on the phone with someone talking about his stocks I think when Stephanie knocks and comes in. Steph asks him how he's holding up and Vince says he'll be all right. She asks him what he's doing here tonight and Vince says he will do something with Hogan in the ring tonight - something he should have done a long time ago. Stephanie says she wants to make sure he doesn't do anything he doesn't regret later. Vince says thanks and Stephanie turns around and leaves. - A Sean O'Haire promo airs. He tells us that it's okay to break rules and that we should live our lives the way we want to. He ends by saying that he isn't telling us anything we don't already know. - Backstage, we see Torrie Wilson getting ready for what is termed her "Playboy coming out party". - John Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero (First Round Match). Cena attacks Guerrero the second he steps into the ring and starts kicking him in one of the corners. Guerrero fights back and hits three rolling suplexes that get a two count. Eddie then hits a missile dropkick from the top rope, but Cena barely gets his shoulder up. Cena then tries to use the steel chain but Eddie drop kicks him. Guerrero picks up the chain instead but the ref catches him and forces him to abandon it. Guerrero heads to the top for the Frog Splash but Cena moved out of the way. Finish saw Guerrero miss a corner charge, allowing Cena to pick him up for the Death Valley Driver, which is his new finisher. Cena wins. - Backstage, a black limo pulls up and Hulk Hogan (along with his kid and Jimmy Hart) get out and head towards the arena. - Torrie Wilson's Playboy Coming Out Party. Torrie comes out in a two-piece green outfit. She thanks all the fans and asks them if they'd like to see a special "coming out" - a sneak preview of what's in the pages of Playboy magazine. At this time, Rena "Sable" Mero's music hits and she comes out in a black outfit and takes a mic! Jeez, didn't see that one coming. She announces that she's back in WWE and says things are still the same - all her men are still here to see her and all the women want to be like her. Sable says that she was the first WWE diva to pose in Playboy. But today is Torrie's night and she's happy for her, and maybe Torrie's Playboy will be as successful as hers. Sable says that there are a lot of people who don't feel there is enough room for both her and Torrie but she wants to tell Torrie that she thinks that they will be the best of friends. Sable then leaned over and gives the surprised Torrie a little kiss on the lips. - Team Angle vs. Funaki & Tajiri. Standard match with Haas getting the win on Funaki by putting on his "Haas of Pain" for the submission win. - Backstage, it shows the FBI walking down the hallway. - Backstage, Josh Mathews catches up to John Cena who tells him that next week his opponent will be Undertaker. Cena admits that he's an underdog and that he will shock the world by winning. - Big Show vs. Rhyno. At one point, Show exposes the turnbuckle (it takes him several seconds to do it) but can't ram Rhyno it. Show ends up running into it himself, chest first and then Rhyno hits the Gore pushing Show back into that same corner. A-Train tries to interfere at this point, but Rhyno brushes him off and hits a second Gore. Before he can cover Show, A-Train once again interferes and starts kicking Rhyno, before hitting him with a bicycle kick. The ref finally disqualifies Big Show, which means Rhyno advances. After the match, A-Train tells Big Show to "snap his neck" and while holding his legs, Big Show drops a legdrop on Rhyno's throat area. - They show the updated tourny brackets with matches to take place next week: Undertaker vs. John Cena and Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno. - Backstage, Vince McMahon is shown heading towards the ring. - Vince McMahon Interview. McMahon says that he has a big surprise, but those who know him won't be surprised at all. The whole world knows the result of the Hogan/Vince match at Wrestlemania 19. Vince says that he's here tonight to say that he misjudged Hulk Hogan. He underestimated the power of Hulkamania. So tonight, he will try and set the record state. With that, he calls Hulk Hogan out to the ring. Vince says he's not calling Hogan out to fight him, he's here to call him out so he can publically apologize. Hogan doesn't come out so Vince asks him again and that's when Hulk's music hits. A hesitant and suspicious Hogan slowly gets into the ring and says "okay McMahon, I'm listening". Vince says it's very difficult for him to accept defeat, he has no idea how a man like him has to deal with the humility of defeat. But he's a realist and he'll admit it - Hogan beat the hell out of him. He doesn't like it, but he'll accept it. As a realist, he'll put it behind him; he wants to let bygones be bygones. Vince says he wants to turn back the clock 20 years if he can. He doesn't blame Hogan for doubting him but he asks Hogan to somehow forgive him so maybe one day they can be friends again. What do you say, Hogan? Hogan doesn't respond so Vince says that if he was in Hulk's shoes, he probably wouldn't blame him for feeling that way. Hogan stops him and says that if you're serious...and then steps up and shakes Vince's hand. Hogan's music hits and he asks them to cut it off . Hulk says to Vince: "thank you". Hogan's music hits again so Vince asks for it to be turned off. Vince says "no, no, no Hogan. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and thank you to the Hulkamaniacs for the memories." Frankly, that's all you people have. This is the last time Hulk Hogan will be in a WWE ring. He said he would kill Hulkamania and he has and Hogan doesn't even know it. Hulk beat him 1-2-3, but Mr. McMahon doesn't lose. He's going to pay Hogan his contract in full to stay at home. As a billionaire, he doesn't care what it costs him, but with Hogan sitting at home for the duration of his contract, Hulkamania is going to rot day-by-day-by-day. And your Hulkamaniacs are gonna forget all about you because they're not going to see you. But when your contract is finally up, Hulkamania will not only be dead, it will die a slow death of leprosy. If Hogan doesn't like it, Vince says he will wait for him in the parking lot. Hogan follows Vince to the parking lot and cameras follow him there. Vince stands there and goads Hogan to come towards him. Vince says it isn't over and as Hogan approaches Vince, a bunch of cops stand in front and don't allow him to get to Vince. Jimmy Hart and Hogan's kid plead for him to leave and get in the car. Vince tells him to get into the car as well to get in there and get out of here forever. Hulk Hogan finally succumbs and gets in and drives away. Vince yells at him: "stay out of my life, Hogan!". - End of show. Take them for what you will..they don't seem so outrageous to be a joke..except for the Sable thing.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMac19 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Those are legit spoilers...they are up at, which is where lordsofpain took them from... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Pipers Pit? Fucking YES Sable? Ehh thats not THAT bad. Cena defeating Eddie? I love both, but they are serious about Cena now. Hogan/McMahon closing the show? Bah...some things never change. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Those are legit spoilers...they are up at, which is where lordsofpain took them from... Also Meltzer confimred the Sable angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I suppose the Sable thing is probably one of the bigger legit shocks that the WWE has had in a while since no ones said anything about Rena coming back and the assumption that she would never come back and Vince wouldn't have her back after the lawsuit and everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I suppose the Sable thing is probably one of the bigger legit shocks that the WWE has had in a while since no ones said anything about Rena coming back and the assumption that she would never come back and Vince wouldn't have her back after the lawsuit and everything. Piper was a big surprise for me. Vince is desperate....really really desperate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Deebo Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I can't believe they brought that old broad Sable back. Benoit better not have to job to Cena. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted April 2, 2003 The return of Pipers Pit? Ah hell yeah. Although I think an interview between Mattitude and Piper would get kinda crazy. EDIT: and jesus! I put "The return of Sable" in the Never Will Happen category during the "Will Brock Use His SSP?" thread that we had the other week. Not only did we get the SSP, but we got Sable too. Crap, I should have never said that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Wait where was all this talk about Piper only being a one time thing? Yup Hogan vs. Pipper yippee. Its seriously time for WWE to create a senior's division. Sable? Ugh what's the point? Hmmm Cena vs. Taker next week? Woah this means Taker will actually have to put someone over or he pitched a fit got himself in the title match at Backlash. We shall see I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Smackdown sounds awesome. Really well put together show by the sound of the spoilers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Hmmm Cena vs. Taker next week? Woah this means Taker will actually have to put someone over or he pitched a fit got himself in the title match at Backlash. We shall see I guess. Cena needs the win bigtime. It'll help him out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I can't believe they brought that old broad Sable back. Benoit better not have to job to Cena. He probably will. I'd rather not have Benoit be Brock's first challenger anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Hmmm Cena vs. Taker next week? Woah this means Taker will actually have to put someone over or he pitched a fit got himself in the title match at Backlash. We shall see I guess. Cena needs the win bigtime. It'll help him out. No doubt but will Taker be willing to play ball and make Cena look good? My guess it will be a cop out ending with Train or Show interferring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted April 2, 2003 No doubt but will Taker be willing to play ball and make Cena look good? My guess it will be a cop out ending with Train or Show interferring. That's not a guess. That's an expectation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Benoit better not have to job to Cena. He will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I can't believe they brought that old broad Sable back. Benoit better not have to job to Cena. He probably will. I'd rather not have Benoit be Brock's first challenger anyway. As long as Taker doesn't flex is backstage power it will likely be Benoit vs. Cena in the finals and Cena would probably win. Besides I prefer Cena win because Brock's first title defense is a guarenteed lock win for him with no suspense going in so I'd rather they wait off on Benoit as an opponent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lightning Flik Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I can't believe they brought that old broad Sable back. Benoit better not have to job to Cena. He won't. Rhyno won't be able to compete so that pits Big Show against Benoit via Steph saying that she won't allow Benoit to go directly to the finals. I'm assuming this, since Show did a "big" (that's taking the term as loosely as possible with Big Show) leg drop on Rhyno's neck. Thus, Big Show will lose to Benoit and then it'll be Benoit vs Cena in the finals. Because if they are seriously pushing Cena, he'll beat Taker. I just don't know if Cena can hit his new finisher on Taker. And A-Train or Show showing up would be expected. Would be cool if Cena hit his finisher (is he still calling it the FU), but hell. I can't see it happening. Thus interference makes more sense. And if Rhyno and Benoit face off... It could mean that one of them might be going heel perhaps. I don't know, but it might. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 What I just sign of Nathan Jones...oh yes my sig works! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lightning Flik Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I'm also amazed that no one realized that they said Angle would be back in two months. I guess we know which surgery he took then, don't we? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kane3212321 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 They better put Cena over bigtime. I just downloaded his rap promos and if they push him as a badass and have him destory people with the intensity he shows in those, he'll get over no problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mulatto Heat Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Where did you find the promos? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted April 2, 2003 long as we're bringing old women back why not Madusa? She's blonde and got huge fun bags. I'm sure Vince would love that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kane3212321 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I found one on that O-GEESE site, the others I got off Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JDMattitudeV1 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Sable is back? Holy Shit, I thought that was an April fools day joke. Pipers Pit returning, this could be awesome. Good news about Kurt only being out for two months, l just hope he isn't taking a stupid risk. Damn I wish we still had smackdown here in Aus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Holy shit on a few levels from reading these. Pipers Pit returns? SHIT! I'm really surprised that they are bringing him back, and I have to admit I'd love seeing Piper back to his old heel tactics in a WWE setting. Yet another nostalgic thing we have here. Now if they do Hogan v. Piper again, I will bitch. Plus to book that match when they made a point of ripping publicly of their WCW feud would be hypocritical on so many levels. My feelings is that we may see Hogan and Piper in due time team up to take on Shane and Vince, or else I could see Shane & Hogan v. Vince & Piper, both basically being a total waste of time IMO. I honestly thought this feud was over at Mania, but maybe the end program of it all will be Hogan (and Pipers) swansong, and lead to Shane somehow taking over things in the company from a storyline standpoint. I'm shocked as hell to see Sable back, thats about as big as Bret Hart showing up since there was so much heat between her side and the WWE for so long. Torrie v. Sable is a cool angle if you ask me.....a hell of a lot better than any other women shit in WWE for a long time. Major potential there. Rest of the show looks pretty solid, Cena has GOT to win this tournament, and this is a great idea to elevate him if thats the plan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites